
12 Post – 521 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Autistic tech enthusiast and entrepreneur

Sysadmin, Moderator, Technician, Lizard owner, Minecrafter.

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Quick correction: website scraping and ad blocking is not unlawful. It both is a means to make the web more accessible and the latter also reduces CO2 emission through reducing electricity usage from irrelevant ads. The same case could be made for web scraping as a user can make their own feed of news without having to sift through hundreds of pages. This as well can be done in a way that does not disrupt the pages‘ normal function.

That is where the two larger issues come in:

  • people can argue that you need to pay for viewing a page/getting information through apps And
  • branding powerusers as criminals („unlawful“) is unfair and false

The „pay for information“ is largely a phylosophical problem. It is no problem to pay for someones book or online course but the blanket statement that one has to pay for it is false. As an open source developer I give my work freely to others and in turn receive theirs freely as well (if they use the appropriate license of course).

We really have two sides forming. The „open internet“ crowd that works together for free or maybe accepts donations and the proprietary crowd which is having a huge influence right now.

Google putting in web DRM will cement that situation and make it possible that you can only use vanilla stuff on your browser and ultimately even shutting down any access to open source things completely by making it impossible to run on ubuntu since google will only accept windows clients (this is a possible outcome, not a guaranteed one).

All in all, we are unable to perfectly anticipate the outcome of this but if we see great harming potential, it is fair to weigh it agains the potential benefits (which is the lofty goal of weeding out bots and scammers). I think the cost benefit relation is heavily tilted here.

TL;DR: Tinkering with your browser is not illegal and should be allowed to continue. The cost of (potentially) weeding out bots and scammers is not worth potentially ruining the open source community.

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I think it’s sad. All of it. Linus projected an image of a friendly geek when the channel was smaller. The first cracks I saw in that image appeared after covid in which I assume the channel (just as the rest of youtube) grew extremely.

Since then I noticed „slip ups“ where he went edgy and kind of lost part of his friendliness. I assumed it was because he was overwhelmed with his job as ceo since that job takes a heavy toll. I know from experience.

But the fact that he (and his wife and the new ceo) didn’t do anything against the obvious transgressions that were carried out under his watch (against this vendor as well as former employees, some of which have posted on youtube) is his (their) responsibility.

It’s just sad to see them making the same mistakes (being careless in the wrong department) as others before them.

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Maybe that shouldn’t be possible.

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Reading this really troubles me. I don’t like the implication that using lemmy is pushing authoritarian ideology.

If I was born 50 yrs earlier I would literally have been put in the gas chamber. I tick several qualifiers for it.

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Another ex redditor here. The issue seems to be that a lot of people created communities but never bothered to post something. Even my little ubuntu server community has nearly 90 subscribers by now.

We should work on more visible „you‘re here, what to do next“. Something like „go to communities tab, all, subscribe to each one you like“, missing any? Make them yourselves, but dont forget to post on them since very few people will subscribe to an empty community. 10-20 posts over a month should be a good start. Generally avoid bots since they dont boost interaction at all (my personal impression).

Or a reminder for people who have made communities but no posts. That would stress them a bit I suppose but I thought I‘d bring the idea to the table.

Anyway, have a good one. :)

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Yes, indeed. This is so obvious and my frustration is immeasurable when hearing that people are too ignorant to understand why this is really bad.

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Can someone please post this stuff on lemmy world in its own thread? This needs to be brought to attention.

The people responsible for this need to then either concede that they have done wrong, leave or otherwise be made to leave.

Probably stating the obvious but „are in no threat of being deleted“ is an absolute joke.

A company holding the IP can just make it unavailable tormorrow. A big chunk of us is here because reddit somehow is allowed to delete our posts because the law is idiotic. At least european people are allowed to get their data but the cooperative works of thousands of people is threatened due to those laws.

The concept of IP needs to be reformed.

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I get that you‘re frustrated for more reasons than a freshly released game has bugs but this is literally the first time I hear of bg 3 being not completeable. What specs are you running on?

Isn’t this like the second time the ceo said something like that? I think he probably needs to be unseated from his position.

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As a mod on reddit (who only reacts to pings these days) I would like to post an undramatic message „here‘s what happened, if you‘re interested to join our lemmy mirror, here‘s the link.“

Anyone got something I could use which will not set off reddit stans or get me replaced and the message deleted?

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The problem seems to be that the constitution does not say what free speech is and now everyone thinks they are experts on it.

'Coercing' someone to not spread lies and half truths is exactly their job. These judges seem to be either incompetent or crooked. Possibly both.

I don’t know if it is the „correct“ way but I do it the other way around. I have a server and a backup server. Server user can‘t even see backup server but packs a backup, backup server pulls the data with read only access, main server deletes backup, done.

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I fully agree that if mods become a problem, there are ways to handle it.

But I strongly disagree that its reddits biggest problem. Most of the moderators there are trying their best to be fair and conductive.

You wouldn’t believe the amount of shit they have to deal with on a daily basis ans the bigotry they’re confronted with.

Anyway, I think there need to be mods here as well and they will make unpopular decisions. Try becoming one yourself and leading by example.

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Reddit at its best.

The fact that more pay is not equal to the amount of skill required but the ability to endure pain is just cruel.

It should be the same for everything: if an ip is no longer used, it should be in the public domain. Therefore, a company holding said IP is forced to use it (as in selling copies) or give it up.

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More explanation without toxicity. I think I have gotten shit on on lemmy more than I did on reddit by this point.

Don’t get me wrong. I‘m incorrect sometimes but if I see someone being confidently incorrect, I tell them and explain. And if I tell them that I find their attitude lacking and would like to learn, they get even worse.

