
7 Post – 204 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How do you see Lemmy working with duplicate communities on different instances? For example if Lemmy.World and Lemmy.ml have a PersonalFinance community, are people expected to cross-post? Or have you conceived of a system to allow people to find the right community efficiently?

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The USA is not a true democracy in the academic sense of the word.

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The USA was the good guys.

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I think you need to go for a walk in nature friend.

Anti-intellectualism is a strategy employed by some rich people that control some mass media outlets to keep people away from being class conscious.

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I don't think there's any advertising budget being spent on these fedi platforms, which makes it impressive they've grown so much from media exposure and word of mouth.

Would have been amazing if they federated with Forgejo and supported federated git like they're doing with mastodon.

As others have said, you have to think critically about every piece of news you read. Ask yourself what the opposite side on a story might think, or look for an alternative opinion. If you're reading an article in The Economist, read an article in Le Monde Diplomatique on the same subject. If you're reading something about Russia in the Washington Post, read an article in RT on the same topic. Think critically, and the truth is likely somewhere between the two opposing points.

International mass media is a form of soft power for countries to exert influence. It's not a conspiracy it's a tool available to governments which is why you have the BBC, CGTN, RT, PressTV, CBC, etc. That the mass media in the USA is mostly private doesn't change that fact and make it more independent, because the USA is essentially an ogliopoly.

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It's IBM now.

I thought it would be obvious by now; If you're running for elected office and you're coming from a non-mainstream position, or you're a darkhorse candidate: do not mention Jews, Israel, Judaism, Palestine, Palestinians. Like, just don't say anything about it. If someone asks for your opinion on a current event, quote the UN charter of human rights. It's that easy.

Anyway the fact this guy is still making vaccines a central part of his campaign shows he's not playing to win.

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This site is full of neolibs posting propaganda on the World News sub. It's annoying.

Tribalism is a form of government hate to break it to you...

Posting nudes is not cheating. Not telling your partner you're posting nudes is cheating.

This isn't happening it's just grandstanding before the summit. Sweden said they'll put in a good word for Turkey to join the EU, Erdogan said he'll put in a good word to Turkish parliament. After the conference someone will do something trivial and they'll fake outrage and go back to Sweden not joining.

Wait what has COD been doing for the last decade? Don't they have state dept and US military advisors advising on every game for message control?

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SUSE was an independent company before, during, and after its 5 years under Novell. That's a weird attribution to Novell when SUSE has always been the contributing company to Linux.

No it's not, I read down the thread further and found lemmy.ca devs saying it's hosted in Quebec on OVH. Something about CloudFlare redirect.

If your solutions are work/job related and need to be distributed I think your current options are SUSE or Debian. If your solution is something only you maintain, you could check out NixOS.

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It's kinda like when they called it world war 1 and 2 - it didn't actually include the entire world, but it did include so many countries that people considered it to be the world. The amount of people that could die or be affected by global warming could kill billions. Billions.

For me it's a tie between Oracle, Atlassian, and Microsoft.

All three of them have built their business models around intentional poor design = money for extra services. They could make their software easier and more functional, but they intentionally don't so because it would hurt their profits. That kind of greed is inexcusable to me.

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Imagine of the EU mandated all social networks to be interoperable..

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Hosted on a dutch server.

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Ngl this probably would make it easier to scroll websites without fixed widths, as well as diagrams.

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For reference, one of the best ways to track US polls is here: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/

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You listed a bunch of neoliberal ideology reinforcing news sources and then said you lean left. If those are your news sources you're on the right my friend.

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Just curious what you opinion of Zoho is vs the ones you listed. Do they treat staff better?

Reuters is known as the "reluctant imperialist" news source. They use neutral language as much as possible but still back British interests. Owned by a Canadian multinational.

Apologies if I said something to invite your passive aggressive response. You do seem quite passively calling out a few accounts but won't mention them, I'm curious as to your politics now. Do you think it works like your neighborhood association where if you don't say the word that people will get it and it will protect you from revealing your bias?

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It's called enshittification - Cory Doctorow invented the term.

There already are Linux standards, its just that there are lots of people developing their own distros. Asking people who are developing in their free time to contribute to a collective solution if they don't want to is forcing them to do something they don't want to do in their free time.

Linux will become big in countries that encourage their governments and companies not to use Windows, and eventually there will be a few major players for desktop beyond the big 3 for enterprise (Suse, Ubuntu, Redhat)

Astra Linux in Russia is becoming the mass adopted Linux, the longer the war goes, the more companies that won't be able to renew Microsoft licenses, the more adoption of Linux will increase.

Deepin Linux (China UOS) gets about 500 posts on it's forums in Chinese per day. That version of Linux will likely become the dominant desktop OS in China by ~2030 if the USA continues sanctions.

Linux Mint has incrementally been growing a user base and donations every month. 5 years ago they were getting 7,000 euros on average per month, today they get 12,000 euros on average per month.

I'm not worried about Linux Desktop anymore, it's a permanently established common good even if the majors like Red Hat and Ubuntu fold. And just like Lemmy and Mastodon popped up, at some point in the future Microsoft will do something greedy with Windows and people will flock to a few distros and it'll all be over then.

The guy who founded owncloud (Frank), sold it to american venture capitalists. When Frank didn't like how the VCs were planning to enshittify Owncloud, he forked the project and moved it back to Germany from Boston. The American VCs saw this, realized they couldn't exploit the software anymore, so they sold Owncloud to a group of German businessmen. Ironically for Frank there are now two german owned non-VC backed cloud software based on the same code. But yeah they're taking different strategic paths for growth.


Linux Mint gets about $10,000 USD in donations a month on average, develops the Cinnamon DE, and is based on Ubuntu LTS. It's stable, it's slick, and it gets regular updates. If you're looking for a "Major Distro", I suggest including Linux Mint in your list.

  • Godot Engine
  • OnlyOffice
  • Appflowy
  • Affine.pro
  • Debian
  • Forgejo/Gittea
  • Blender
  • Linux Mint
  • Postgresql

How many years do you plan on working for?

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Some suggestions;

  1. license it in GPL or another copyleft license so that future contributors will contribute back to the source and not just take what they want and leave. A lot of issues with open source projects not being maintained is because people will spin up an MIT or BSD license and then people, corporate employees, etc. just grab what they want and never contribute back.

  2. document all of your code ad nauseum so whoever wants to take over can understand everything easily. That way minimizes NIH syndrome or feeling like it's easier just to restart.

  3. before you turn off the lights, leave a roadmap.

just more complacent to the poor state of humanity due to a lack of energy to change, or because the old benefit from the status quo.

Wasn't he at an Elton John concert or something last night? This guy is the living definition of French aristocracy

Fedora is highly overrated.

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