
1 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't think closing threads is a great idea or in keeping with how this all works. I think it'd be nice to be able to mute a thread as an individual, but by its nature these discussions are open and shared with many instances. If we close it on kbin.social, other kbin instances, lemmy instances, and even places like mastodon and pixelfed could keep discussing, if I understand activity pub correctly.

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Yo, I'm a Kbin.social member and can report we're federating now

I'm a sucker for any connector that has a nice solid spring load mechanism that pops into place when properly connected. It should sound like a movie sound effect of a gun being reloaded.

I've also used some really nice quick release steering wheels, like on race cars or racing sims, where they have a spline connector with a tight fit and a good spring load.

They called it AI in the first game too. It's been called AI in games for decades.

Example: https://www.gamerevolution.com/news/448825-cities-skylines-traffic-ai-better

The crazy thing is it isn't even as good now that they fucked over and lost their chili source. The new chilis just aren't as good.

I've got a beard but I wear contacts and would never use an actual picture of myself on a public forum like this.

It's so new and different from anything we've had before, so most people don't get how it works at all.

I recently saw someone get all pissed that a YouTuber on mastodon was responding to their critsisms posted on lemmy or wherever, and had no idea how the YouTuber could have possibly seen the posts. Turns out someone in the thread had tagged the mastodon account and so when people replied it also tagged him.

Tbh you might be able to come back go pocket casts. They added a bunch of functionality back over time. Can't remember what it used to be like anymore, but it works for me.

I have a free account and do have access to the filters. You can filter by podcast, started/not started, duration, etc. It may still not work for your needs though.

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The carbon free rock is replacing limestone in the manufacturing process, not the sand. Sand is added to cement, along with rocks and other aggregates, to form concrete.

From what I can tell, the way this might be bad is that the carbon free rock may not exist in significant quantity. If it does, it will be mined in the same way as limestone, so that's just a wash not a bad thing. If the rock they need doesn't really exist they have to buy it from someone else who makes it from readily available materials. In that case, it could be green washing, where the company can claim "our process doesn't release much carbon compared to the traditional process" but in reality the total carbon released to create the cement - from mining to processing to pouring - could be similar.

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I heard boost is +1 reputation and down vote is -1. Kinda wack if you ask me.

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I don't understand a small thing about this new place, better just leave.

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No guarantee they get the edits. Plus every instance can store older versions if they want and provide a 'edit history', whether that's a part of the current protocol or not it is technically possible.

Just like how someone can archive anything on the internet really.

People should consider everything they do online to be public and trackable. If anonymity is important, it requires direct planning and effort to achieve. Data processing is so powerful and only getting stronger. Companies can learn more about you than you'd think without ever having access to your "PII".

A lot of people in the thread are confused, I think it would be good to edit the post to clarify that it's a mockup/suggestion not a setting that already exists.

There's nothing formal stopping the SC from doing anything, but courts are generally limited to ruling on the controversy in front of them in as narrow a way as practically possible. I haven't read any analysis on this ruling, but just from the little I have seen, it looks like they ruled that the HEROES Act didn't grant the federal government the ability to forgive the loans in the way they were attempting.

Biden could try using an authority from a different law or creating a different set of rules by which the loans may be forgiven.

My non-lawyer prediction is that if Biden tries again, the SC will find a new reason to stop it and will make a bigger ruling that takes more power away from federal agencies to make decisions. They've already been doing this with environmental and health decisions, and I'm sure other agencies have been impacted too.

If we're talking approaching fundamental limits, Hydrogen fuel cell is not a great comparison. A high pressure tank can only get so light, even with linerless ultra high strength carbon fiber pressure vessels, the mass of the vessel is maybe 6-10x the mass of the hydrogen it carries. To increase specific energy there you need to go to cryogenics which is a whole technology leap and has its own set of challenges.

Battery tech has been improving more than you have seen, clearly. Since '08, lithium batteries have increased energy density by 8x (https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/fotw-1234-april-18-2022-volumetric-energy-density-lithium-ion-batteries). The best LiPo batteries are around 0.9MJ/kg right now, but there's no fundamental reason a battery couldn't achieve 9MJ/kg. Lithium-air batteries could theoretically achieve way higher energy density than that even (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium%E2%80%93air\_battery), and have already been demonstrated in a lab to achieve more than 5x what current commercial automotive batteries are doing.

