
2 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yikes. I appreciate that some people love to do extreme things, but this one just seems like a bad idea. You couldn't pay me to ever get into a sub like this.

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My only suggestion is to be mindful of growing too fast. I would focus on more general interest communities at this point. Better to have a few highly active groups then hundreds of dead ones.

I would like to get something off my chest. I have never sniffed my steam deck. Thank you.

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Google as a search engine is more or less dead. I was only really using Google to search reddit. Now that I'm done with reddit... There goes Google.

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Love everything about this

Good enough. A very busy week, this week appears to be a return to a more normal level of busy. Some minor social engagements and the starting of a new art project by a loved one.

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Keep up the good work. Situations like this are complex and messy and sometimes you do what needs doin.

I don't disagree with this philosophy. Its more that I believe a few simple rules could go a long way to raising the quality of this community. For example if I walk into a library there is the notion of being nice (quiet, polite, respectful of others) - but I still assume the shelves are well organized.

I have no issue if people disagree, but maybe consider at least a note in the sidebar talking a little about what this community is about?

V rising. I'm playing on my own server with just my husband on occasion. At this point it's mostly barbie dream house. I send the servants off to farm and keep redecorating.

I'm a little conflicted about having a prison in my house though. My husband tells me I'm a vampire so that makes it ok.

My only feedback is the words choices here were, unfortunate. It comes across as the author found undesired demographics which felt not inclusive.

In my opinion this is not being nice.

I am a minority in some parts of the graph and a majority in others. Reading this left my feeling I wasn't welcome here which I have felt ever day before reading this post.

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I'm a cis gay man and a step father. I'm probably your parents age. I know it doesn't mean much but I hear you, see you, and accept you. You are loved and valued. 🩷

Agreed, discussion over

I never even considered this was a thing. I set a reminder for myself to check on this Monday morning. I'm unsure how much I can change but I can at least start a conversation. Thank you.

Steam Deck... After dark

I watched this happen as a grew up. As a young man my city had at least 6-10 unique gay bars. This was a small city and each bar had a unique vibe. Different bars were more popular on certain days or even certain times of the day.

Today 2 remain. One of the two has slowly gentrified and is barely a gay bar anymore.

Just here to send love. You are not alone ❤️

Very much this. Obsidian has a learning curve. It needs more than a day to get a feel for.

I replayed this game so many times. The insanity effects were cool, but I sometimes think people ignored the wonderful game play and setting. I have sold 99% of my old consoles and games but I still have my copy of eternal darkness.

Also, holy shit I'm old

Directing a local community theater production. Very small production, but it fills my heart to see them grow as an artist.

Thank you for this. There is a lot to process here so I'll likely have to read it a couple of times before it really sinks in.

The one thing that instantly resonates with me is the " I feel like my visible coworkers helped me a lot just by being there". The one bit of positive feedback I keep getting is when I tell people I have a husband people have directly told me having someone in leadership so openly and casually talk about that has made them feel seen.

Because of that I have made a little effort to talk about my husband a little bit more. Wear a pride pin, wear a pride tshirt, have a pride background on zoom. I'm convinced i'm being obnoxious, hence why the ask for help here.

Great post.. How well does it run?

Cranberries will always have a special place in my heart

Agreed. Also to be clear, my goal isn't to suppress this information. My goal is just to make sure the article ends up in the right spot so that the audience that is interested can find it. Example, https://beehaw.org/c/politics

I've been looking for a feature like this too. I found an interesting sub on another instance and I wanted to browse the rest of the communities but I couldn't figure out how.

Very much agree. Was interested in reading an article no a pro Airbnb ad. Who is pro Airbnb?

Thanks for sharing. I was hoping people with hands on modding experience would talk a bit about what they have seen. It's interesting to hear all the different viewpoints.

What about light weight rules like 'no politics'. Ie, a post like this (https://beehaw.org/post/792997) should go to politics?

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I legit love this song.

You have to want to let go. Not think you want to, but really want to. When you catch yourself starting to spin, acknowledge what is going on and stop. Your work will be there when you return, this particular vacation and time will never come again.

Could you expand on this a bit? I'm unsure if you mean something like a 'flat' organization or something more radical?

When I first read your comment a day or so ago I decided not to engage with it. I assumed it was a troll. I spent some time thinking about it and decided to engage. I started this thread with the intention of educating myself about view points I don't understand.

With that said, if you are willing I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.

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We are for sure remote friendly, but the reasoning you gave is great. I never considered these benefits. There are often discussions are remote work and I'll be sure to help educate others. Thank you!

I hear you. My partner was in, what sounds like, a similar situation. Be gentle on yourself. It's a process. You likely know all the steps to take, keep taking them. There will likely be rejection along the way, it's not a statement or judgment on who you are it's just the process. You will make it to the other side and you will find succees and happiness. I know it!

I legit remember this on TV. It was really popular.

I really miss my local city sub. It had barely any traffic but it would keep me in touch with certain events abs news.

Lap desk for playing PC games on couch

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I took a look at your art and felt attacked, lol. My NA is always kombucha. It's so true.

Cis gendered gay man. I use he/she/they. 🤷‍♀️

Another sober queer here! You aren't alone.

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Around where I live there are a lot of those "little libraries". They are like a big mailbox full of books people can borrow. During the pandemic I started to notice canned goods and toiletries appearing in them. I'm not sure that's exactly what you are asking, but it seemed close.

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