
1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I also feel like it's become more right wing. Or at least now that some people have left, the balance has shifted further to the right. I went on yesterday, and r/WhitePeopleTwitter, a fairly left wing sub, is now having a lot of Republicans. Really killed my desire to go back. It was something I know a lot of people predicted would happen, but still sad in a way to see.

Edit: Also the fact that the main niche subs I went to are dead. They used to be pretty active, but since they reopened, a lot of users were not happy. So now it's a post every few days. I think one of the subs just got completely deleted. Sadly they're not as active here.

Unfortunately someone just tried to use my bank account the other day, so I'm waiting for a new card to come in, but I got this bookmarked for when I do. I think it's worth the cost of a cup of coffee every now and then.

There's a huge difference between having food to eat

And having millions of dollars doing nothing

Or me living in an apartment

And someone living in a building that could take up a whole city block

It's not the fact that they have money. It's how they get it and what they do with it.

I have money, but I don't have enough to save. I don't make enough to do much outside of maybe buy a small amount of food for a homeless person. I'm not solving shit. However, living in the city I have had people ask for some change, and I've done it. But I can't do shit.

However, there are people who can actually help that won't. They get more money than they need and then just sit on it. Many of them get it through exploiting others.

But if we want to ignore things scaling and just reach, if I give a homeless person a dollar, should he not share that?

You can just say you hate trans people.

If you find the idea that queer people have the right to exist to be too much of an echo chamber for you, then that's a bit telling.

"But the bias!"

Maybe it's just me, but if I wanted to know what was going on in the queer communtiy, I would say queer people are the best people to listen to. Just like how if I wanted to learn about the struggles of bring black or a woman, I would consider them the go to source. I wouldn't go to the people causing the problems. Like I wouldn't go to David Duke to learn about what black people go through. Or Andew Tate on how to treat women.

In those case, the article calls out the lies from the sources you say we wouldn't take, so of course I'm not gonna listen to them. Because they're not just biased. They're lies. In this case, it's things such as tuck swimwear being sold to kids. That was heavily reported on, despite being false.

To help explain what a bias actually is, think of it this way:

One article says Bill punched Jim. Billy is a bully. We have someone saying they saw it.

The other article says Bill did not punch Jim. He is fine. We have the video to prove it.

Now, both do have a bias. Yes. One says he's a bully, the other says he's not.

But one of them makes a claim, says they have someone who saw it, but it turns out it was a lie.

So one of these is a bias, one of these is a lie. It's slander.

Should we find articles without a bias? Arguably. But for starters, if the non-biased articles agree with the biased article and all the facts, and they do show with the same video that Bill did in fact not punch Jim, then I would argue the bias isn't the issue. If Bill didn't punch Jim, then there's no real reason to say he's a bully.

Similarly, it is a fact that right wing news sources lied about the swimwear. And they have an anti-LGBTQ+ bias. But we know it was a lie.

So when an article calls it out and has a bias that trans people are fine, there's no reason to beleive its not. And the bias that the right are being bigoted ans trying to take away the rights from trans people then becomes less of a bias and more of just facts.

So we can find another source for this, but when they simply just list the facts, it will only back up this article.

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You can't tolerate fascism. To tolerate that and let genocide happen is to be a piece of shit as well.

Yeah, I gives me similar vibes as "I don't see color."

But even if we remove bigotry and politics and all of that... labels aren't necesarily bad. Like I am a creature who identifies as one of two main types of sexes that is sexually and emotionally attracted to creatures who identify as the same.

Which is a weird way of saying I'm a man who is sexually and romantically attracted to men, but those are labels, so I couldn't say man, human, etc.

Of course I could also just say I'm gay. While yes, everyone is a little different, it has worked so far for me. People tend to get it.

Labels are not bad. It's an idea only used by edgy teenagers and liberals who want to be good for the praise more so than for simply being good.

One of my good friends does tattoos, and he doesn't do them for pretty much this exact reason. Like on one hand, fuck Nazis and he doesn't want to do it. On the other hand, money is money. They're gonna get it done, so might as well be the one that gets paid.

But ultimately he doesn't want to make anyone else who comes in uncomfortable, and he doesn't want to slowly become known as the guy who does all the Nazi tattoos. It makes him look bad and means he will get fewer people. So it's best to just tell them no.

Thoughts and prayers

"When a Nazi is a Nazi, don't come crying to us who support the Nazis"

I play games for the games. I might have a preference on the type of TV and shit, but that's all personal preference. If the game is good, it's good on either one.

