
0 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Details. Basically, there are four people running Beehaw and trying to moderate. Beehaw is not a Reddit replacement, nor is it a troll/free speech friendly place, by design. The intent is for Beehaw to be an open, but curated, instance. That's why there is a sign up process.

Those two instances are both large and open sign up enabled, Lemmy today has extremely weak moderation tools compared to Reddit, there's been a massive influx of traffic and Reddit users, and those two Instances are the place where many trolls are landing.

It's temporary, but today the tools and infrastructure are not in place to maintain both open fed with these Instances and preserve the Beehaw identity.

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Just got banned from r/SteamDeck for a single non-spammy comment linking here in a thread specifically about the blackout. Good riddance.

Wow. That is a truly horrendous interview. This saga just keeps getting better. That interview is somehow the absolute worst thing he's done so far, and he's pulled a lot of shit.

The only thing more gross than Elon Musk is an Elon Musk imitator. He's just. so. angry.

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Lol, yeah this is such a bizarre take. Like, no one calls Elden Ring a JRPG even though it's made in Japan. JRPG is a genre, full stop.

The WRPG is also a thing. There is a very clear difference in how developers in the West versus the East approached the adaptation of the TRPG to the video game format, which is what all RPG's are rooted in. Square/Enix/Falcom and others used prebuilt parties and turn based combat, with a heavy emphasis on story, while western developers put way more control into players hands with character creation and role play (and often real time rolls/gameplay), with less developed stories and side characters. No approach is the "correct" one.

What would be really interesting to hear reported on is whether this was rooted in player preference. Like, did Japanese TRPG players gravitate more toward prebuilt campaigns and characters? Did Western players indulge in more varied self expression and try to break the game while disregarding the story the DM was trying to tell? Tbf, the former sounds much nicer to DM.

@JCreazy@midwest.social @chri1stian@lemmy.ml Prey is free on GOG via Prime, if you want to give it a shot on Windows or get GOG running on Deck.

Anyone know if save game files from the cracked version (aka Steam version) can be transferred to the GamePass version?

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Exactly. The issue with TikTok isn't that it's somehow inherently less trustworthy, it's that it's so aggressively algorithmic. I use it (mostly because my SO sends me comedy and pet videos), and my algorithm reflects my interests and my tolerance for bullshit, which is little to none. The misinformation on TikTok is fed to people with an appetite for it. That's dangerous, yes, but these people already had horrible media literacy, and TikTok is a platform that allows creators to prey on that, even if the algorithm is "neutral."

Returnal, Resident Evil REmakes, most Giant Bomb games, Firewatch, Hellblade...

If you liked Alan Wake, definitely give the RE remakes and Hellblade a shot, and don't sleep on Firewatch. In fact, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is probably one of the most thoughtful and atmospheric experiences in gaming (at least in the field of 3rd person, pseudo action games).

Open world RPG? They are probably the most common single player AAA experience released these days. Bethesda does work in a bit of "immersive sim" qualities to their games though, which is often what makes them feel so sand-boxy.

Talin, Estonia is absolutely beautiful. A hidden gem that no one talks about.

I'm an ignorant American, so when I looked at the map I kinda figured Estonia would have some really strong Eastern European vibes, but I was shocked how Nordic/Scandinavian it was. Incredible infrastructure, extremely walkable, fascinating history as a major Baltic Sea trade route, tons of old medieval architecture...

And the people were so friendly! The language is beautiful, the education system is top notch, they have a great national parks system, they've pumped out a ton of tech startups, they're vehemently anti-Soviet (I love that they celebrate their Independence from Russia beginning in 1920 and consider the Soviet years an occupation). The topography and flora is really beautiful. Silent forests covered in pine needles, bogs, lakes, rivers and a gorgeous coastline.

It's just the coolest place and I wish more people visited.