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I'm seeing a lot of misconceptions in the replies. You have it mainly right from a very high level.

The reason why prepreg "expires" is simply that the resin system is mixed before being impregnated into the fibers, so it starts the curing reaction immediately. These resin systems are usually designed to cure properly at high temperatures, typically 250-400F depending on end-use, but they'll still slowly react at lower temperatures. To further slow the reaction, prepreg is kept frozen. Prepreg also has two types of expirations: "shelf life" and "out life". Shelf life is how long it can last frozen. Out life is how long it can last at room temp.

Theres a few issues that can happen when using expired prepreg. It can be harder to laminate since it will be too stiff and not as sticky. It won't cure correctly causing failures in the resin.

Expired prepreg can be recertified by testing the material for those types of failures. Check if the prepreg can fold over a certain radius and stick to a certain angle without sliding off. Cure a sample and test it to see if cured properly.

PocketCasts was pretty much perfect for me for a long time and recently (past couple years maybe?) they did a big update which made it noticeably worse. I tried a few other apps and they had even bigger issues. I'm still using PocketCasts and they've fixed some of what they messed up but it isn't perfect.

They have a good library of podcasts built in but also allow you to add custom rss feeds for any smaller shows they don't have or if you have private feeds from patreon or elsewhere.

Why would votes being public make it so that alt accounts (throwaways) would be less effective than they were on reddit or any other public forum?

I think privacy is important but even in public online places, like the fediverse, it is possible to maintain anonymity if it's desired through curation of what information you post, where you post it, and with which account.

I think the point that is counter to yours is that we are nowhere near the fundamental limits of energy density for batteries. It's probable we are near a fundamental limit for LiPo, but the point is that battery tech improves by changing technologies/chemistries. BEVs couldn't exist at all when the best rechargeable battery tech was lead-acid, but were enabled by LiPo. Theres most likely a type of battery you can't even imagine that has yet to be invented that could store >10x or more energy than current LiPo per unit cost or mass.

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Blocking isn't defederating. The instance controls federation, but blocking is on a user basis.

Dude what the hell? You posted publicly in a public comment thread and are mad when the person you're talking about responded? You know this could happen on reddit too right? Creators are people too, you absolute dick.

Podcast bubble popped? None of the podcasts I listen to mentioned that...

Probably way better and way more expensive.

Good luck electing anyone not in the two party system. I think there's 1 or 2 independent senators and no independent representatives. You need to change the rules of the game, cause like it or not were all playing the game. And not voting or voting 3rd party when they're polling at 1% is just giving an extra vote to someone who disagrees with you.

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I agree there's a lot of interesting things to discuss about this topic. It can hardly be contained in a short survey like this.

For the additional thoughts I put:
Positive: Selfish human thinking restricts most people to considering only how their actions will impact the world within their lifetime. The potential for living hundreds or thousands of years could allow people to think more long term about their actions. Very few things are persued in the 50-year time span, let alone planning for something that could take 200 years.
Negative: People may be much less willing to take risks. If the only things that can kill you are possible to avoid entirely, wouldn't you?

I hadn't considered how bad the unequal access could be in the way that you talked about. I was thinking it would be one of those things like advanced cancer treatments, for example, that the mega-rich get access to when it is first developed and then within a few years to decades it becomes the standard of care. What I didn't consider is that whatever the breakthrough is that allows immortality may need to be near-constantly applied for it to work. Almost like a potion of immortality that lasts only weeks. Even if the cost of the treatment is lowered very quickly it's not likely it will be something as simple as insulin for treating diabetes or aspirin for treating blood pressure. It could take decades for it to become affordable for the upper class and may never become economical to give to everyone. Having a class of people who die of old age and a class who doesn't is some super dystopian cyberpunk type shit.

Yeah the current challenge with searching is if no one has subscribed to a magazine or user on another instance, you have to search the exact name@domain to get it to show up. Ideally Kbin instances would implement a user bot that subscribes to all the users and communities it can scrape from all federated instances until this search limitation is fixed.

On one had we've got links to the department of energy and to Wikipedia. And just some hand waving on the other hand.