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The fire got out of control after he threw a spray can into the blaze. ... This guy is clearly meant for bigger things.

Would they really have the time to fact-check the gish-gallop Vance will ejaculate on them? That's just not even feasible to get through the more egregious lies. He already said he just makes shit up. This will be the largest public face-time he will ever have (hopefully) and it all but guarantees he will shamelessly dial the horseshit up, if not just for sound bites.

And yeah, I decided to use that word.

The latter, just to make everyone else in my organization question themselves. Whether it is correct or not is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the seed of uncertainty that I plant every day.

He sure seems to be ignorant of a lot of critically fucking important things within his own party/cabinet. I should want someone with slightly more curiosity and awareness if I seriously expect them to handle being the president of the goddamned united states.

Brave Sir Donald ran away. Bravely ran away away!

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Twice impeached former single-term president and convicted felon...

I mean, damn.

"He/she just tells it like it is" No, they are just saying things that resonate with you, but have no actual alignment with data, facts or morality. Simply saying things with no filter doesn't equal "like it is". I find it is usually attributed to, at best, oversimplified or completely ignorant statements, at worst, misleading and/or hateful statements.

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Brave Sir Donald

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One of the only brands I would ever promote, Darn Tough socks.

Wear em out, ship them back, order a free pair. It's that easy and they are the most comfortable, durable socks I have ever worn. Won't ever buy another brand.

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I didn't know Slagathor was still making noise. The bigger question is, why are we listening?

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He'll be lucky to be able to walk by then.

So does every republican get their balls returned to them upon retirement? It's like they sign an NDA to be associated with the party.

Gang Of Poltroons

She walked him like a dog. Flatly stated he could be easily manipulated, and proceeded to do just that. He could not even muster the courage to make meaningful eye contact with her the entire debate. She just stared him down and dominated him. How brutally emasculating for him.

Damn Alex, that's a sore-dick deal if I have ever heard one. Carpe fuckin diem, comrade!

In my experience, anyone who speaks this frequently in hyperbole is 100% trying to feed you bullshit.

Second paragraph

Lorraine Blacklock, a precinct committee officer from King County,

30-year involved republican. Judge away

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I quit well over 15 years ago (after 10 years or so) and I only had cravings for maybe a year or two. After that, smelling smoke just grossed me out. The worst is that I frequently have dreams where I start smoking again and it feels/smells/tastes absolutely horrible and I have to explain to people why I decided to start again. Still a monkey on my back for sure, but at least when I am awake it is the furthest thing from my mind.

I was going to say, this guy has presidential nominee written all over him.

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She just wants him to remember to put the eyeliner back where he found it or buy his own.

Medication is nothing more than a standard inhaler (~$25-35). You will need to get a special hand-held chambered device called an aerokat (~$40) that you press to your cat's face and spray the inhaler into so they actually receive the dosed amount. Dosage will be once every 12 or 24 hours, whatever is just enough to prevent the attacks. Works a treat. Oddly enough, the cat won't mind sticking an inhaler device over his face for a handful of seconds as long as you pet him at the same time.

Oh, and if you record the event happening, it makes diagnosis a lot quicker. It's pretty unmistakable.

Sorry I can't help with the diagnosis cost. Those can vary so wildly where I live. That and I totally forgot how much that was

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Uppercase all of your html elements in the markup. Image mapped links. A background that doesn't quite tile properly. Max width 800px

And like a gif of a skull opening his mouth that shows a flame "E-mail" materialize from it or something.

He sure has been a big disappointment. I admired and even respected him and what he was driving, but once his PR team decided to not exist any longer, I guess, his behavior was instantly and incredibly immature and off-putting.

I want to appreciate everything he has had his booger-hooks in for what they are (apart from Twitter), but I just can't imagine supporting them until he simply isn't in the picture at all.

Destruction Derby 2 was loads of fun. I was going to say something like Choplifter, but I saw some video the other day that seems a perfect fit.

Not underrated, but I would love to have a next-gen SOCOM, and wouldn't say no to another Wipeout.

But hey, who doesnt need 43 new JRPGs?

I do indeed. Most of mine are the midweight quarter high hikers.

There is a time and a place for n-parties in this crappy political environment we are subject to, but this election is simply not it. Voting green or indie in this election dramatically increases the chances of there being only a single viable party for all future "elections" from here on out.

It's easy to get jaded, but it's best to push Republicans out of the picture and foster a more progressive green party in future elections.

Nothing sustainably good happens quickly in politics, but conversely, our actions in this election can have abrupt, and irreversible consequences.

I'm not telling to to sit this one out or whatever - you do you, but I do ask you to think of what party you are actively trying to cannibalize and then consider the fallout that may be blowing our way.

Oh, and for conversations sake, I don't care about this shame game they are playing right now. This is trivial nit-picking and neither newsworthy nor thread-worthy. Both sides, sure, whatever. There are greater topics like democracy, human rights, voter rights, labor rights etc that are on the table and this "both sides' nonsense doesn't not hold up.

Maybe he's full of it. Maybe it's Maybelline.

The same Trump that groped and motorboated Rudy Giuliani dressed in drag?

What a weird thing for him to say.

Absolutely. If you haven't seen Washington Crossing the Deleware in person, you simply haven't experienced it properly. You don't get the sense of scale on the internet. Same with the Louvre, d'Orsay or any other world-class museum. Even local museums like the Columbia Maritime Museum in Astoria OR has exhibits and stories that really require that intimate exposure to be engrossed in the information. It transforms your reception to the exhibits and cannot be replicated virtually.

It's pretty tasty, to me at least. But I like mushrooms so YMMV. That said, it's not overly earthy or eating a bag of shrooms. If you ever, as a kid, saw a tin that said Hersheys on it in the cupboard and grabbed a spoon; well, it's like that, but a little better. The cocoa in it is what gives you the caffeine bump IIRC. Assuming the ingredients are legit, then there is good stuff in it, but I think this is really geared toward another group of people than anyone trying to curb coffee. If it was cheaper, I'd drink it every day.

To answer the question, sorta, you could grind a batch of lions mane and chaga and have at it. This has other stuff in it to for palatability, but like you said, you could make your own variety if you want. Again, assuming the ingredients are accurate, it would be good for you, as long as you can manage to choke it down.

Gas furnaces need an electric blower to move the heat around.

Knock your knuckles against your car door to zap static electricity on something less sensitive.

Get this Winger shit outta here.

Dang. I didn't realize how bad Sync is at rendering posts. It's a giant unformatted mess for me as well. That screenshot is a far more tolerable presentation.

Roni Kaspi is a monster. I recommend watching her play with Jesus Molina as well.

Crazy. I have hiked hundreds of miles in the thin hiking socks, and while they weren't nearly as durable as the midweights, they still outperformed every other sock I have tried. Smartwool, rei, carhartt, typical cotton socks etc. I guess as with most things, YMMV

Well, that sucks that your experience was poor, especially at their price point. I would be a bit frustrated with the brand as well.

Every day. It's a steroid so consistency is generally ideal. Missing a day here or there has occurred, but it was not desirable. Good question for the vet though. I am not a registered cat doctor

Looks like a brand called So Phresh. It's 99% dust free and fragrance free. Seems to work OK. Full disclosure, my cat in question is indoor/outdoor so there are countless variables at play here. But it's good litter as far as I can tell and I would prefer not to inhale that stuff myself.

What a trip. I just watched this a couple of hours ago.

Such a great game. Just me in the dark with my NeGcon headphones and Piranha.

Sure thing! It's not as daunting as it may seem. We found that a single dose in the morning was sufficient and haven't discovered him having any episodes in the past year, so that's rad.

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