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Joined 4 months ago

People are abusing Google's ad distro platform to get malware onto people's machines. I see Microsoft signed up for the same firestorm of possibilities.

With even the FBI recommending adblockers maybe ads aren't the thing we should prop up our economy with. They don't work, people hate them, and now even passively ignoring them isn't an option. But I don't know if the world can operate on the Patreon model.

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All you gotta do is ask everyone to scoot down a room (or two, not sure if Sis and the boulder are looking to share a room) and you'll find there's plenty of room.

That's the spirit

On a bigger scale, I think it's all wasted money. Maybe its the autism, but the more I see a company name, any company name, the less I want it in my house.

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Roku is 6, I think 7 is nana

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I guess our continued plan of just waiting for all the boomers to die is still the only plan we're going with?

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Tolerance as a social contract fixes this. "We will tolerate you if you tolerate us." That keeps us from welcoming traitors.

I'm still not sure what that context is. I'm a year into Duolingo and they haven't spelled that out for me in a way I understand yet.

You sound like an ad for advertising. I've seen the studies and I think our relationship with companies is changing. I trust people/groups/companies very differently than my parents and grandparents do. To just give up... Fuck that.

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You gargle their balls like you're paid to do it, I have no doubt ads work on you

Then stop beating the "it's all hopeless" drum. You're certainly not going to change my mind.

Thoughts and prayers

If he has $500/M on hand, this shouldn't be allowed.

If he DOESN'T have $500/M on hand... This still shouldn't be allowed.

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This is what Republican victories look like.

I still blame Jeep for thinking a rotating selector was a good idea for a gear shifter. RIP Anton Yelchin.

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Where are the creators? The cosplayers? The rube goldberg machines made out of post it's and shot glasses? The "I draw pictures by playing notes on a piano" people? The people porting Doom to a yoga mat? The "I made a car out of thrown out Crocs" people? The "I built a treadmill for my friend's overweight insects" people?

This is the stupidest shit I could think of but people are out there making and doing weirder/amazing-er things... Where are those people in Lemmy? I browse All and it's just politics, linux, and shit posts.

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The going price for the 2024 election is $464M. I hope not... But I bet somebody will pick up the tab.

Trump will kiss his shoes and not get an ounce of respect back. Love to see it.

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I remember when #GetTheBuckOutOfColorado was trending in 2016. Glad he's finally gone.

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Is the rapist maybe a little unhinged?

You mean "died." All the COVID conspiracies were from the right and they didn't wear masks, sucked down horse dewormer, and travelled like they won the lottery. They asked for this, they DEMANDED this.

"Why did I go to law school if all my crooked buddies can't choose me?"

I have a flag inside an upstairs window but between the window and the shades so everyone walking down the street can see it. It's been there for over a year. Anybody with a problem will get laughed off the property. Anybody who continues to have a problem will test our Stand Your Ground laws.

I used to maintain a wordle clone. I was meticulously making sure that any changes in the NYT word list would be reflected in my app as well, the goal was synchronization because the secret to wordle is that we're all playing the same game... until we're not. I haven't touched that repo in months. The NYT can suck it.

In particular, the bill champions a therapy called NaProTechnology, short for ‘‘Natural Procreative Technology,’’ a Catholic alternative to IVF that the bill defines as “an approach to health care that monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health, including laparoscopic gynecologic surgery to reconstruct the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and other organ structures to eliminate endometriosis and other reproductive health conditions.”

God I hope they at least ask the women first.

I also find it hilarious that Lankford from Oklahoma co-signed the bill because the cost of healthcare is too high. The motherfucker wouldn't donate a tissue to you if you had a cold.

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If you have the opportunity to relieve a M/Billionaire of any of their money, at this point I feel you're morally obligated to. To free the money from a dragon's hoard is the right thing to do.


How unamerican

I won't spend my money at those asshole places. If they're the type of place to pull this shit, I probably already don't shop there.

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Oh hey, I might start playing again.

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Pay your damn employees

The handmaid's tale starting in Oklahoma isn't off brand for the state. It'd probably be welcomed with open arms.

It's a race to the bottom once boebert leaves

Without the only app store that matters, this was dead on day 1 for me.

... Is for good people to do nothing.

The problem with federation is there's always that person who believes an article should be posted in 50 communities and then there's no escaping it. I'm tired of seeing this article as I scroll.

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