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Joined 1 years ago

I fear for the day that Something Happens to Vimm's lair. Such a great resource

amen. I just discovered AV1 so that seems cool as far as space saving goes

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Also what's the safest/cheapest/possible free(?) VPN you can use to torrent? Thinking about doing that as Direct Download, while nice and more safe, can definitely be time consuming

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I enjoy being able to make posts/comments/whatever and actually respond and get responses. And everyone actually interacts! It's great!

a lemming?

is it possible to easily setup a way for your jellyfin server to be used outside of your house? For instance, if I wanted to let my grandfather use it with the rokus from his house, or if I wanted to leave the server at my house and still use it from college, could this be done fairly easily without too much trouble?

Or would this be an issue legal wise or difficult to code/network somehow?

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I had to put electrical tape on my monitors- when you're using multiple monitors in your setup, it's super inconvenient to have to switch each one on and off each morning/evening so it's better to just let them sleep, but when you do that they're just too dang bright.

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we play Dead by Daylight mostly. Sometimes we do fortnite, and have an unironically good time

are you talking about destiny? I thought we were talking about Kerbal Space Program

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how hard was it to do a plex server? did you just use an old pc or what did you use as the host?

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all the genesis games had killing music. You can look at any sonic game soundtrack and every single song is a bop

yeah there are a few things, I still have reddit for, such as gun based subs and some comic book circle jerk pages. Mainly the gun stuff.

Other than that I pretty much only use this site. I probably need to take advantage of the reddit thing to leave behind these kind of forums in general and break my addiction

Oh nice! I'm gonna have to follow them on here too- now I just need other subs for my interests (cars, aquariums, etc) and shitposting sites (dccirclejerk, batman arkham) to make their way here

yes exactly! and people actually want to spark discussion. It's really nice

wait so are we moving this instance to a new website or am I correct in understanding that the instance stays the same its just hosted on a new provider?

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I just heard about it a few minutes ago and it seems really nice too. Especially with all the space it saves.

I was trying to start getting some movies in 4k to take full advantage of my new 4k tv other than gaming, but honestly the sheer size of 4k films has me staying with 1080 for at least a little more

sorry, I may just be absolutely retarded, but how exactly do you download things from this link? I can't figure it out after navigating around the site for a little bit- after searching for something and finding it, it looks like there's a link but anytime I click it it doesn't do anything

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that's the smart thing to do. I just put electrical tape on it lol

how do you manage playing multiple games at once!

similar boat- graduated middle school, high school, and undergrad of college, and working on my master's now. I'll be married and have kids by the time the game comes out, if the world hasn't ended by then

happened with me and new vegas. I did it in the spring of 2021 and did everything but the dlcs and the final confrontation at hoover damn.

Started Dead Money, hated it, and quit it and started old world blues. After this I was burnt out so I just stopped playing NV, and wanting to come back recently I tried to resume in the DLC.

I have no idea what the hell is going on so I have no idea if I'm going to continue where I left off or start the game over, only to miss the DLC content again when I inevitably get bored after the main game

you realize you can use pc from a couch too right? That's what I do fr fr, have it connected to my desk and my tv so I just switch inputs and I'm off to the races

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what is usenet just a DDL site?

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awesome, is this the same kind of concept as direct downloads or more along the possible legal trouble lines of torrenting?

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what happened to it? Finally got the first one on epic but haven't had time to dive in yet

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lol all good. I just appreciate that people actually want to have discussion on here. You think D2 isn't worth playing this late into it then? Been thinking about it lately since I was having some nostalgia for when D1 first released and I haven't played it since release year.

I found my dad's old genesis in the attic and I need to clean it up and hook it up to one of our two CRTs we have in our basement.

I have very fond memories of playing Sonic 2 at the ripe age of 2, as well as the old monopoly game. Looking forward to getting it cleaned up when I have some sparetime and running some of my earliest gaming memories

what exactly do you mean by that? is tor something that protects you somehow?

IIRC, some things with plex are free, but is that feature specifically? or is it a paid extra?

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most recent games that I beat were Batman Arkham knight and mario sunshine- I played the other Arkham games when they originally released but never had a PS4 when Arkham knight came out so I was only able to pick it up recently (yo ho).

Mario sunshine I had on my switch is part of the 3-D All-Stars collection and it was pretty good. I had gotten very frustrated with the slippery controls as I started playing but as I continue to playing it got more intuitive and the game killed me less and less.

i've been continuing the Mario kick I playing New Super Mario Bros Wii, and I downloaded Mario galaxy one to play on a dolphin emulator (looks, runs, and feels better than the switch version)

why is exposing ports a bad thing? would it open me up for legal trouble or just make it to where some rando can watch whatever I have on the jellyfin? or does it make it where some rando can access any device I have connected to my network?

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awesome, I will definitely just use plex then. Thanks!

awesome, thanks for letting me know. I'm definitely just going to try to use plex then. While I'm decent with hardware and a little with software, I don't know networking from adam's cat and I don't want to open up my family's network to issues. Thanks for letting me know!

Having to either constantly tap x to run/ride on horse or otherwise having to hold buttons down to pick things up or open drawers sucks and makes everything tedious

you say that midrange tech is good these days so I have to ask- i'm about to replace my old iPhone SE, and I'm thinking about going the android route.

i'm looking at the Google pixels, and I wonder if I should get the 7A or seven pro. The seven pro is only like eight dollars a month more, so if its worth it I would choose that

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thanks, I really appreciate it! I will go with the 7 then

nevermind, I is stupid and can't read. thanks for all the hard work dbz0

can you use AV1 as the source on jellyfin or does that not work out?

sure, but in the spirit of objectivity, you realize that you can just boot a pc into big picture mode and its ready to be used entirely from the couch right? All you have to do is press the power button on your pc and its ready to go

honestly? Probably skyrim. Divided up between multiple systems, of course