Harrison [He/Him]

@Harrison [He/Him]@ttrpg.network
0 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's neither of those things. Words have meanings, and legal terms have very specific meanings.

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It's them or us

You have done that yourself

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Qualification in alternative medicine?

They are optional you know?

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The cost is just money in this case. It doesn't use rare or unethically sourced materials (at least if you're not a vegan), it advances the biological sciences as a whole and it's something to do for bio grads that might generate a lot of value for society in the future.


This aid is not charitable. America needs to maintain its hegemony to continue benefiting from it and Taiwan is a critical strategic asset.

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The biggest enemy of the left is the right, it's just that everyone on the left can agree that they're terrible so it doesn't come up in discourse too much, whereas the people who are on your side but want to do things a different way will take up much more of your attention.

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Iraq and Afghanistan had their militaries levelled in a matter of days. It's the occupation that created problems

All but a very small few generative AI programs use completely destructive methods to create their models. There is no way to recover the training images outside of infantesimally small random chance.

What you are seeing is the AI recognising that images of the sort you are asking for generally include watermarks, and creating one of its own.

Sort of, the local communists, probably without soviet knowledge or support, overthrew the local military dictator. They started unpopular reforms like gender equality and social ownership, people got very unhappy about that, the situation devolved into a civil war and the Soviets decided to intervene to support the Afghan communists.

Not quite a straight invasion like Ukraine and probably more justified than the US intervention.

you have a persecution complex to rival the christofash's.

He already said he's Serbian

That's 4x higher than car related deaths per number of car owners, and cars require a license and insurance, and doing something dangerous with one can have you lose your right to use it permanently.

Cars have the additional factor that they are practically required for living in the US, so reasonably we would be willing to accept a higher number of deaths than we would otherwise for other objects.


Nationalise energy production.

Per megawatt of generated energy, coal releases significantly more radioative waste into the environment than nuclear does.

What's the living wage in China?

The units of time we use come from a bronze age civilisation that used base twelve instead of base ten. They'd count on their hands using the finger joints of one for single digits, and then the joints of the other for multiples.

What's gross is condemning people to die for the sake of some pigs

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It's rampant in certain ML communities. A lot of people are so caught up in their reasonable opposition to the US, it's foreign policy and the military industrial complex that they start to see any US enemy in a positive light, despite many of those enemies being significantly worse.

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Art is a part of the human condition. Whether or not it can be commercialised, it will endure as a past-time, just not as a vocation.

Firstly, liberals are not left of centre, they are the original capitalists, the ideology that socialism was built in opposition to.

Secondly, Liberals will always side with fascists when push comes to shove. To liberals, Fascists are distasteful, bigots and extremists, however, fascism does not threaten the liberal system. It does not threaten the liberal ruling class, at least inherently, whereas socialism is an existential threat to that class. To a liberal economy, to a liberal nation.

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The rich and powerful must go away, or everyone else will suffer.

Soon enough they will succeed in eliminating most jobs, and the moment will come where action must be taken. Them or us.

The Soviets had their go at nationbuilding. Their puppet state survived eight years after they withdrew as well, which is a fair bit longer than the ten days we managed.

Plenty of models can do hands just fine

We brought pigs into existence for the benefit of human conditions, we will take them out of it if and when it becomes necessary.

Blasphemy laws for the modern day.

Artists don't own their styles, so it's interesting to see them fight to protect them.

The only thing that makes anything valuable is that someone wants it, or at least wants it to exist. Nothing has intrinsic value because value itself is a human construction. This necessarily includes art.

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So called ethical treatment impacts the speed and scope of research that can be done, and in doing so delays or prevents the benefits of conducting that research. That means that people who could be saved by animal tested medicines instead die in the time taken to find an alternative.

If what one person does with their own property, causing physical harm to no-one, incites others to civil unrest, the problem lies with the others.

I find the idea of the government using violence to force me to show respect to ideas I abhor disgusting.

Or at least the expectations people had made for themselves.

At least in my car, I'm guaranteed to not run into weirdos or gross conditions caused by ill adjusted members of society.

Unfortunately, we are completely surrounded by gross conditions caused by ill adjusted members of society. Those individuals just happen to be in the government.

In fairness, outside of three decades or so in the 20th century, Germany has been one of the nicest places in the world to live in for at least the past 200.

Becoming a terrorist is a rational decision in the face of such injustice.

Once you display an idea in public, it belongs to anyone who sees it.

Old Zealand is in Denmark

The nuclear power plant decades older than Chernobyl that got hit by an earthquake and a tsunami and resulted in a only single death and some expensive clean up?