
1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I don't get NixOS

It's not for everyone. The idea is to have your entire system reproducible with a few configuration files, which you'd then ideally store in a VCS like git.

I haven't messed with it, but there is something appealing about the ability to reboot to an older snapshot of the system if an update breaks something, or being able to use a config file to restore your system to the exact OS version and exact versions of whatever apps you use.

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It's either:

  1. An artist with a friend at the local newspaper
  2. Guerrilla advertising
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Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch is a free fan project created by CutmanMike and Team MM8BDM which translates the Classic Mega Man games into a unique, yet very familiar first person shooter experience

... what? Fucking hell these free fan projects are out of control. This looks awesome.

"Arm the teachers" they said...

The FDA banned Red Dye 3 ~30 years ago... for cosmetics. Can't put it in makeup, but food? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Gotta wonder how much money it took to make the FDA look the other way.

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I don't buy into the myth that running your own mail server is "hard".

For a server with only a few users, the hard part is outgoing mail, ensuring your mails get delivered. I did what I can here, and simply use a paid service on another domain for important things where delivery must be "guaranteed".

It's an interesting post, but saying it's "not hard" and then "welllllll it's not hard if you don't bother with a spam filter & pay a professional company for 'important' email" is pretty misleading.

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Bill & Ted. Be excellent to each other!

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Could anyone broad-stroke the security requirements for something like this? Looks like they'll pay for hosting up to a certain amount, and between that and a pipeline to keep the mirror updated I'd think it wouldn't be tough to get one up and running.

Just looking for theory - what are the logistics behind keeping a mirror like this secure?

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The LEGO Skywalker Saga did a better job of telling the story than the movies. One of the few games I 100% completed. Just a fun, chill way to unwind.

"Fraud" is the correct term here.

This has become a common strategy for large businesses to cull their employees - "return to office", relocating HQ; it's done in hopes most of those employees opt to quit so the business doesn't have to fire them / give them a severance or whatever.

Sounds like in this case the bluff was called.

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Wait... so it's just a hardware middle man for Do Not Disturb?

You can leave the key behind

Fun idea until I'm out and about & realize the one app I locked would be useful.

The marketing spin calling LLMs "Artificial Intelligence" doesn't help.

“I think the argument to make is that The Crew was sold under a perpetual license, not a subscription, so we were being sold a good, not a service,” Ross says in his latest video. “Then the seller rendered the game unusable and deprived it of all value after the point of sale. It’s possible that argument won’t hold up either, in which case I think there’s no possible way to stop this practice, at least in the United States. But to the best of my knowledge, this angle has never been tested in court and might actually have some teeth."

It's a good point. Interested to see how this unfolds.

It's the "hello world" for hardware.

🎶 I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me 🎵

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Which other Sim games are you eyeballing? I've been craving a good non-EA Sims game.

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I'm here for the new wave of aggressively wholesome shitposts.

Swift 2024!

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure is my favorite, but I'll sit through any of em. I just love those characters, and genuinely try to live my life along the "be excellent to each other" philosophy.

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This exact post has been floating around Reddit for at least a few months. Looks like ragebait.

I listened to the first 4 tracks, and skipped around the rest to get an idea of the content. Lots of good stuff!

  • Great job mimicking the tone of Hades' music. It has a fantastic OST. Korb also wrote Bastion's OST, which is worth a listen, too.
  • In your soundtrack, I think there needs to be more balance between the "wall of sound" harmonies vs. lyrical melodies. IMO, the best game soundtracks are the ones you come away from humming a theme, and I struggled to find one here.

I think "Through Asphodel" is a good example - melody kicks in about 2 minutes in. From what I heard (which wasn't everything, admittedly), you have the background metal sound figured out, but I think you’re missing that soaring melody in some of these.

Just my two cents!

Depends on what you need it to do. If you’re looking for something simple for text / minimal images, I'd recommend looking into Static Site Generators like Hugo and using something like GitHub Pages to host.

SSGs are fairly low-maintenance once the set up is out of the way.

No reason was given apart from Hermes telling Bender it was worthless.

but I want music streaming

Hey, that's fine & I get it - so much easier to shuffle a playlist than figure out which album you won't mind hearing front-to-back again. I'm eyeballing old iPod Classics for that - I've seen folks mod them with sizable drives and better batteries. Dunno that I want to put in the effort, myself, but I love the idea of "upcycling" old tech.

Getting back to my original reply: my main point was you don't need these conveniences, much less having them built into your phone. Yep, music streaming is wonderfully handy & I use it every day, but practically speaking there are other methods.

They get sore before it rains, now

a lot people haven't stored music locally for a decade or longer

Yeah, digital sales have greatly outpaced physical, but more people are discovering how little control they have over "their" music library.

The alternative to "building a library" is to stick with services that will constantly increase in price & decrease in quality. You have no control over whether your favorite band(s) are available, and no recourse if their catalog disappears for whatever reason. You will be forced to scroll through "suggested content" (ads) regardless of your subscription, and the musicians see depressingly little of the money they make for the service.

"Building a library" can be as simple as buying an album based on a song you enjoyed on the radio. There's no "lock-in", there's no always-increasing monthly bill, and there's no chance of the store saying "uh you can't listen to that anymore". It's dead simple, but certainly not as flexible as streaming.

Side note - I'm absolutely the type of person who would take the time and "re-build" my library, but I acknowledge I'm in a small minority of people, there. I also love shuffling through playlists which is impossible to do with physical media. Until I find a magic answer I'm right here with the rest of you with a streaming service.

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"Put that thing back where it came from or so help me"

Ive got a pair of 12TB Seagate drives in a NAS that have been running great for a few years, now.

I've heard varying opinions on Seagate's longevity, so your mileage may vary. So far, they haven't given me any issues.

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lol genuinely misread you there, however if you read the rest of the comment that typo makes no difference. I'll correct it

Kaizo Mario! I'm trash at it, but I get tremendous satisfaction when I eventually nail the tricks.

Without knowing anything about you or your habits, I'm going to offer a counterpoint -

I'd suggest you don't need music streaming, email, or a fitness tracker built into your phone. "Back in the day" we'd have a small collection of tapes / CDs in the car for trips, most (all?) email providers offer decent web apps, and while I agree it's useful to track steps and food intake and such - anymore I'm not sure I trust the makers of these fitness apps to not sell my health data.

Personally, I'm trying to move towards a "dumb phone", but like you I use my phone for a lot more than just social media & I'm finding it very tough. I think a phone with just a decent web browser could do the trick.

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Read through the article, and yeah honestly I struggled to find the point. Seems like this specific town gets a ton of money from cops dinging people with minor infractions, but I didn’t see any suggestion that the cops were somehow inflating that number. Sounds like a lot of people there can't afford the ticket, so they ignore the summons and get dinged again for not showing up.

Sooooo yeah, the data suggests something is fucky, but it's not like cops are breaking into garages to ticket people, so what's actually happening?

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