Edit: Oh, and Pub Kompressor serves the best damn pancakes/crepes I've ever had.

iOS is the most secure platform for 99.99% of people. Custom ROMs on Android got harder and harder to deal with. De-Googlifying made life so difficult. I finally gave up and jumped to iOS and knowing that I'll have day one updates for 5+ years on any phone is such a relief.

Everything is backed up, E2EE, and just easy. I used to think about smartphones all the time... Now I hardly ever do.

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This article is clickbait. There are exceptions for devices that are "waterproof" or have batteries that last a certain number of cycles.

This isn't going to change a thing (especially it EU judges allow IP68 to be considered "waterproof.")

(@supernovae@readit.buzz replying to myself because replying to your comment was bugged, couldn't post)...

I hear what you are saying. However, the Fediverse intentionally puts a lot of control into the hands of whoever is running the Instance. I, for one, do believe that the Beehaw Admins want Beehaw to be federated with as many Instances as possible. It’s very clear from their Rules and About posts though, that controlling and curating the atmosphere within this Instance is the #1 priority, and access to content for their own members is a high but secondary priority. They also did not want or ask to be such a huge destination for accounts in the Fediverse. One of the reasons I believe there are so many communities here is because Beehaw is an option for folks who want a safe and controlled platform with a broad range of topics, with discussion that fits a certain community culture that Beehaw espouses. Whether those communities are the largest or most active is not a motivating factor in their creation.

Beehaw admins seem to be placing the health of their own communities and members above the “greater good” of the Fediverse, which is precisely the kind of decision the Fediverse empowers them to make. They even said that, if necessary, they would move to a whitelist model for Federation. So no, the system will not “continue to be overwhelmed,” because the Admins have been very clear that they will take steps as drastic as necessary to maintain the community and culture they are attempting to build. That’s an entirely legitimate use for Fediverse Instances, even if it rubs many people (myself included) the wrong way.

For what it’s worth, I have another account on lemmy.dbzer0 and another much smaller Instance which have much more focused communities and open Federation, which embodies a more typical or expected Fediverse user experience. I plan to stick around Lemmy/KBin for the next year or so and watch all this play out. It’s still very early days and these things will work themselves out.

Because it's a supported copy that I know is getting the latest patches and I'm already paying for it...? Also, as long as I can transfer save files, I could use them down the line on a sale copy on Steam for Steam Deck or whatever else.

Okay genius, so what's Iran's military budget, what is Israel's, and how much value in aid is Iran providing to Hamas annually? It's more than $3.8b?

Have to buy deluxe. Timed exclusive bullshit.

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Exactly, and that's why the response has been so negative. Every instance that federates with another stores a complete copy of the posts and comments from every federated user.

If the majority of instances do not defederate from a Meta instance, that Instance will inevitably become the primary destination for discussion, even between and by non Meta-Instance based users, just because the communities in that Instance will be so large and active. And even if they don't, Meta Instance will have a stored copy of every community whose Instance is federated.

Meta will then have carte blanche to collect data on a huge collection of users from outside their own Instance.

I acknowledge that they could get the same data by scraping the public Instances anyway, but still... Fuck all of that.

Sure wish id would capitalize and develop a true, in house successor to Quake. I actually like Quake Champions, but you can't help wonder what it would be like to have id or Epic put the full force of their development talent behind an arena shooter for the modern era.

I like it today. Depends on how judicious mods are with bans. If there's a genuine threat of being banned for not be(e)ing nice, it may not matter. But if these communities ever reach the size of something like Reddit, downvotes may actually have a place.

No, not sure how they handle it. I think the upgrade applies to either a purchased version or Game Pass version, but if you don't buy or sub, you wasted $35

Omg this looks so good. I can't believe how quickly they went from announcement to release.

2007 for sure. Mass Effect, Bioshock, Crysis, STALKER, The Witcher, Assassins Creed, and a bunch more I'm forgetting. I also played a ton on PSP back then that probably released that year that I'm forgetting.

