
3 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah I'm in agreement with this. I've found the community here pretty engaged, and the content keeps coming. I think the hard part is recognizing that bigger isn't always better, especially when you lack the tools to customize it. Between this and artifact, I'm pretty content with my discussion/news outlets.

I mean, yeah. That's because they were tasked with something they had never done before. Given a product that's absolutely awful from even a marketing perspective. Gollum? Really?

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To be fair, people are having their right to exist being questioned, and some people just became second class citizens by law recently. It's kind of a big deal.

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I mean, I tend to bet on the average person's stupidity. So I'd answer yes?

To be fair, I do see some signs of it here as it's grown. It wasn't like this even five days ago, where you would see downvotes on comments that weren't inherently just toxic or just being assholes. But lately, I see more downvotes for people stating a differing opinion to the majority, or even asking questions. To me that's usually the start of the toxicity.

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I do wish kbin showed the magazine instance on the very top instead of bottom of the comments. Or on a side bar.

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People's driving senses are so fucking bad, I can't imagine them flying. It'll be in the news often I guess "car crashes into building while trying to back up." "car flies into power lines thousands without power" well I guess that's fairly typical already.

Putting my political leanings aside, I'm honestly fascinated by the transformation of the Republican party over the past decade. The 'law and order' party is now rallying around a former president accused of violating the Espionage Act, which is no small crime. Not only are they supporting him, but they're actively fundraising off the indictment.

What's even more intriguing is the claim by some Republicans that this indictment is evidence of a 'two-tier' justice system lol. I would love to see any of his supporters actually read the indictment. It's interesting to see how Trump continues to shape the party, even out of office. The 2024 elections are going to be a very revealing moment for the GOP. Regardless of your political views, I think we can all agree that it's going to be a wild ride.

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Typically anyone with an anime girl profile pic is going to be a nut job in some way or another.

If for some reason kbin becomes bad, you just move to another instance (that defederated kbin) and you still get the prior cached posts and comments, just new stuff won't be shitty. I guess you'd have to leave your kbin profile behind.

What a fucking circus the republican party is. Everyone from the supreme court justices to these turds in office are nothing but clowns willing to sell the rights of everyone and their own mother to the highest corporate bidder. Even the "old school republicans" turned out to be facist shits. I guess they always were.

This gets into another problem. You'll never reach the critical mass that reddit did by having almost everyone on the same page. You had experts from every field commenting on some articles. Loads of knowledge in one place. It would've been awesome to have something like that.

I'm interested to see what happens when the third party apps actually die. And old.reddit.com obviously

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Hoffman was talking about how deep he sucked off Elon earlier. So it all makes sense.

Yeah YouTube a loss leader. I can't even imagine how much anyone would need to sink in to have something even remotely close

Because there is no God. If there's something out there, it's not benevolent. Reality is far more than what we understand even in physics. Just read up on Roger Penrose but moreso, I don't think there is any sway towards good or evil. Existence is just this.

Yeah this is the thing about the fediverse. As long as you can defederate there will always be an instance willing to provide that niche

Pretty much. It's become far more normalized now to be openly fascist in public. Advertise how corrupt you are, it'll win you votes.

The best part is when you argue this, they will argue with nuance and equal footing. As if the basis of this movement is legitimately comparable to super liberal people that... Checks notes want human rights for others.

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Death marches. At the end of the day atleast you know to have a job lined far in advance and make it a very "this is for a paycheck" job mentality.

I just use chatgpt 4. Much better at answering questions.

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I would urge people.to reconsider this or atleast try out GPT4. I recognize that's a normal viewpoint but from my usage and with back checking it, it was gotten profoundly good. To the point where I take recipe recommendations that it creates because it tastes delicious.

Woah! Thankyou that helps a ton

Interesting so I can't visit a Lemmy community as a magazine within kbin if I don't have an account?

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Forspoken isn't bad.... As long as it's played completely dubbed in Japanese with subs on. Obviously last of us 2 was really great, horizon is also very well acted, and very well done. I think it also is inclusive in a way that matters where some games just replace the protag with a woman, these games build it into narrative as well. In the same vein, I really liked life is strange (even colors to be honest)

It made me so sad. I really enjoyed it early on because they had some real critical self reflection.

Here's the downside, your username will be remade on another instance exactly as it is here. Unless you make your username everywhere. So it's kinda like having bob@gmail.com but someone else has bob@hotmail.com. I think there are probably some super autistic people that might grab their nicks on every big server currently lol

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Kbin has been really great, everyone here is a lot more civil. I remember when reddit was like that prior to digg v3. And then eternal September. It took a while before reddit got to where it is now with almost everyone with any expertise on the website. But I think for the most part, decent people and decent communities are more fulfilling.

Final fantasy is real fuckin good too.

...what the fuck? The guy who's got a record of felonies he's in court for, and has been absolutely the most fascist piece of shit to happen to America could easily have leftists supporters? The guy who lost "bigly" in the popular vote and created the most partisan and polarized political voters possible? This is Q Anon level of reality.

If there is a leftist in the "lots of trump supporters", they are by definition, not a leftist.

In that case, how often is the lemme community updated on the kbin instance? Does it download updates every time the user visits?

You think the recent lbtq+ ruling at the supreme court level, the trans laws refusing healthcare to trans people, roe v Wade reversal, Florida's removing trans minors from their families by force are not people having their right to exist questioned, then you are probably a republican. So that makes sense.

You know, as much as most people hate AI, the app artifact is really neat in that you can use AI to mark a heading clickbait, it'll scan the article and provide a more accurate headline. It's not perfect, but I think it's a good progression. If enough people click mark as clickbait then it changes the headline for everyone by default.

In the end kbin needs more development to allow mods to foster community and remove zero purpose mods that exist in power vacuums. How is development on the website by the way? Is the developer fairly involved?

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Nah you'll have an AI combing through multiple sources of social media to put together a "consensus" based on overall public opinion on various social media sources. I hope, or you know they'll just reference Facebook posts.

I bet. What confuses me is by all means kbin.social is a singular instance, we don't want centralization just on this server, so how would other instances access magazines that are created here? Basically, how would you have magazines synced across instances?

Yeah and atleast with leaks you don't get fervent talk about the game and what it might be like, building up hope before seeing true gameplay and then being immediately disappointed when seeing it in action. That Dune MMO is going to disappoint me I'm sure.

Well I'm sure they announce it early because it's not for us, it's for the investors. But I think there is a downside, announcing it too early with like a CGI trailer puts it in the news and gets it talked about, but gamers develop an "vision" of how the game might be and you end up with a product that will definitely disappoint a lot of people. I'd say cyberpunk was one, due to the announcement time and what they actually showed it was hyped to the moon and back (people talk about games so they just started assuming).

If you look back on it now, people's expectations and ideas of what the game was going to be were very different than what the product ended up being (besides the bugs). I would rather get the game announced with real fucking gameplay.