
1 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Meanwhile the quest actually has apps, and is pcvr compatible

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I used Manjaro for about 3 years

Its great but packages tend to break over time with it being a "stable" arch build

Over that 3 year period updates managed to break my install at least 30 times

Switched to Endeavour over a year ago and haven't had an update break my install yet

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Yeah nothing has changed from the incident, all of the people there still give me a Stockholm syndrome vibe.

I see this as a good thing!

The more Microsoft adds adware, surveys, and shitty requirements like tpm, the more people get finally fed up with Microsoft's bullshit and finally switch to linux!

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Firefox will live on regardless of Mozilla's support. Since it's FOSS the community will keep it alive

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These kind of apps exist on iOS too

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Adam West

Closer and closer to a social credit score system

Not likely with the $99 apple developer licence bullshit

Teams does a lot of things right, it was designed to replace Skype business and in that aspect they have definitely made something better and easier to interact with. That being said it's still a garbage chat app, and I would never use it outside of work.

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Plenty of people do

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Your "Privacy" statements don't mean shit if your project isn't FOSS. It's "Trust me bro" all over again.

I hope this doesn't mean they will be opening up the email addresses for use after they delete/clear them

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Damn who would have thought semen made a good binder with glass 👀

Exactly! It seems the other people in comments here don't understand that this is just a net positive for workers!

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With the price being $200 you might as well spend 120 more to get a refurbished steam deck, install ps remote play on that then you have a handheld that can play ps, Xbox, and pc games on the go without an internet connection.

Would have sworn yesterday you made a lengthy post saying you switched back to windows? What the hell happened in 14 hours?

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They installed the BETA branch of steam os and are expecting a flawless experience.

They are complaining about a bug causing the deck to boot loop on verifying install. This can be fixed by simply plugging in an ethernet cord Or reinstalling steam os stable.

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Pale Moon is the only independent fork that I know of that doesn't depend on gecko or ff

They are BETA updates, meaning they are not polished, they contain bugs. Stick with stable if you don't want bugs.

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I don't know if they have been updated; but no they have the horrible screeching feedback too. I used to use one of these apps on my iPod touch and had an aux running to the line in on my computer, worked great as a microphone

I just said fuck it and run my own private invidious instance, it's been much more stable and reliable than any of the public instances

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Looks like iRacing is working on proton experimental as of 3 days ago At least according to a user on protondb

Yeah I was getting that shit too it's actually broken, audio ones too

There are no captha's for me on mobile through Firefox on android

Yeah I switched to using invidious, haven't looked back

It really is though, both eac and battle eye have support for proton now. It's just up to the Devs to enable it.

Examples are BF 2042, R6S, PUBG, and Rust. All of those run flawlessly through proton, but the Devs won't enable proton eac/proton battle eye.


Good o'l Fahrenheit 451

You must be from a parallel universe, the ǝuᴉΛ definitely said "It's Thursday My Grills!"

Only things I can think of are that your hdmi or dp cable is out of spec, or if you are using a thunderbolt dongle/dock maybe the ports on that are out of spec

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Yeah I don't blame valve for Microsoft dropping security updates and neglecting the last good version of windows. I've switched to Linux where this will never happen.

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Totally agree! It's unfortunate that we live in a sexist ass society that would down vote a post like this! Sexual exploitation is bad regardless of gender and there should be nothing controversial about that!

I imagine someone would either connect it to a Monitor/TV or have it held up with a dock or something lol 🤷🏻‍♀️

Emacs and our lord and savior RMS

OP likely means something they can run locally from GitHub

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First off your device is not bricked, just reinstall steam os. Here's a step by step video on how to do it. https://youtu.be/X1fg9TB_DcU?si=vRAe34l4HT10vHyL

Second off, by opting into a BETA you become a tester for an unstable software. Especially when it's a beta for an entire operating system.

Third off I would love to see the proof that this is "also happening on prod" because it's likely not happening on vanilla versions of steam os stable.

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Clearly not if you are still here complaining. I suggest you follow the video https://youtu.be/X1fg9TB_DcU?si=vRAe34l4HT10vHyL and reinstall via usb with a fresh version of the image.

Here's where you can get a fresh version of the steam os image. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/1B71-EDF2-EB6D-2BB3

Same setup, android Firefox with ublock and it wasn't working Reader mode worked though

I didn't even know unity acquired parsec wtf