
1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Who knew that if you try to overturn the results of a democratically held election that you'd be brought up on charges?!? I think my favorite part is that it looks likely that some of the fake electors they tried to install flipped in exchange for immunity deals.

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That's a good rule to live by but I think we can take this one at face value. He's definitely going to get indicted again.

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I seriously don't understand the mental gymnastics here. We pirate because we'd rather get something for free than pay for it. There are certainly cases when someone is forced to pirate a product due to copyright restrictions in their country but that isn't the case most of the time for people like us who pirate. We're just selfish and there's noting wrong with admitting that.

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Is forcing women to give birth a domestic issue?

The problem is that everything is now legislated through the courts which is now how this system was designed.

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Did anyone actually read the article or did we all just head straight for the comments section after reading the headline?

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I have a buddy who once gave me props for being able to navigate reddit with ease as silly as that sounds. I can't even imagine showing him this...

I don't think they ever expected to get IPO status. That's the only reason why they're moving forward with this new API policy.

It's in the US and the rest of the developed world's interest to help Ukraine defend themselves against an unprovoked invasion. Thankfully those in charge of sending or not sending military aid aren't as narrow minded as you are.

Good way to get your ass kicked by one of those blue line psychos.

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Virginia isn't really a red state.

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You should get a mouse jiggler.

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And those are just the assaults that have been recorded.

Same here. This much more interesting alternative anyway.

I'm glad I'll never have anywhere near this much animosity towards any single person or group.

If you're sitting down at a table having a meal with a waiter who is taking your order and bringing you your food then yes, 15-20% tip is strongly encouraged. If you're going into a place where you order your food at a counter and pick it up yourself to take to your table or back to your home then tipping is not necessary.

This is just another example of mental gymnastics when it comes to piracy.

Primarily because I pirate the majority of media I consume.

Isn't Whatsapp encrypted end to end?

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Maybe I'm old but I feel like Teamspeak would be the best alternative.

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Not sure how you could not be the asshole in that scenario.

That's what I was thinking. Sounds illegal.

I installed the ublacklist extension on chrome and immediately added reddit. There's nothing I can't find on other forums. Fuck reddit.

Biden won the most states, nothing was sabotaged.

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How about the fact that it needs a judge's approval and that surveillance is restricted to very specific cases for a limited amount of time?

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It has a Republican governor and house but the Senate is Democrat. I'm sure Republicans are trying to enact restrictive abortion laws but calling Virginia a red state is inaccurate.

That doesn't bother me as long as the messages are encrypted end to end.

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Accounts are not automatically being created.

I did the day of the blackout when it was clear they had no intention of reversing/modifying their position. Sad to see a 12 year old account go but if for whatever reason they get their head out of their ass I'll probably just create a new account.

So sad. Used it almost daily since 2011 and it worked perfectly. Best money I've ever spent on an app.

I guess it was inevitable with the influx of reddit users (I'm admittedly one of the recent converts myself). I just wish it took longer than it did.

He was endorsed by the dropouts because any political operative could see that Biden was the best candidate to beat trump. Sanders core support is from white liberals and there aren't enough of them to win a presidential election. Minorites and moderates have no interest in him and that was shown in the primary results.

Sanders would have been stomped by trump on 2016 or 2020

You must live and work in one of these states.

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that's pretty disappointing to hear. You'd think that they'd update the client to give it discord-like features since that's clearly what people want.

I ran a TS3 server for years that we used and it was fine. Didn't have the chat features we now have with discord but as a voip it was great.

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What principals? That we're selfish? I pirate shit all the time but it's not out of any sort of righteousness, I'd just rather get something for free than pay for it if the option is there.

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I'm talking about the developer quoted in the blog post that they posted in the comment I replied to. I don't understand why you're confused.

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One indie dev that most people had ever heard of said this. I don't know why people need to spin this as "many".

There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a key on G2A but you're asking to get ripped if you buy some mystery pack. Just buy the specific game you're looking for if it's the cheapest deal. I buy a lot of my games on there because many times it's the best price but I've never purchased those mystery bundles.

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No one is mocking them but they can certainly be ignored.