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Joined 6 days ago

Lol, wow, i dont even know how stupid you have to be to think that im right-wing from my post. Or maybe you think every left-winger is woke? Which would be even more stupid 🤡

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Lol, no worry buddy, its okay if you cant understand... 🤡

Bruh, you are clearly the king of stupidity... Even a mussel is smarter than you...

You do realise that woke is how they describe themselves ? Its not the right wing who invented the term, its nonsensical to believe that only right winger use this term as a slang... It became a slang because all woke people are 🤡, they did it themselves, nothing to do with LGBTQ+, race or any political side...

But let me guess, you are a dumb US citizen, right? You cant be that ignorant and not be from the US...

Lol, you are talking about irony, yet you completely missed the point. Point that you are the perfect exemple.

Spot on, buddy, and im a dumbass? Lol, pathetic... 🤡

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Bruh... quit your BS propaganda. I know a family from south Lebanon, its Hezbollah martial law there. And if you have the audacity to have critical thoughts on Hezbollah/Iran/Hamas you get beaten or killed...

Political Hezbollah has only 12 seats in Lebanon, they are a minority, yet they control everything. Government is corrupted and keep a blind eye on what they do. Vast majority of Lebanese want them out. Recession and corruption is entirely Hezbollah/Iran doing.

You dont even know history and can't even spell Lebanon, you are a troll...

I would have been so confused if I was still on reddit. Back then, downvotes were proof you were right and you triggered the woke hive, and upvotes meant you said obvious information, woke opinion or funny not offensive jokes. No upvotes/downvotes meant you said something either really thoughtfull or really boring.

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