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Joined 11 months ago

The world needs it.

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So they can keep shooting down russian jets you buffoon?

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In RL most of the "excitement" in space comes from not wanting to fuck up and die. Games don't have that, Todd.

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I kid you not but only a few days ago someone here on lemmy argued that you can't take anything he says at face value... Because you know... He lies. Especially if he only said it once.

Yes it was supposed to be a pro-Trump argument because Trump said he'd want for Israel to finish the job (in Gaza) and that guy argued, he'll vote for Trump because Biden is complicit in genocide.

It's the "grandpa has been using slotted all his life so it can't be bad" reasoning. I can't think of a single use case I'd want slotted or even philips, if I've got a choice. Torx or bust!

If you're having trouble with Torx, buy better screws and bits. There are so many terrible screws around. The difference between a deep well fitting head and the cheap trash is massive.

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Totally unrelated but did you know there's a promotion deal for AMD's latest and greatest RX7000 GPUs?

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Klingt wie der Bi-Ba-Butzemann und das ist kein Roboter.

Pretty sure islamic terrorist believe they've got a holy duty to murder innocent people.

So... They're off the hook too I guess.

Your example doesn't make any sense. You've never been in an accident but accidents happen all the time to people. That's why you put on a seat belt. People die everyday.

Now point out election frauds happening because of mail voting. Hard evidence

Who did invade Ukraine two years ago? Putin can end the war anytime.


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In Germany "Mein Kampf" in its unedited, uncommented form is banned and maybe that's not a bad idea. Prevents dimwits from reading it unfiltered and ... become president with a twisted world view heavily influenced and inspired by one of the worst dictators and murderers in humans history.

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The most popular show is also the one most pirated...

Amazing stuff

1993 is 30 years ago tho

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It's simple. Us vs them. Not complicated like the 3D-chess he used to play in world politics.

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Well actually they're caused by people with guns. Nothing wrong in doing something about both.

Back when they made "300" it was almost satire how shredded these guys looked. It was obvious it wasn't realistic and wasn't meant to be. Nowadays we get shows like Reacher with an absolutely humongous lead that's supposed to wander around doing jack shit all day... right. His mother shat him out this way.

And female "tough" leads are often tiny and no muscle in sight yet they still kick ass and routinely dispose off bad guys twice their size. Why do the guys even need to be this big when physics don't matter?

I hate this so much. Hollywood is so fucking fake.

Sony Xperia

A download manager would be nice...

Portal RTX was "easy" for your 2060? I remember having to set DLSS to ultra performance at 1080p to get it above 30fps on a 2060s.

That's 640x360 internal render resolution. Around 1/10 pixels of 1080p

Single use precharged ones do. Maybe they burned through their stock of batteries for their tv remotes?

"when has the EU ever done anything for us"

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Did you though? He's running again with a good chance to become president, again.

I can only speak for myself but I am sick and tired of the fate of the world hanging on whatever mentally deranged and unhinged extremist the US might elect every few years. Aren't you supposed to be the oldest democracy in the world? I expect as much from countries like Russia or China but the US should do better.

The world needs the US to do better.

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They could be handing those out for free and they'd still rot on the shelves. People just don't know what to do with them and I am not certain Amazon does.

Charge for them? That's meta verse idea quality.

In Germany we've something we call "wehrhafte Demokratie" which basically means a democracy capable of defending itself. There are measures in place (in theory) that prevent parties that aim to destroy the democracy from getting into power by winning elections.

Someone who openly admits his goal is to end democracy shouldn't be able to run for president. It's what happened in Germany back in 1933. The NSDAP won the general election and took over the government via democratic means and within weeks destroyed the democracy. Never again (hopefully)


"In the early 1960s, roughly 13% of people were considered obese by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Recent figures suggest that a current national obesity rate closer to 43%."

Looks to me the fatties have doubled since the 80s and 90s. Just because there used to be fat people before, doesn't mean there's no problem today. Line goes up. If the trend continues, it's just like 2-3 decades till almost everyone is fat.

Seems like a big problem to me

But he said they get paid more. That makes it ok for some reason.

Wait what happened to maps.me? I still have it installed but barely use it but fondly remember the days hiking with it or exploring new towns.

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The cool thing about raytracing is it doesn't really matter how complex a scene is. The bad thing about raytracing is it doesn't really matter how complex a scene is.

If your card can't run remixed HL2, it also won't be able to do HL1

I use the original shield controller and it's great with no input lag. I never got the headphone jack on it working though.

I am having the same feeling towards the Mac I have to use at work. That stupid piece of shit is just a usability nightmare. I've no idea why people insist on Apple products being simpler or more efficient to use. It's just not true.

Sorry I deleted my comment because often I receive negative criticism for something like this. We're often too eager to jump on the "Russians stupid" Band waagon but those stupid cunts are still killing Ukrainians daily and don't seem to be breaking anytime soon.

Seems to me we're still underestimating them. There are some in the west getting tired of the war but when we've been told for months and months the Russians are on the brink of breaking and mindless untrained mobiks barely presenting a challenge, the disappointment over the lack of meaningful success on the battlefield becomes even greater.

I was excited about it as well... in 2021. They're never going to build these and if/when they do, it will bomb hard. It has become way too expensive and there are cheaper real electric cars now. There isn't a market for these overpriced quads anymore. Only ones going to drive these are those with a death wish.

Ah I see. Graphics didn't get any more complex and needed stronger hardware before raytracing was introduced. There isn't any way to make a game demanding and look pretty without raytracing.

If you think it's not acceptable, then... Don't accept it I guess?

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I am kinda certain no game has dying. I haven't died in any yet. Although I remember a piece of The Onion of a suicide feature of a car seat. Maybe someone should build a gaming chair with this feature to improve the immersion.

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You do know this threat is about some dev saying the first guys on the moon weren't bored although there's basically just sand and rocks to be found? And that because of this it's fine most planets in a game are baren and uninteresting?

The Bethesda guy compared the game to RL. I am just pointing out why this makes no sense.

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No shit? That was the point

Astronauts aren't bored in space because they're busy trying not to die. games don't kill you when you fuck up or something goes wrong

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