
1 Post – 346 Comments
Joined 10 months ago


Mastodon: @HipsterSkeleton@dotgr.id

Early lunch for Konzu!

Hell yeah, good for them

this happens to me so often, but I can't remember the last time I actually saw a real cockroach.

I say good for him. Doordash can bleed all of the money it wants.

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I'm not sure the comparison is quite apt, I'm not familiar with any independent food delivery services beyond just asking your buddy to grab some snacks on the way over for a hangout or something.

But I am vaguely familiar with the idea of loss-leading and think its despicable. If no regulation is ever going stand in the way of practices, then knowing they're being exploited by folks like pizza dude makes me feel a bit better, at least.

what the fuck, it just shits it out from a story up? Couldn't it like, scoot down to ground level at least?

Ticking off gatekeepers is pretty punk, so i guess it kind of works if you think about it.

FUCK, it's already 3:00PM

to clarify, this is the Corporate Hellscape in Space rpg "Outer WORLDS", not the comfy mystery game (with existential dread elements) "Outer WILDS".

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From what i've heard of the game industry, being a gamedev is already survival horror.

Everyone needs to put the toilet seat down. Flushing with the lid up is committing biological warfare on yourself and everything else in the bathroom.

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Raymond Hill, the uBlock Origin guy

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its working again lol

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what the fuck i don't even own a dishwasher, why did i watch all of this

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just shove a 4090 and a forklift battery in there, ez

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This couldn't be me, I resent my interests

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can confirm, am shook

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I like skyrim, but completing it is kind of missing the point IMO. The draw is to install a whole bunch of new mods and see if the game still works.

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Sometimes I wonder how awful it would be to be a hungry prehistoric man looking for a bite to eat. It's either starvation, a delicious treat that will sustain the life of you and yours, or nerve-searing hyper-poison that gives you acute scrote-rot. Roll the fucking dice, Thogg.

I cant believe shrek and batman are rainbow dashes grandparents, this sonic lore is wild

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My son is also named borts

spam bot that shows up with a new account every now and again. No idea what its maker's goal is, never gonna find out.

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What possible use case is there for this that isn't a felony of some description?

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every word i use is right, its the english language that is wrong

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Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Lemmings use the instances, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Fediverse. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through the dormi.zone, the shitposts called to me.

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What a take, wow. Is it just the idea of a strangely attractive fishman and a human falling in love that makes you feel so strongly against SoW?

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The problem with condoms though is that they suck. Like, ugh, I'll put on the toque of shame but stopping a frisky moment to apply birth control is just plain annoying.

Give me the swim team hiatus pill I can take before getting the penis brain, please and thanks.

aww that actually got me. thanks for the affirmation, chadclones

You can get eminent domain'd or your house could be destroyed by natural disaster, house fire, etc.

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Beekeeping. I appreciate and respect the little guys, but I can't overcome the panic when a loud buzzy thing with a knife on its ass comes near me.

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basically this thread, already filled out. Free media, heck yeah.


try to speedrun a human or a pigeon or something.

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France 3

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They're trying to get John Fortnite into Smash and are trying to impress Nintendo by knocking Google and Apple off-screen, saved you a read.

??? The peel is what I'd consider the messy part. Are people just stomping it down the drain?

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The trans flag thigh socks + linux combo memes

Can confirm. Miscreant and dumbass are the two types and they're both the best.

I struggle to recall a more ill-conceived idea, holy hell

the ad is poison to my soul tho so its still better to delay

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i have depression and adhd so it varies between every food and no food based on the rng going on in the ol' endocrine