The community is posting about steam, the water vapor, in retaliation. It's a beautiful thing.
Gamedev working on Cloak and Dasher.\_and\_Dasher/
The community is posting about steam, the water vapor, in retaliation. It's a beautiful thing.
I'll always have a soft spot for Jazz Jackrabbit.
This seemed odd to me, so I went to investigate. A clarification was posted 2 hours ago. Stating very clearly that:
loli/shota are BANNED and not okay in any way.
IRL kids are BANNED OBVIOUSLY because no shit.
characters who are petite/young-looking but not obviously underage are ALLOWED because as an instance the votes decided that banning all of it was destructive, and differentiating between them can be impossible.
So, it seems like an anti-witch hunting measure, which has ironically caused a massive witch hunt for the instance as a whole. These guys don't seem to in any way support pedophilia (thank God).