If me and you are having a discussion, but the topic is the fact that I want to kill you, how long will it take before you stop wanting to talk to me?

"But it's just words!"

Well, we know that's not true, so how long would it take before you stopped wanting to be around me?

Oh, also I promote pediphelia. Just as a little fun thing. Just the casual story of raping kids.

I get the appeal. I do. I 1000% do. I get it. But also fuck Nazis. I don't want to be around them. I'm gay, so they don't want to be around me. Fuck pedophiles. I don't want to be around them. So if a site is filled with Nazis and pedophiles, I'm gonna go to a different site. Now you have an echo chamber of Nazis and pedophiles. The thing you wanted to avoid. But you're stuck with only talking to Nazis and pedophiles.

Meanwhile the bubble without Nazis is a really large bubble encompassing everything except Nazis and pedophiles.

Which hardly looks like a bubble.

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Well we don't use it for just anyone who has any different opinion. So the problem right there is solved. We do use it frequently. But that's when we see thing like homo/transphobia(Nazis hated queer people), antisemitism(another group Nazis hated), racism(also Nazis), and sexism(once again, Nazis). There seems to be a pretty fucking large overlap of what modern day Republicans preach and what the Nazis preached. Including as of lately "eradicating transgenderness" and "erasing communities." As well as the amount of terrorist attacks that ha e actively been encouraged.

So if you would prefer we could just call everyone bigot, since that includes them all and not everyone personally considers themselves a Nazi, but I hardly see the difference between a Nazi, the KKK, Proud Boys, 3%ers, etc, when they all preach the exact same stuff. At that point you're not arguing anything except semantics. It's like the whole "race realism" thing. It's racism, but more palatable to racists who think the name racist is mean, but not the mentality.

I guess another way to look at it is as people keep bringing up, but there's a German saying about this. If you have a table with 9 people and 1 Nazi, you have 10 Nazis.

This also doesn't change the actual argument being made, which is about a forum that is open. In which case, you do get Nazis. Like not even what we mean when we call Nazis as Nazis, but people who call themselves Nazis. We have seen that over and over and over. You get Nazis, and you get pedophiles. Then everyone else starts to leave and you are stuck with Nazis and pedophiles.

So once again, I get the mentality behind it. In a lot of ways I would love a site like that. But it's also a little different for those of us that are having people call for our deaths on a regular basis.

I would argue at some point they would need to reject modern living as a whole. Go build an A frame in the woods. Forage for berries and shit. Many aspects of the ways we live cause deaths. Like cars hitting animals. So if a single animal is too much, I have a feeling they should really be following that mindset.

The medical side to things is definitely a huge step up. On a personal side, I think it would be cool to be able to actually witness history as it's being made. Sure, we already are, but there's going to be so much more. I'm a big fan of horror, and one discussion I've has more than once with people is "Would you become a vampire if given the chance?" And while the whole drinking blood thing is a turn off, there is the idea of getting to see humanity evolve. If anything, I almost would rather have had that option earlier. Getting to see everything from the mid 1800s to now would be perfect. But they say there's no better time than the present, so I guess if given the chance, I would actually consider going the immortal route to see everything.

But the whole financial factor is also the big thing that makes me really question if I could support it. We are already seeing how fucked capitalism can be. And since it would likely only be for the rich for awhile, it would mean they can just take even longer to set up a world for them even more than it already is. Eventually they might start to offer it to us, but it would be more so for working purposes. Line Bezos will provide it to people for free... as long as they work for him. But once they quit, they no longer have it available. So either work 60 hours a week minimum for Amazon, or you don't get to be immortal.

Same. One of my friend's dad played all the old school DnD games and what not. I remember going over one day and seeing him play that, and when I asked him he was showing me a bunch of things with the open world and the characters. As soon as I was able to get it, I did, and I put in so much time into that game.

It is a protected class

The first amendment is the thing you're missing with all of this. People can discriminate against gay people. But only if it takes away their first amendment. The courts ruled that art should not be forced. So they don't have to serve gay people. But if someone is selling a car, that has nothing to do with art.

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And then they get angry when we tell them we don't want them there. Like I'm all for women having a safe space, but that doesn't mean ruining ours.

I don't remember which forum I was on, but it was around the late 2000s. Me and some people were joking around, the subject of wrestling came up, someone asked what Triple H's name stood for, so a bunch of us started making fake answers. I really like one that I said, so I just made it my user name. Haven't really felt the need to change it since.

Apperantly kids are cheaper than I thought

And many many more think you're a bigot.

