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Funny. That is a feature I wanted for a long time. Question is how in the world will it be implemented. Probably going to pull another Elon and only allow Reddit premium members to vote. Kinda shows the blackout is working and he is trying to find a 'good' PR way to weasel his way out.

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I would rather not watch Youtube again then be exposed to terrible ads. I accidentally went on Youtube on Chrome and one of the ads was a straight up scam. $7.54 Switch! Like maybe if they had humans vet ads like you used to do maybe I would have less of a problem with it.

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Glad The Flash is struggling. Ezra is terrible and man the propaganda campaign for this movie was so annoying. I swear it was out months ago how people have been raving about it.

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I am so tired of it. Pay your god damn employees.

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Biden is trying to get some progressive stuff done. For the most part pretty happy with his agenda. Still be nice to have someone running that isn't old as fuck.

As much as I don't like it (I think art should be something hand crafted by humans) nothing Valve can do. It would take an insane amount of resources to vet all these AI games coming.

I see some Youtube influencers saying the strike has failed. Looking at the front page it seems really screwed up still. Plus the website is going to be chaos if even a small percentage decide to troll.

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EU and the US need to get together and start breaking up large companies. Pretty much every industry is now a couple large corporations that are large enough to crush any upstarts, which you know if bad for innovation. Also will add a major overhaul on patents and IPs.

Yep he made a video talking about how his employee had some rare reaction to the vaccine and started to spew conspiracy theories and say that they aren't wrong. Sucks I agree with his right to repair stuff but his channel is a total cesspool of right wing nuts now. Not to mention he moved to Texas and doesn't seem to have a problem with some of their abortion and authoritarian laws.

EVs are a greenwashing scam. Mass transit is the only way that is sustainable for our population.

Edit: I will add mass transit plus better city planning to increase density. Cars in general require so much infrastructure not to mention what we will have to do to get ready for mass EVs.

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80gb? That isn't too much but guess if it's internal information and docs could be damaging to a public offering.

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There really needs to be more lawsuits for this type of thing. You bought something and they didn't make it clear that you were renting it. I get the server stuff but you know what? After you are done with the game it's time to allow the community to host servers or at least remove DRM for offline play.

The public offering will be a disaster, hopefully. I don't see how investors aren't questioning Spez's leadership after handling this is the worst way possible. Could of been straight or worked with the third party developers to integrate ads and premium. Instead he jacks up API rates to close apps like a coward instead of just telling it how it is. Mindblowly terrible leadership.

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We need free college but glad he is doing what he can.

Seems to mostly work fine for me. However Google as a company is a fucking mess so doesn't surprise me people have problems. I have had more problems with my Pixel 7 and Google Maps seems to be getting worse and worse.

As a dual booter such a dumb take. Mac and Windows are much easier for the masses. Have to debug stuff with Linux is not something the average wants to do or even can do. Not to mention the biggest problem, software compatibility. Also the last part gave me a chuckle. "Elderly people who are not familiar with advanced technology and prefer clean and simple computer usage." Are you fucking kidding me? Mac is the way to go for old people IMO.

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One thing I am hoping for with "AI" tech is to have better language teaching software. It would be crazy to have an AI teacher correct you mid conversation or be able to adapt to what you are struggling with.

Boost is still my favorite. I'm done after the third party apps are gone. Going to block Reddit in my router to stop me on desktop haha.

But that would require a small amount of effort. Seriously though I get some cities aren't bike friendly (they could be though) but worked in a city that was pretty great for bikes. Small/medium sized manufacturing plant with a bunch of rednecks and almost all of them lived within 5 miles. Of course they were crying like hell when gas skyrocketed and other than me there was 2 people that biked. I think the best part is a good chunk drove gigantic trucks.

Yea going to wait until user reviews start coming in before I purchase it. They promised a ton of shit at launch and it was lies plus the insane amount of bugs. Ended up playing it like a year later even though I bought it at launch.

Just saw on Reddit there are 300+ subs going dark indefinitely. That is what needs to happen. Sure Reddit could come in and find new mods but damn might end up being a decent amount of work/chaos. They should screw up their automods and delete the backup logs. Still probably wouldn't be that hard for an admin to rollback but still the more pain the better.

There is still going to be a need for programmers and don't think "AI" is going to be on its own anytime soon. Even using it as an assistant you need to know what you want and have some understanding of the code. Feel like most of what we see of "AI" right now is just propaganda so investors will throw money at them.

Yes. I paid full price for it and enjoyed the hell out of it. I did play it after the patch though so maybe had a better experience. Great/exciting combat and exploration is a blast. Main story is generic but fine. Had some interesting ideas that could of been cool if they expanded on them. $5 yea totally worth it.

Guessing they will just assign him a lawyer like anyone else. Really curious how this is all going to work. I imagine anyone in the court room will probably need some crazy clearances.

How Sundar still has a job is mind boggling. So many failures and obvious mismanagement.

Still hoping all the mobile developers come together and make a competitor. I like Lemmy but hard to beat how Reddit is structured and the size of the communities is an advantage. Also wouldn't mind seeing Reddit's public offering be a disaster.

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When I used Facebook I wouldn't of actually minded this if they also added some customization for your feed. However $14 is a big ask. Maybe for ALL their services including the Oculus.

I mean feel like most Linux distros are the same performance wise. Always like POP OS had a nvidia driver already set up which made things easier.

I have been spending a ton of time with Chat GPT 4 and really losing faith in what it can do reliably. Like I guess it could be fine if it is used like Google Assistant but I wouldn't trust it about anything important. Been doing math refreshers and the AI just made up a solution that was totally wrong. After I called it out it just added another number randomly into the equation and wouldn't acknowledged it lol. The point I am making man it is getting rushed into everything when it can't be relied on.

I have been back on stock for a bit and I swear been having notification issues for a bit (maybe last update?).

Oh god this post scared me. Going back to Graphine and really liked Aurora.

Maybe try Revolt Chat. Open source and appears to be like the old Discord. I really only use chat to play games with friends though. Consider Discord communities a pain in the ass to navigate and use.

Edit: Maybe not lol. Haven't been able to get into the account all evening. Sounds like they may have got DDOSed but it was earlier in the day according to their Twitter.