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That's a pretty weird thing to do.

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Okay yeah I'm super happy that Harris replaced Biden on the ticket and everything, but the more I learn about this guy the more I want him to be actual president. VP's certainly a good compromise for the circunstances though!

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The issues and the conditions favor Donald Trump.

I'm sorry, what issues are those? Abortion? Livable wages? Climate change? Corporate greed? Social safety nets? Or is the assumption still "R= good economy"

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Everybody anxious about a VP Shapiro can finally get a little bit of sleep now lol

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Guys, I know how easy it is to say "lol what a dumbass" about people like this, but as someone who grew up rural it's really hard to express the effect of being completely surrounded by a culture that is still suffering from a generational grief of having industry take their resources and destroy their land, only to then take the jobs away and completely abandon everyone to poverty. Years and years of politicians making promises that never came to pass, or never actually helped those people. Republican talking heads like Fox news took advantage of that and pretended to sympathise with their angst, while riling them up by drip feeding other bits of moral outrage, and just magnified the distrust of "city liberals" and "costal elites" over the course of generations. And we all know about the poor education in rural areas!

No matter how much democrats could tell them what votes are in their best interest, it's really no wonder they wouldn't believe them. Imagine if War of the Worlds actually happened, then 50 years later a martian showed up and told you that you earthings really need to implement this financial system called gronsnockle and it would make your lives so much better (and also that you're just a stupid earthling dumbass who doesn't know what's best for you).

If Donald Trump's bullshit is making cracks in the armor that Murdoch and the Nixon legacy has spent so long shoring up, we should be encouraging that. Does anyone really think that insulting people who are trying to change, is a good way to make more people change??

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And what's Putin gonna do about it? Invade Ukraine?

An apex predator responsible for keeping the ecosystem balanced and with minimal pest animals that will harm the environment by consuming too many resources?

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Legit kinda hilarious how an actual assassination attempt completely got drown out by "new competition lol"

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Oh dang when I donated it was still below 45k. Good job, Mastodon!!

How do they still have money

I know the sanctions weren't as effective as hoped, and they're still selling gas to China, but like seriously how do they still have money

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Took me a moment to realize the title meant "if trump wins" as opposed to "wow this is great for trump"

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If you have the audacity to write a book with such a grand title as "Ten Years to Save the West" then you shouldn't have been in a position that a cabbage banner sporting a single factual statement can undermine you like that in the first place

Honestly I wasn't going to either (because I prefer to directly donate) but when I saw that amrican/union-made label I instantly went for it. I am a sucker for American manufactured goods.

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I also remember when Obama was about to leave office and McConnel blocked his SCOTUS nomination because of it, then when Trump was about to leave office with less time left bent over backwards to get his SCOTUS nomination passed.

I like how the one lady tried to flip the "weird" label onto it and failed so spectacularly she had to delete it because it turns out normal people don't think it's weird for guys to cry or to love your parents.

I think it's because instead of being a "taboo" category, which is inherently a powerful word that a certain kind of person just thrives on, it's just really dismissive which completely takes the wind out of their sails lmao.

Like, if it's taboo, they can at least convince themselves that there's a silent majority out there who agree with them but are too afraid to say it, and they're "strong and couragous" for fighting against these "oppressive social cages" or whatever, but nah man they're just fuckin weird and nobidy likes them.

It's something we should do to show our respect to creators

Yeah pretty based

and content producers

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She completely doesn't understand that her entire appeal was that she wasn't a geriatric man and/or dictator-wanabee, not because people really agreed with her stances as a whole. Now we have another candidate who also fits that bill, but way more popular with the population at large, as evidenced by her insane donations rate.

Virgin Google vs Chad Archive.org

There was a livestream of the lettuce and everything. It was great.

The Supreme Court had just ruled that paper money was unconstitutional

Jesus and I thought our court was making the most dumbass decisions. Wierdly gives me hope that the Harris administration can fix a whole bumcha bullshit though.

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Why can't this man just leave those poor inanimate objects alone??

I'm concerned for anyone who had doubts after Jan 6

"If Crazy Kamala wins, I'll leave America for good!"

"I'm Kamala Harris and I approve this message"

Who needs to be transgender when these guys will trans your gender for you?

I'm not a huge fan of Manchin myself, but at the very least he's pretty upfront about what his priorities are (even if they're not good) and hasn't boarded the crazy train - as opposed to RFK, for example - so it doesn't really surprise me that he'd rather support a down-to-earth midwestern school teacher with progressive policies over whatever the fuck's going on in Trump/Vance world

Exactly this. My mom's convinced that Harris won't win because "if America couldn't elect a woman in 2016..." Like no, America couldn't elect a presidential candidate who was an arrogant asshole and took their victory for granted. And I hope that holds true this round, Harris 2024!

Ah, but is a significant enough amount of that majority located in the lowest population states to make it matter?

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Maybe for the people who feed off of their usual absurdisms, but not for anyone who can see past those to realize that they're only reactionary and neither of them really has any lick of substance when they're not actively arguing with people they don't like

Legit my first thought for the censored word was "facists" and I thought "ah, just another day of the 'i know you are but what am i' game"

then I figured it out and now I'm just sad

Great idea Japan. Artificially trying to fuel consumption of a product you KNOW is controversial and unpopular instead of just... stopping

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He probably asked the IT guys in charge of uptime stability to print out all the code they were using to keep the servers running and fired anyone who said "what the fuck are you talking about"

That's because Vance put the glove in the couch

Man I tried to get more cultured by reading 1001 Nights and boy lemme tell you I couldn't even make it that far because it was literally a whole buncha (muslim-coded, not the main concern here) incel manosphere bullshit but written in the middle east however long ago. Legit there was one story about how a lady was cheating on a djinn who kidnapped her while he slept and the message was "man, if bitches cheat on BIG, STRONG men like him, bitches will cheat on anybody" This comes after one of the characters (a king) finds out that his wife was having orgys with all his "large-membered, intellectually-inferior, dark-skinned servants" (paraphrasing). There was another story about how it's a man's moral obligation to beat his wife. Apparently every incel talking points including "BBC" is at least as old as that damn book.


I have a conservative friend whose father died from covid which absolutely devistated her. She's from a small rural town she used to love but cannot stand it anymore because everyone she knew there was like "god's plan" blablabla without offering any real sympathy. So there are a few running around out there, but by far the minority.

I mean, still fight the global warming, but also think how to live with it.

They certainly turned on him when he tried to suggest that maybe they could think about wearing masks and vaccinating during covid, the backlash of which promptly put him back onto anti-masking.

I think he's more of an idol (in the "religious idoltory" sense) than an actual person to them. He plays to their same un-sensibilities, but it looks like the very few times he's tried to stray even slightly from the accepted rhetoric he's been put back in line. He bends over so quickly though that it's totally reasonable that anyone thinks those were his positions all along. Strong man my ass.

Living in WV right now and you know I'm getting out there to vote

Can probably stop a word earlier, even