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They said "some bullshit reason" because the same logic would very clearly not be applied to trump if he were to do the same. Think a bit. It's ok.

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I'd be okay with a violent one. Drag the justices out and tar and feather them. They want to make this country great again? Fine. Let's show them what made it great: vigilante justice against tyranny.

If they are an 'army' then when. This comes to a head around the election, I sincerely hope that every last one of them is shot dead. Fascist pigs deserve nothing less.

Do you see how it could be led by a fascist? Does that seem good to you..? Are you just ok with Americans being murdered by the right? That will happen with Trump, I guarantee it.

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Can you elaborate on why this would be destabilizing? I mean obviously the president dying is bad, but are there specific groups that are in positions to do anything to cause problems due to this? Wouldn't there be someone under him in the chain of command or another election that could be held?

I do not know very much about Iran's internal politics beyond a basic synopsis, I'm just looking for some info.

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You very conveniently ignore the part of the comment you were replying to where they said that Israelis also rape and torture Palestinians. Which is a fact, which Fetterman appears fine with given his unconditional support.

I have long since written myself off as likely dying in a fight over resources (food, clean water, medicine) with some yokel who still wouldn't believe in climate change. And people act confused when I say I have no motivation at work or hope for the future. Wild shit.

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Whole industries in the USA are down almost exclusively by exploited illegal labor.

I rabidly disagree that there is any more important topic than climate change. If you have read the actual studies and data about it, you would agree with me. If it is not addressed in a timely manner (read: a decade ago, but better late than never) there will be billions dead WITHIN YOUR LIFETIME.

It's certainly interesting, but I feel mostly sad thinking that it's just BAU for everyone, even when everything is dying. Such a great example of it.

The best thing you can do to help the climate? Kill a billionaire.

Best legal thing? Idk... Vote I guess?

I'm pretty sure it was sarcastic.

It's not his fault that there is a significant portion of the planet that is, in fact, quite dumb. It doesn't make them worth less as humans, but it is something that needs to be considered.

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But... But what about their CULTURE!!! If you make them be nice and stop oppressing people, it would DESTROY their culture!!

I wasn't reducing anyone and I don't think the person you were responding to was either. Some people have a harder time focusing on many things at once than others. In the same way that many many people have no internal voice in their head with which they think, people's brains work differently. It's just a fact. Some are more efficient at parsing large quantities of varied data than others. That is also a fact. I'm not trying to devalue those who cannot do that, but it would be immature and irresponsible to not consider that when looking for the causes of miscommunication or misunderstandings about how society actually functions just because you think it might hurt someone's feelings if they were told that about themselves.

To be quite honest, prioritizing climate change is the responsible and rational thing to do because if we fuck that up, literally nothing else we have done will have any meaning, whatsoever.

I think it's the fact that they are arrested and very rarely actually charged with a crime, which essentially amounts to state sanctioned kidnapping.

But otherwise I do agree with you.

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That's only true when you are dealing with the infinite growth of capitalism. Nations and empires have used the gold standard for thousands of years. It only became "impossible" when we tried to inflate the value of economies into the stratosphere to enrich the aristocrats of society.

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I have lost all hope and am behaving as though we will all be dead within 25 years, and although that is not LITERALLY true, the actual reality is that billions will die in the coming decades and it won't be peacefully in their sleep. The famines, wars and plain savagery will be awe inspiring to witness. The die offs of all life in the oceans and the insects will doom us to a swift death.

I exist and nothing more. I have no feelings one way or the other at this point. If I get hit by a car on my way home, it would be just as enjoyable as if I watched a good movie, although if I were to die in the crash, it might be a bit better than the movie.

I only hope that I can exact some form of vengeance on those responsible before we all perish.

Fair points. I just really hate the state monopoly on violence that they love to use almost exclusively on leftwing protests. If other such protesters were arrested as well, it would be less grating on my morals.

Ok. Fair. Let me correct myself: money was based on material goods and not rich peoples feefees about the economy.

Nearly every piece of legislature is tailored to the desires of the wealthy. Politicians ignore the cries of the public in favor of donors. If you want change, set things on fire. Preferably their and their donors houses.

Except the system is broken and voting doesn't help. No matter how much you want it to. Your vote is irrelevant to the DNC because they will pick whatever candidate they want anyways. It's on THEM that Trump and Bush won. Not wanting to interact with a system so blatantly corrupt does not make me a bad person, and fuck you for claiming such. Maybe if there were confidence in LITERALLY ANYONE in government, young people would see the point in doing anything. The Dems are only there to lose to the Republicans while raking in donations and saying, 'we just need to try HARDER!'. When they just roll over at the first sign of resistance from the right.

I'm so tired of you idiots claiming that voting is going to stop fascism. Liberals will tolerate fascism. They will bitch and moan and then go to work at the death camp.

Fuck that. I'm gonna kill fascists instead.

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Think about climate change and reevaluate that position. There is no feasible way that the countries of the world will get together and all agree to do anything meaningful about it because anything MEANINGFUL will result in mass death. There's really no other way around it. Which is why everyone is dragging their feet. Who wants that? Who wants to be responsible for that?

I can give you the only true answer to your question of "what can I do today to help fight climate change?" But you won't like it and this 'solution' does not preserve society in really any meaningful way, however it does help to address climate change and prevent the entire natural world from dying of heat stroke. So the question becomes, what do you want to save? You can't save everything and trying to do so will only result in you saving nothing.

The answer is large scale industrial sabotage. And when everything grinds to a halt and people start starving to death because of no industrialized food production and various other factors, you will regret the actions. As you and your own family fall victim to violence over food or land because everyone is panicking and trying to survive, you will likely regret it more. But then in 1000 years, there may still be people alive to call you a monster, if they remember you at all.

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