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Totally, the problem is he should be in a home, and a fresh strapping young lad/lass under the age of 70 (lmao) should be doing these debates instead.

Trump needs to be defeated at all costs, I'm just massively disappointed that this is the guy the democrats chose

The original 20 minute video in the article makes it clear he's talking about job roles, and mentions writers a few times (admittedly not close enough to draw an 100% certain link). I don't think it's enough to discredit this just based on the assumption that he's talking about actors or that there isn't enough context. Obviously it's vague enough that we can't draw any solid conclusions, so I agree with you there.

The main reason I think this is bullshit is that the guy's testimony isn't credible for two main reasons:

  • The guy was recently passed up for promotion, and blames it on being white and male
  • The interviewer is posing as a romantically interested date and asking plenty of leading questions, the guy is at least partially telling her what she wants to hear

These two points, regardless of how true his story is, give him an ulterior motive for embellishing the story and exaggerating facts, which ultimately means we can't trust this.

I'd like to see a full investigation, as with any accusation of discrimination. But we all know that when nothing turns up, it wouldn't shut the right wingers up

Yeah, it's a great first few steps. Really hoping LibDem becomes the official opposition and it's just two Left™ parties driving each other leftward.

Current Labour concerns me with how it's moved rightwards, but Daddy Starmer has my vote regardless

Is this a joke?

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Exactly, headline should be more like "Google executives want Google engineers to make ad-blocking (near) impossible"

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It takes a lot of energy to send them back in time

only 2tb? that's the size of my cache drives

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Yeah zero psychological risk is a bit of an overstatement. Zero physical maybe, but there's definitely psychological risks, and I'm not even thinking about child support

Edit: I can't read, it says physiological and I'm just deficient in the reading

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If the Dems keep winning the Republicans will have to slide left. It happened in the UK with Labour (unfortunately in the opposite direction).

When that happens, and Trump is not literally attempting to end democracy using project 2025, the plan of strong-arming the dem candidate into being more left is plenty feasible, and the risks are less dire.

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Also want to point out, most of that is container, not spent fuel. The safety standards are so ridiculously high that they basically guarantee zero risk.

More people (per plant) are exposed to elevated levels of radiation due to coal power, and that's not even including the health risk of all the other shit they release

In the very specific set of examples in the above posts, it's basically only "Stranger Danger". It's literally about Omegle.

But I do very much agree with your point when talking in a wider context

Also Apple™ RAM costs like 4 to 8 times as much. Being $200 for 8GB. So assuming fantasy land Apple™ iMagic™ means 8GB = 16GB it's still a minimum of twice the cost per dollar

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He didn't even need to read the article, "thrown" is making it incredibly obvious someone did this

It's more that when the writing is bad something is perceived as "political", as the insert of whatever political messaging is being used comes out of nowhere and smacks the player like a cudgel. That's what most gamers have a problem with, obviously there's a loud minority that rage about stupid shit like Jesse Faden being too masculine. But that's not what most people are talking about.

Games need to tackle these issues head on and fully integrate them into the world, not just tack on preachy dialog that doesn't make sense within the wider game world.

FF16 is blatantly about slavery and no one really complained, it's not exactly peak fiction, but they at least had everything contained within the world. FF7 is the same but with fossil fuels and much better writing.

New Vegas is the best example, it's simply written well and gives the player agency.

Death Stranding did a great job of both integrating it's themes directly into the world, and also tackling them head on without any remorse.

Helldivers is so ludicrously full on and absolutely dripping with it's pro fascist ideology that everyone knows what they're getting into from the intro video, and then the game starts adding texture and "are we the baddies" energy straight away.

Fucking Disco Elysium is near universally praised by the wider gaming audience, and I don't even think I need to explain how that one is political.

It's the same reason why most ideologically driven media is cringe as fuck. Christian media being a prime example, it's contrived slop that doesn't make sense within its own story. Like God's Not Dead and it's illogical legal system built on feels and Shapiro logic.

Who remembers the weird pro-life Doctor Who episode? That was bizarre and out of place. The characters stopped acting like themselves for the sake of whatever message it wanted to get across. It just felt really out of place.

The Last of Us Part 2, to label the most controversial example, had periods of good and bad writing, but focusing in on the "violence bad" part of it's messaging, it completely missed the mark. Giving the characters names that they shout was just hilarious, and having Ellie repeatedly kill dogs whilst Abbie pets them was just so hamfisted. Then making the gameplay violent and fun which just divorced it further.

TLDR: Gamers People love politics in video games media, they hate hamfisted preaching in video games media. Especially when it doesn't make sense in the crafted world

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I mean this with the greatest respect, I'm not making a judgement on the gameplay.

But there's a whole spectrum between Roblox and the latest Quadruple A™ that all consist of "worse graphics"

I cannot tell if this argument is for, against, or just dumb

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Using Copilot as a copilot, like generating boilerplate and then code reviewing it is still "babysitting" it. It's still significantly less effort than just doing it yourself though

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Acknowledging someone's pain also makes it easier to understand their motives, find common ground, and love forward together

I don't think classifying cisgender as a slur is defendable, especially on its own.

