
1 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just make a zip, you clown.

But you added clutter to the comments all the same. Good job.

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Why do you use Kbin over Lemmy?

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What if they don't want to be femboys? Consent is important.

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Just post the actual patch notes instead of this blogspam.

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Just kill me

Did you somehow miss the MLP fad a few years ago?

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remain ignorant

Please stop the blogspam. Nobody wants to see yet another shitty list.

Came here to say this. Beat me to it.

They're already here. And they're getting upvoted. I will never understand why anyone would upvote this crap.

You’re preaching to the choir.

tl;dr: The zombies look like PEOPLE! 😱

I downvote all the +1 spam that basically just says “I agree” or “I like this”. Just upvote instead of adding noise to the comments.

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Please let me trim your claws, it doesn’t hurt and you won’t get stuck on carpet or scratch up your face.

🤓 Linguistics isn't translation 🤓

Another day, another shitty itsfoss list that didn’t need to be an article.

What an absurd (and arguably harmful) distinction to make. Nobody is "afraid of homosexuality" for reasons unrelated to homophobia.


Many languages have that. I’m not familiar with Japanese, but it’s not on that article’s list at least.

Why? Because /r/linux is that way?

What kinda question is this? I already take plenty of pills daily, I would do much worse things to not age.

So what you’re saying is that you didn’t read the OP.

You couldn’t have put that into the title? Jeez.

#I don’t have #any #distro pride. They’re #just computers man.

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People speedrun installing Linux. Is that a video game?

What does that even mean?

Why are you like this?

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Please stop the blogspam. Nobody wants to see yet another shitty list.

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The joy of getting everyone to join in with your Liset dance.

That should be in the title.

Oh no! Anyway...

Too small for most things I would want to carry.

But that's not what's happening. All you do is spam about having vomited up another bunch of stillbirths that nobody asked for.


First, the difference is negligible between doing something ironically and just doing it.

You get to feel superior to people who ~don’t get it~ and think you’re being unironic. That’s really it.

I’m a little jealous. It was everywhere.

You think everyone who claims “Arch is unreliable and breaks” has actually had frequent issues with Arch?

I’m willing to bet that a not-insignificant portion of these people have never actually used Arch for a significant amount of time and just parrot it without thinking. Just like the Nvidia people and the systemd people.

Dual gatlings are the only way to play.

That’s a long s, not a German Eszett (ß).

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