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They really don't have to be bigger and heavier. I have a Pantum P2502w laser printer and it is seriously one of the smallest printers I've ever owned including inkjets. I feel like laser printers always default to paper storage being underneath them instead of having a feeder tray that sticks out further from the body? And that puts them into a larger form factor.

That being said, I'm fairly sure this is a much lighter duty laser printer than other heavier ones.

Also this is not really an endorsement for Pantum, the software and firmware are buggy as hell, but the software isn't bad enough for me to throw it out and the hardware will probably last a decade so good luck to me.

Earth’s natural satellite can serve as a valuable research partner in measuring the sun’s oblateness. This is due to a phenomenon known as “Baily’s beads,” which are the tiny flashes of light during an eclipse that occur as solar light passes over the moon’s rugged terrain of craters, hills, and valleys. Since satellite imagery has helped produce extremely detailed mappings of lunar topography, experts can match Baily’s beads to the moon’s features as it passes in front of the sun.

The way I'm guessing this works is: Baily's beads will be detectable on shitty cameras since they will be distinct flashes of light, and since we have very detailed information of the moon's topography they can determine information on the sun based on your phone's location and the timing of the flashes of light.

And if that is how it works, that is fuckin rad. A+ science.

lol unprecedented? The entire country of LA would not exist without the early-LA government buying up water rights in the eastern sierras to pipe to LA, and then telling the local farmers there they were shit outta luck the first time drought hit.

If anyone is interested in Western US water rights - Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner is a great book. I usually recommend at least the first quarter of it, as it gets pretty dry and repetitive in the second half. But the first couple chapters talk about the first expedition down the Colorado River and early water rights, which was super interesting. Second half of the book mostly goes over large water projects like dams and aquaducts.

Do you live in a major US city? Police 1000% frequently sepenia businesses for CCTV footage, and are increasingly getting standing access to existing cameras. And to a lesser degree I believe they are installing their own cameras, but I have hit my limit of finding sources for someone else's comment while taking a shit.

Yeah our ballots had him on the list still, but I think with a mention of the pending court case.

Wow you made a lot of assumptions about the type of person I am entirely off the fact that I genuinely enjoy stuffed crust pizza. You think me enjoying stuffed crust means I have no principles nor willpower? You might want to try not judging people so hard over incredibly unimportant things.

What? The Office is a mockumentary. The characters know they are being filmed. They specifically interact with the film crew. 0/10 bad meme

basic astronomical observations

No, this is not basic. I should really not engage with a troll, but for anyone else curious about why this is cool:

Current estimates on the size of the sun are on the order of +-1000km. "Wright said different papers using a variety of methods have produced results that differ by as much as 930 miles (1,500 km)"

This request for cell phone observations is trying to do some wild math way out of my comprehension, based on the flashes of light shining between mountains and valleys on the moon, to calculate the size of the sun down to single-digit kilometer accuracy. That's three orders of magnitude more accurate than our current measurements. And this type of measurement can only happen during an eclipse.

To me that is absolutely wild, good job NASA 🚀

Look there is always better pizza, but I'm still going to have to buy Pizza Hut once in a while unless The Pizza Shop in SF starts selling stuffed crust

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