
6 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yup, I’ve been plagued by this bug for a long time. I’m very excited to use this!

What was that about him doing twitter’s technology policing and leaving running the company to the new CEO?

It’s not much of a war. Beehaw is just waiting for better mod tools before refederating.

In this Thread: people telling you how IDEs suck then proceed telling you how to turn their terminal based text editor into an IDE

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Plugged one ethernet outlet to another on accident. But they were wired to the same dumb switch. So essentially I connected two switch ports together. This took the school network down for 4 days 😂

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Just a side note, ActivityPub protocol - the core engine that lets all of fediverse to talk to the rest of the fediverse is… 5 years old. Every feature imaginable is still to be implemented.

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I can’t quite find the blog post but I saw someone do a blog post using AWS' map reduce on multiple servers to process a dataset… and then they redid their pipeline using bash, awk, and maybe grep and a single 8-core machine did it 100 times or so faster.

Edit: found it https://adamdrake.com/command-line-tools-can-be-235x-faster-than-your-hadoop-cluster.html

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I think past 10 years social media has been “grooming” the average internet user into becoming enraged at the slightest deviation from status quo and that’s what we’re seeing here. Rage means clicks means revenue for companies. Open internet doesn’t need revenue and doesn’t encourage rage.

Well if only bots are talking, mods can be bots too. /r/SubredditSimulator will just take over the whole Reddit

I miss the times when different phones had character. Even phones of the same company looked completely different:

Now it’s just the same rectangle stretched different ways and maybe different color sides.

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Alternatives or not, I think it’d be very beneficial to document concept of operation that you want. That way you can either take pieces of these conops and tell lemmy devs what you want, or if you have your own project this will be its conops and you can guide developers towards features you need.

I worry that through federation Meta will be able to track users of non-meta instances. Then you won’t even know you’re being traced

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My first thought is Cingular Wireless

Spam filtering on email is defederation. It’s just in the background and isn’t talked much about because it’s been automated quite a lot. But at the end of the day it’s still writing domain names into blacklist, essentially defederating from those domains.

What the article fails to address and what I’ve been struggling with personally is… We all need food. Yeah it’s great working on GPL code and ensuring it’s all open. But when companies consider your gpl library vs someone else’s mit library they will naturally go with mit. And then they’ll say “well we’re using this free library already might as well donate/fund it”. So suddenly this MIT dev is able to put way more time into the mit library than your gpl library because it becomes their job. Something that feeds them. Their library gets better faster… And more and more companies use it and fund it. GPL is great if absolutely everyone is on board and everyone is fed. But that’s not the world we live in.

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I usually lean the opposite way - aliens exist but mask their presence because they look at our world and it’s just monkeys throwing fecies at each other

Any web browser

I think past 10 years social media has been “grooming” the average internet user into becoming enraged at the slightest deviation from status quo and that’s what we’re seeing here. Rage means clicks means revenue for companies. People now become oddly obsessed with the silliest of things - well MY instance is superior, well MY video game is superior, well MY phone is superior. You get the idea. We all need to take a deep breath and chill the fuck out.

I agree with the commenters who said people miss certain things but forget about convenience of the connected world. I wanted to add that people likely misattribute their nostalgia to unconnected world because they were kids. It felt great being a kid not because we were pre-internet, but because we were kids. We had no bills to worry about. We’d always have food. And that was the only food we ever knew about so we loved it. Our worries were to just have enough time in the day to play all the cool things with friends and explore the world. We didn’t feel guilty for just playing video games the whole day or hanging out with friends the whole day. Our bodies could fall from a tree and our bruises would heal in a week. We’d find a motherfucking ant and be fascinated by it for hours! Have you tried staring at ants now? It’s mindnumbingly boring. Of course we miss the way we felt when we were kids. Technology ha nothing to do with it. Every generation misses being a kid.

ActivityPub is what instances use to talk to each other, not what the web interface uses. So the way Communities are propagated over the ActivityPub depends on what lemmy does, not what ActivityPub wants. Are you trying to develop your own instance or are you trying to make a 3rd party UI for lemmy?

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Look at installing Gentoo, or Arch, or Alpine vs Ubuntu. There’s no technical reason we can’t make Gentoo installation GUI. It’s just going to be very very tedious. Orders of magnitude more tedious.

At the same time Gentoo allows you to customize WAAAAY more things during its install than Ubuntu.