Which is funny because so many of them love to defend comedy shitting on others and claiming anything goes in comedy. Like my step-dad loves joked about other religions, but got angry when I was younger and we rented Dogma. Absolutely refused to watch it.

Yeah, I was thinking the same. This just sounds like my usage of Twitter, just without the negatives of Twitter. I have my community on there, but I never really ventured outside of it or followed celebrities or influences.

So I might just actually join. I hate the idea of starting over, but oh well. I'll probably log onto Twitter for the first time in awhile, let people who I talked to know I'm on there, and see if anyone else is as well.

That's what I keep thinking. Like on one hand, watching Musk get beat up sounds entertaining. On the other hand, it's a publicity stunt and feels like the next step towards Idiocracy.

I missed it. Like I was around, but I don't know what started it. Just logged on one morning and learned I wasn't allowed to shit for 3 days.

Legend of Dragoon. One of my favorite turn based RPGs.

I think my only issue is for some of the super niche topics, there might not be enough of a community. Like I looked at emulation, and right now there's one main emulation magazine... and it's mostly dead. To add to that, I didn't frequent the main emulation subreddit, but was on r/EmulationOnAndroid. So I'm not so sure I will have that here.

But there's other ways to keep up with what's going on, like YouTubers and the occasional jump onto Discord. So even if that community doesn't come over to lemmy and kbin, I'll be fine. I'd still rather have this.

I want FF16 so bad! Unfortunately the other day someone tried to use my bank info to buy some stuff. The bank caught it, but that means they had to cancel my debit card. So now I have to wait till my new card comes in.

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Unfortunately I work on the weekends. I got Mon and Tues off. My boyfriend also works the night shift on Thur, Fri, and Sat night.

But tomorrow night I'll probably take my dog for a walk, and when I get back have a beer or two and mod my PS3. Been thinking about it for awhile. Started busting out my PS2 and was thinking about updating it since I modded it awhile ago, then realized I never got around to doing the PS3. Unfortunately I eventually need to get an external hdd for the games, so it's just gonna be the basics of modding it.

If we ignore the sequence of events and our countries history they would more or less be equal.

But since we can look at the sequence of events and our countries history, no.

I would argue the up vs down is left vs right. Because it's ultimately a fight against capitalism and fascism. Because while it is ultimately rich vs poor, they're using the bigotry to get people to follow them, and simply ignoring genocide in order to hopefully get poor people put of poverty just means millions die along the way. We can't just say fuck it let the trans people die cause I'm poor. Then you're no better than the people you claim to be against.

So it should just be rich vs poor, but it's not, because too many people fall for their rich's tactics.

I'm not a fan of the burgers. In general would rather just not get anything if that's the option. But their fries and breakfast items? The chicken nuggets? Yes. Hands down some of the best. I will fight someone for a McGriddle.

And what would have been really sad about this is that I would bet a sizable portion of the peoplepwho donated are people who could use that help. But they got conned. Again.

I might check this one out later. I usually use audiobookbay, but half the links are dead if it's more than 5 months old. And i keep forgetting to try and log in at the right time for Myanonymouse.

That second point is a good enough reason in itself. Like it almost doesn't matter what I search for, everytime it's just links to stores.

Same. We have seen nothing but reddit shitting the bed. If people are still staying everything, they're not as likely to leave. If this doesn't do it, then that's that. The subs I would consider stating for are dead. Emulation has a post from yesterday, and then 5 days ago. EmulationOnAndroid is still private. Sad to see the community not there anymore, since it was a great way to keep up with everything that was going on, but if they don't pick up here I'll just watch some YouTubers and move on.

Well luckily the bank denied the purchases both times. Both sites were weird. It was something like bsttc4.com or some shit. One was for about $10, the other $35. So I didn't lose any money. I just don't have a card. And I work when the bank is open, so I can't go pull cash out.

Also luckily I should have enough groceries and what not. They said it should be in 4-6 days, and that was Tuesday, so hopefully soon. And if an emergency does happen, I have people I could probably borrow money from.

I hate to say it, but they have been talking about the sequel for years. At this point even if it comes out, it's probably gonna be so far removed from the original I don't know if I even want it at this point.

I've thought about going for all the stars in M64, but never get around to it. Might start doing that here soon.

Same. I'm perfectly happy with my current phone. Especially when the changes to knew phones tends to be less and less now, and its mostly just adding more power which I currently dont need. I plan to get the battery changed in probably another year to stretch out its use. But it's gonna cost me money to get it done. So with my next phone I might as well just pay to get it shipped instead of having to take it to someone.