Shouldn't it be up to the parents?
Shouldn't it be up to the parents?
Anyone who's played The Division knows the Black Tusks did this years ago
Hoping to get out for a motorcycle ride with my boyfriend. We may go see Oppenheimer if it rains though.
I should really do chores around the house but we'll see eif that happens...
Coming from someone who used to smoke all day every day - maybe consider cutting back or quitting for a while. I found that it greatly increased my anxiety and overall made my life worse.
I still have the occasional gummy but life is much better now that I'm not a daily smoker.
My boyfriend and I are playing through Division 2 together. It's my first time playing through the story, his 3rd or 4th. We just got to world tier 4 and are gearing up to go to New York!
I wouldn't say this is the norm for are correct, true for some but definitely not the majority.
I already owned it, but Banished is on sale for $6.50. I have played so many hours of this game and can't get enough! Once I get bored of my existing setup, I just start over with a new village.
Former vet tech here. Could also be a a mass removal. Anything that would require sutures like this would need to be shaved to prevent infection.