So specifically for lemmy - yeah we can probably make some sort of default AWS image where you just select it when spinning up new VM and you’re up and running. But what if you want something slightly different? Maybe you prefer MySQL instead of Postgres. Or Apache instead of nginx, or maybe you want images hosted on a different machine. Suddenly it’s the install GUI author’s responsibility to support install of 10 different databases, or load-balancers, or something else, and each one has their own GUI options. Then someone else wants 11th database added and it has 10 more custom options…. Oh and now someone else is asking for a DigitalOcean image instead… or and now someone’s asking for Docker image… You see where this is going.

The tree-like comment structure is just overall better for large-crowd engagement. Phpbb forum type is just going to get flooded with many posts and hard to follow when thousands answer

I define success of a social network proportional to the level of fun in having there. So far Mastodon and Lemmy are the most successful for me.

On one hand - yes Meta followed the legal requirement, but the bigger picture is that people always say “so what it’s <insert deficiency> just don’t do anything illegal”. But that’s only fine when legality matches morality. And the disparity has been growing lately.

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8 years ago I posted on facebook that whoever is interested in keeping in touch should text me and I deleted my account a week later. 4 people texted - all 4 were my high school friend. I'm very good friends with them still. We have a tiny discord server for communication. Since then I had maybe 4 more people who I thought "huh, I wonder what are they up to now" over the years, but my curiosity wasn't big enough to start facebook again. For the rest I didn't really care.

I think a lot of American privacy/security folks start with realizing the US government isn’t about privacy, so they want smaller government, but the only party pushing for smaller government pushes bigoted views to so the privacy folks get sucked into that mental space… not condoning them at all but I think this situation is the result of two-party government. I’m in security sector, but I do research and so there are a lot more left-leaning people around me. Sorry I don’t know any podcasts to recommend though.

To be fair, new programmers generally don’t know enough to construct a proper Google query either. And yes there are some lazy people who just don’t try. But sometimes you know what you want to achieve but any query you try seems to be unhelpful. For example, if I want to learn how to store settings in c++ the first link for me tells me to use boost. Now I need to learn about linking libraries and 300 other boost-isms. While anyone with any basic knowledge could recommend reading strings line by line and splitting the string on the equal sign.

It’s there a list somewhere of good non-cloud home automation devices… I don’t want to install custom app per brand of lightbulbs ffs

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Example: Meta federates with lemmy. Lemmy is small so it gets more feature requests than it can code up. Meta comes in and looks at the most requested feature that’s been put on lemmy's backlog. Let’s say it’s some mod tool. Maybe even AI mod tool that sorts comments based on sentiment analysis. And they only implement that feature for Meta clients - not for lemmy. Suddenly mods have a choice - use lemmy and face flood of trolls in their communities or move to Meta and be able to properly moderate those troll waves. Some will stay, some will move. Another new cool feature for Meta, some will stay, some will move. Eventually most users will be on Meta client because it has all these useful features. OP's article describes the rest.

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An MMO where is truly feels like player versus environment and not another pawn versus environment. Stop having 300 people deliver the one lost ring to the same npc for days at a time. I think one way to do it is to provide a general prompt to GPT models and have them generate a few hundred similar but different quests that get assigned per player. But also keep track of these generated differences to weave a story. Make there be more npcs than players.

Same. Used both RIF and Apollo through the years. Haven’t used anything for a week now.

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Well mastodon doesn’t have the concept of communities. You’re kinda saying “I’m trying to implement a generic html reader, why can’t I find the search bar” - it’s because not every site uses/needs it.

Yes that’s what I meant by degrading user experience

Would they though? I mean whoever hasn’t left Meta yet isn’t swayed by their antics and Meta is essentially promising too add more content by leeching off of fediverse

I think another problem is that since FOSS is not profitable, it mostly attracts people who want to make software “for themselves” - hey I need a tool that can do X and if I make it public maybe the other people will like it”. And that’s good but that means the software isn’t “for people”. And the authors already know programming so they make UI that programmers like but not an average Joe. I think FSF needs to invest some money to build a welcoming UI for existing, feature-complete tools.

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I’m sure the automation just looks for keywords so pass the link through a url shortener and not say lemmy or beehaw in main text.

Your text is almost exactly my thought process too. But unlike Reddit if you don’t like how a community is moderate you can go start the same community on a different instance and lead its moderation efforts the way you think is appropriate. Then the communities will follow natural survival prices where whichever community is liked more will attract most people from the other community

Oh I think it’s

I’m confused… the list provides apps to read rss… But no rss sources?

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Hypercube. So many unanswered questions!