A lot of people here are just dicks and the moderators don’t react to reports. They can tell you you‘re a fucking moron for not knowing everything and get away with it. Worse, they dogpile on you with their schoolyard bully attitude.

This is kind of a reason for me to leave if this goes on and it will keep other people from joining, hampering the growth.

I really hope this changes.

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I understand you frustration but you are hurting everyone with this statement.

At this point, russia is still struggling for total control (not yet n korea) over their citizens. If we cut them off, we hand over the keys to everything russia to that insane individual.

This would have very dire implications.

  1. russia would 10x their propaganda capabilities as there is no way to gain outside info for the people
  2. russia would indeed become another nk but with 142 times the size, 6 times the population and very near the european borders
  3. have you ever heard of the axis powers? They were tiny in comparison to russia. Now think who else would likely join that totalitarian power grab? China is already working with russia. Have you any idea how fucked we would be?
  4. dividing the internet is actually in the interest of any propagandist in any country on earth. Far right movements anywhere would have a field day. Think of the mass murders that are first reported on the internet. They would go quietly in the future and much more successful.

Thats only what I could come up with in a couple minutes but cutting russia off is just not a good idea at all.

Have a good one.

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This is applicable to any number of things. Those of us who are into computer games would mostly like companies to release them in a finished state but are pretty helpless against abusive marketing and peer pressure. Our friends in gaming are also a network.

The important takeaway here for me is that we meed to abplish the idea of „voting with your wallet“ since this mechanic is broken in the presence of networking effects. E.g. you not only miss out on the game/app/product but you hurt your network and become more isolated.

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I hope they all get fucked. This law should have been brought to light like 10 yrs earlier. So much market consolidation could have been prevented and so much capital extraction would not have happened. I hope this works.

So let me get that straight:

Instead of doing their due diligence, they just bought up as many studios as they could and are now considering selling, shrinking or closing them (I assume while keeping the IP for themselves if there is any as well as any valuable assets).

This reads like a „we need to homogenize the game industry so lobbying for anti competitive measures becomes easier.“

I still don’t understand why shit like this is even legal.

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Uk is driving itself off a cliff for quite some time now. If it were a person I‘d institutionalize them to stop them from harming themselves.

Exactly. Most importantly, „it is unclear if the autopilot was active“ is an admission of guilt in my book. A system that is highly critical (impacting steering, accelerating and decelerating a 2+ ton vehicle with multiple people on board) is unclear if active means they are completely clueless of their own products status and should be fully liable. You can not sell something like this at all. I feel like they (people in charge) should go to jail for negligent manslaughter.

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Sweet jesus! It’s worse than I thought. Buckle up everybody. We‘re going dark.

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Cool question. I‘d imagine the easiest way I can at least think of is spraying it with liquid nitrogen. The challenge will be to get the nitrogen back in the bottle and keep it liquid in the meantime.

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Reads like my log when I do maintenance, repairs on my home server. It’s a nice hobby but even there it can be overwhelming. I can’t imagine having hundreds or thousands of people rely on you (and probably not even get paid for it). It’s truly amazing work. Thanks to all the fediverse admins.

Pro tip: maybe drop a donation link in the comments ;)

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I feel like the important part is that apple again is allowed to keep its old devices locked up after taking them our of support. This needs to become illegal.

Computers! I love to build PCs, Servers, Software and other stuff. I often loose track of time and waste whole days on solving issues. Need go turn it down a notch. Have a good day everyone. :)

Everyone will call me naive again but how about we actually hold people to their word?

Why is it not illegal for say politicians to say one thing and do the opposite?

If a game studio says „we‘re gonna make the greatest game ever!“ I would like to make them prove it or refund everyone.

You can’t say „contains no nuts“ and put nuts in it, why is there a caveat for other stuff? Just keep to the truth. Why is it so hard to normalize advertising without tons of hyperbole?

(I‘m autistic and I see telling the truth as a good thing. I don’t understand why someone would like to be lied to. Omit something to not hurt them, ok. But outright lying is wrong on a binary level imo. As in not ok ever.)

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Pretty sure godot is pretty up there from what I hear but that’s the extent of my knowledge.

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He always has to. I hate this about him.

I might get sick. This is so disgusting I can’t even. Thanks for pointing that out. As an entrepreneur, I always try to make it worth everyones time. Seeing stuff like this just makes me sad.

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I think there should be law that forces online games to have a „switch“ to change from public servers to private ones when they shut the public ones down.

There also needs to be a law that makes all inventions that are no longer sold public domain immediately, including machines and everything else. As in „this car is no longer sold so it’s building plans go public and people can rebuild it and build parts without copyright infringement.“

This will force companies to either give up their IP or maintain it while making money with it instead of artificially shortening the lifespan of a product while raking in billions.

We absolutely need to understand that companies didn’t make more profit every year in the past. Profits were to bolster bad years. Today, if a company doesn’t have a great year, it gets sold and then closed. (Obviously gross oversimplification but the pattern is clear).

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I mod a linux sub over there. Any tips on what to do?

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It’s basically our texas or florida, depending on your pov. It’s a place with great nature, interesting culture but also very crude beliefs and you either like the culture or you dont. Most importantly, police is said to be a pot rougher over there and politics is pretty conservative as well.

Overreaching techniques to get you to pay, subscribe, log in or whatever.

Yes, most likely but the picture it gives is completely accurate. You have to either submit to the totalitarian reddit rule or you will regret it (not literally but you will at least get negative karma, autobanning you from a lot of subs).

As a mod on reddit, I have a always tried to keep it levelheaded but I have gotten my posts removed on subs for simply correcting someone. So evidently not every mod is good at being civil.

I think the overall representation of this post is spot on. :)

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I really enjoyed reading your explanation. Thank you very much.

This calms me down quite a bit. :) have a good day.