Shit, I remember an ex of mine having this happen after working with a remote Apple Genius.

There's no way those specs are right. Their games are notoriously CPU dependent, I refuse to believe a R5 3600 can get stable 60fps gameplay out of this engine but a 6700xt cannot.

But if they're right, there's gonna be a lot of complaints surrounding optimization around launch, and the 30fps BS on console will make a lot more sense.

Edit: In fact, your GPU does meet recommended spec, because it outperforms the "recommended" 2080 in every benchmark I've seen, and has 50% more VRAM. Ignore this garbage, wait for reviews.

I'm sorry, but the greatest stupidity I've seen from the Left during the course of this war is the complete abandonment of the belief in US accountability for foreign conflict and destabilization, which was so common in discussion before the war. Was it just more convenient for us then?

Putin is a vile human being and Russia is an insecure, inept power. The invasion was a crime, and a horrific one. That does NOT absolve the US from responsibility for the regional instability that led to this war. In fact, we spearheaded and encouraged it. It is clear by our foreign policy that our leaders wanted this war.

And now we are letting Russian sympathizers use it as a talking point and we have no rebuttal because we refuse to accept it as truth. It's a massive own goal and reveals so much of liberal discourse in this nation to be ignorant, self serving drivel that can be abandoned as quickly as conservatives can abandon their "values." It is disgusting.

No idea what channel this is, but I searched for a summary of the last 30 years of our diplomacy and NATO expansion and found it. I agree with everything said and it is all historical fact.

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What I don't understand is why there are SO many missing comments when reading threads in one instance from another instance. For example, the top "Hot" post on Fedia right now is a post about community fragmentation on Lemmy. When viewed from Fedia, it has 8 comments, but when view within the source Lemmy instance, it has 40.

This is an issue I've seen in every instance on both Lemmy and KBin and it's a huge issue. One of the main reasons I joined the Beehaw instance, since it seems less affected. In fact, Beehaw shows more comments than even the NATIVE Lemmy instance, at 57!

Idk, facial animation is still honest to god the worst in the industry. Worse than Gollum. Can't blame people for saying it's the same engine when the faces you spend 30% of the game staring at look as bad as they do.

The game is absolutely amazing. It being a roguelike is really secondary. There's also decent progression, and I didn't think it was that hard, you just have to get a good loadout running. Occasionally you'll just get RNG'd within 10 minutes of a run and just start over.

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I wouldn't think so, besides some boss spoilers, but the bosses really need to be played and heard to appreciated, they're not the most interesting visually.

I would say play 30 minutes of the game, then go watch GamesRadar's overview video. That should be enough, but you can also look at specific builds (even if you can't always build into them.)

And GamesRadar's video is correct: just get the Electro Pylon Driver. I mean, play with all the weapons, but that thing is OP.

Edit: Oh, and I played with a controller that had back bumpers (Elite Series 2). I think that's probably the main thing that made it easier, jumping and dashing while keeping both thumbs on the sticks made combat way easier.

Edit 2: Oh, and after you beat the game, watch this video essay. Actually, go ahead and watch the first 2:30m of the video now. It's one of the greatest lore/story/interpretation breakdowns I've ever seen and gave me a huge appreciation for the absolute gem of a game this was. It's an absolute piece of art and heady as hell. If you bounce off the game, and you are sure you'll never beat it, go ahead and watch the video anyway. It's really that good.

I'm in, just set up a small monthly donation.

Just breathe. This is such a typical, hyperventilating response. The critique here is not that the West "made" Russia invade Ukraine and only Russian sympathizers are saying that. The critique is of Western diplomacy over the last 30 years that directly contributed to the tensions in the region. The critique is that when the Warsaw Pact dissolved and Russia was at its weakest, the commitment by the West to also disarm and cease expansion militarily into former USSR territory should have been upheld. It's the idea that unity and peace in the region should have been primary goal, not the liberalization of former USSR territories via NATO membership.

