
1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

stares at capitalism

Why would you be called a tankie? I don’t see any leftist authoritarianism here.

Speak for yourself 😏

Hell yeah

I’ve seen RWS’s take on this a bunch recently. This feels like a feel-good PR move because they don’t have any substantive updates on their actual games.

What a save!

1 more...

Breeding us, you say?

Reject cyberpunk 2020, embrace Shadowrun.

1 more...

I’m squinting but I don’t see anything

Exactly, the fact that most commenters on a Socialist board don’t get this is troubling.

Yes, and he was assassinated by a dude with a janky homemade shotgun last year.

Yeah, they can at least call a vote.

Why’d it get the works?? 😭

Aaaaahhhhh Put that pussy in a sarcophagus 😩

Venn bussigram

You tried tea? Less caffeine but still enough for a fix, tastes better than decaf, and you get to dunk your sack in a dirty, filthy mug that fucking LOVES to be your sexy little drink slut.


Mom says it’s my turn to repost this next.

Because it was the successor to r/195, a meme subreddit started by some friends who lived in apartment 195 somewhere. Then it took off, privated itself a few years later, and 196 popped up to replace it and somehow became wonderfully infested with leftists and LGBT.

One of the best FPS bosses I’ve ever fought

Yeah I fucking hope medical professionals are 🤓

Capitalism working as intended.

Rool :)

Or just use a straw

How is the distribution of wealth not a political issue? Do you consider yourself a socialist?