Not saying it is a slur, but I've seen it used like a slur before, mostly coupled with "white" and "men"/"women". But I'm fairly sure Elon himself is against censoring language for that reason (when it comes to things that don't personally offend him). It just seems dumb and hypocritical to me

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I'd pay 40€ a month for an officially licensed private torrent tracker. If they gave discounts based on the amount seeded I doubt they would even need the stupidly expensive infrastructure.

I don't even have the arr stack because it's cheaper, just because it's more convenient and no one can take it away from me

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Willingly is a strong word when the housing market is so fucked

Subscribing through the iOS YouTube app is $19 because of Apple's cut. He might mean that?

Apple did https://www.macrumors.com/2023/11/08/8gb-ram-m3-macbook-pro-like-16-gb-pc/

It's not directly mentioned in this conversation, but the excuse as to why they put such a pathetic amount of RAM in the laptop is that "Macs use it more efficiently"

edit: The quote is "Actually, 8GB on an M3 MacBook Pro is probably analogous to 16GB on other systems. We just happen to be able to use it much more efficiently."

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This is however, a practice that results from the government being effectively corporate controlled. Which is the end result of allowing your free markets to run wild and allowing corporations to acquire that much power, money, and influence.

A pure capitalist system actively selects for this kind of bullshit. The most ruthless and unethical companies end up winning in the end. And those same companies are buying our politicians.

People blame capitalism when the system clearly favours the rich over the poor to such a dystopian extent that a man is allowed to be held hostage by a corporation

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So that works out to £150 per Megabyte?! Holy fuck that's a scam. With average webpage size being ~2MB that's £300 a page

Being mega pedantic, pasta has ingredients.

But I understand your general point, you should be able to read the list of ingredients and understand what they all are right? Pasta being, flour, eggs, olive oil and salt is a much shorter list than whatever is in a microwave meal

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It sits in the same realm as "mansplaining" to me. There's an actual academic background behind it that's largely fair and reasonable, but I mostly see it misused as a way to attack men

My bad, I can't read 🤦

For this guy, it's because it's his job as a streamer

It makes them impoverished and desperate in an economy that increasingly funnels wealth towards the idle rich

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That's really fucking interesting. Please could you point me in the right direction to research more?

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I love how this implies the protagonist just wants to die

Honestly, the best evidence they could provide to someone like that is suing Madison for defamation and winning. But they don't want that, I don't want that, and I'm sure you don't want that either. It would also look mega bad for LTT. Which is why I think they mentioned that they could sue in the post, but chose not to.

And it's not like some rando is going to be invested enough to pay a 3rd party to investigate LTT without a conflict of interest being there.

Everything else kinda needs to stay locked up due to employee privacy and data protection laws. So, I honestly can't see how they can "win".

I will say, LTT is a big corporation, and there is a massive power deferential between them and a single person. And given how difficult it is to stand up that, especially when you're afraid of rocking the boat and losing your job, plus how fucking annoyed I am about the Billet Labs debacle and how they responded to that. I still believe that most of what Madison said was true, or at the very least, she believes what she's saying is true

Yes, I will start subsisting on my own crops that I grow in a rented 1 bed apartment that I pay £1500 a month for

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The TV itself is overlaying ads onto content supplied via HDMI. This includes BluRay players and Nvidia Shields.

I don't think there was anything mentioning content detection of BluRays to stop playing the ads

I'm not sure where you're going with that? I would argue that yes, it is. As it's sexual material of a child, with that child's face on it, explicitly made for the purpose of defaming her. So I would say it sexually abused a child.

But you could also be taking the stance of "AI trains on adult porn, and is mearly recreating child porn. No child was actually harmed during the process." Which as I've said above, I disagree with, especially in this particular circumstance.

Apologies if it's just my reading comprehension being shit

Ubuntu has ads, or at least takes money to have shortcuts to Amazon and the like

Edit: I might be wrong here, please read the replies

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The UK has some of the worst housing issues in Europe, yet the amount of houses (dwellings) per person has slightly increased since 2001

21,210,000÷59,113,0000=0.35 Houses per person in 2001

24,930,000÷67,350,695=0.37 Houses per person in 2021

Yet rents and house prices have absolutely skyrocketed. Supply exceeds demand, it's just greed, long term empty investment properties and government inaction.

Sources https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/dwelling-stock-estimates-in-england-2022/dwelling-stock-estimates-england-31-march-2022 https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/articles/overviewoftheukpopulation/2020#the-uks-population-continues-to-grow-but-at-a-slower-rate-than-previously

I'm surprised the Alabama legal system isn't more comfortable with miscarriages. They seem to have had a lot recently

Sorry to doubt you, but do you have a source for this? I can only find paywalled articles and the Wikipedia article doesn't have anything to back this up

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