What exactly are you denying as "true?" You seem to have interpreted my comment as saying "Russia invaded Ukraine because of one singular thing the West did." Well of course that's not true, but that's also not what I said. There isn't one thing that Russia invaded Ukraine over. It's a mix of national desperation, a psychotic despot, and regional tensions that made for an easy target. My only contention here is that Western diplomacy failed in Eastern Europe and a different approach would have had a different outcome. Diplomacy is a very long game. This isn't a "hindsight is 20/20" issue, either. This strategy of military expansion for three decades despite Russia's protests has been widely criticized.

You don't have to agree with Russian interests here (I certainly don't,) but you seem to be having a hard time grasping the concept and purpose of international diplomacy and separating it from your own political views. The purpose of a diplomatic relationship should be to advance the goals which benefit the citizens of one's own country, while working within the constraints of a given political landscape, and to advance the good of all nations where possible, not proselytize liberal democracy via military expansion. Why don't you tell me what you think the benefit of NATO expansion post-Cold War was for the citizens of the West? How did that benefit the citizens of my nation, the USA? From where I'm sitting, it didn't. It seems more like a needless expansion of military power by the West despite prior commitments and despite the fact that it increased tensions with Russia and jeopardized peace in the region. Don't forget that this expansion was spearheaded by the USA, not the nations that volunteered to join. Spearheaded by a nation that has maintained its superpower status by being involved in and often instigating every major conflict for the past 80 years. Now Western Leftists are suddenly going to forget that and give them a pass because Russian sympathizers are using it as an inconvenient talking point?

I am 100% for supporting Ukraine in this war. That should have been clear by my comment, but somehow you decided I was instead promoting the rape of innocent children. However, I also believe that after this is all over, there should be a healthy discussion about how we got here in the first place. The most absurd thing is that everything I am saying would have been widely accepted as fact by Liberals prior to the Ukraine invasion. "Western powers, particularly the USA, love destabilizing and exerting control over other weaker nations, even when they pose no threat." Now that Russia finally did the horrible thing everyone knew they might do, this is now somehow a "pro-Russia" position to hold. It's ridiculous.

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Jesus, I would love to see the world as simply as you do.

You people genuinely have the worst reading comprehension. How could you say I insinuated anything remotely like that? And then I get criticized for trying to sound "intellectual" because I go to such lengths to make it clear that I hold both Russia and Western warmongers accountable, but never the small ex-Soviet nations that are the pawns in their game. Yet you still somehow read that into my statement.

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Well I didn't say it was more secure, I said it was the most secure for most people, which it is.

There are commas and periods on your keyboard. Come back and try again once you finish 4th grade, you're unintelligible and quite possibly illiterate.

MGS1 is available on GOG, but it's definitely got that early 3D vibe that OP doesn't seem to like. I think it's aged pretty well, considering it's a PS1 title.

Idk, the community on Reddit/online is pretty friendly and active. In PVP and co-op it's typically pretty great the first week after launch and about 2-3 years after launch.

You can't really get around the fact that self imposed challenge is a huge part of how the core fans enjoy the game and I think it's difficult for newcomers to know when hardcore fans are speaking to them vs their own compatriots.

Sekiro fans are hugely supportive of newcomers though, probably because it's a relatively less played game. The community around Elden Ring suffered from its own success I think.

I'm a huge sci-fi nerd, and I love the idea of exploring the solar system and galaxy. However, everyone I meet who actually talks about it is also so credulous about terraforming and mining and colonizing. It's an outrageously stupid waste of resources and mental energy and I have such little respect for these people.

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Yeah, I would recommend looking up some build suggestions. You can definitely get RNG'd later, but it's way less likely to happen if you have a good build plan going after the first 10-20 minutes. If you just take whatever looks good in the moment, without considering how it fits into your overall build, you'll get screwed down the line.

Also, I missed a ton of story because I didn't die enough. So it really is an intended part of the experience.

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