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Many of the protestors were Jewish themselves. Those people reporting that they were blocked were zionists who took exception to the protestors and did not behave politely or quietly

It’s kind of funny what sort of coverage the bbc picks from the area. They go on about one of the milder events that day, and ignore the rest .

Then they gaslight about it.

There is a real disconnect between these optimistic hopes and the fact Hamas already agreed to Biden’s entire treaty last month ( after the usa negotiating party ignored the Palestinians for weeks back in May).

The current peace talks don’t include Palestinians much, it’s simply more BS and showmanship to help with the USA elections.

It may happen that there will be a cease fire, maybe soon. But these jokers at this so called peace conference will not have caused it

Yea, that is what gets me too, when I look at the blockers to use; Ad blockers have access to all keystrokes, forms and pages. They have access to my banking and other codes when I use them .

While I am sure the more popular blockers do not abuse this, and the code most likely checked line by line. It’s still possible for a handful of mistakes to allow supply chain attacks or a dozen other things to happen.

It worries me, so I don’t use them as extension and use security elsewhere