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The actual answer, there is no reason to switch. The vast majority of users do not care about Linux or why they would want to. For us there are lots of benefits and things we enjoy about getting away from Windows but for them "why?"

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Essentially, the big issue is that Twitch went from a 70/30 sub split to 50/50 for a lot of its larger creators. Most smaller creators started at 50/50 and once they grew they were able to negotiate better contracts for the 70/30 but it was since then removed.

The biggest issue imo is that streamers don't fully comprehend the costs of Twitch and say things like "Amazon can afford it" (Quote from a major streamer on the platform). What they fail to realize is that Amazon isn't running Twitch as a charity and if it continues to not be profitable it could be shut down just like Mixer was.

I am not bootlicking Twitch either, streamers need to eat and taking 50% of a major revenue stream is a difficult pill to swallow.

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I am not OP but since they didn't provide any I went and found some

#1 https://www.makeuseof.com/raspberry-pi-hires-former-police-officer-for-surveillance-tech/?newsletter_popup=1 #2 https://raspberrypi.social/@Raspberry_Pi/109476972427437410 #3 https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/meet-raspberry-pis-maker-in-residence-toby-roberts/

Personally, I think this is a case of people trying to make the policing issue in the USA a global one. While I acknowledge that many countries, including mine, have problems with policing, I don't believe it is highly controversial to consider hiring someone with a background in law enforcement.

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I also have a great gaming PC so I do most of my major AAA gaming on that. People will talk about how great games like Elden Ring, RE4, or even Cyberpunk run on the deck but the experience is so degraded on the mobile platform that I'd rather play other games on Deck.

Things like Emulation, JRPGS, Platformers, Indie games fucking excel on the deck. The experience playing them there is so much better when being able to take it and go places.

If you are only interested in playing major AAA games or shooters, probably not worth it

The problem with the Switch is that it’s requirements for the dock are really strange, what makes it worse is that it’s in a hardware level, so the dock has to be specifically designed for it.

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Two weeks ago my step mother asked me "Can you help my friend connect her PC to the wifi, it runs Windows XP" users are fucking weird.

100% have to agree. The cost of operating these massive online platforms vastly exceeds any profit options they have available to them. Without some form of aggressive data mining, advertising, subscription services or combination of all 3 they will continue to lose money.

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This is really up to you, if you have the budget/space for dedicated hardware then you will benefit from it. However, if you are on a budget/space constraints then you could setup some containers in docker either running on the system or in a VM then transfer them over in the future.

Its the only reason I am still using Plex, I don't know if we will ever get Jellyfin on even half the devices that Plex is on. : (

Yes there was and I agreed with the court of public opinion at first and still disagree with some of the initial terminology it does seem as if Twitch is just attempting to align with YouTube on how it handles ads and sponsors.

YouTube and Twitch both want to make sure the viewer can tell the difference between and AD run by the site and a sponsored segment controlled by the creator. To help with this all YouTube sponsored segments must be the creators own words and not a standard commercial. Its why when its a "word from our sponsor" its an ad read by the creator instead of a commercial for a VPN product.

I don’t need it…. I don’t need it ….I already have a purple back and dbrand front … but I want it lol!

100% but its a lot easier for a business to go "we need to purchase X number this intel product" vs "We need to spend X on product from some company your non-technical ass has never heard of"

In the consumer/small business space I think we will be fine for options but the intel NUC was great for a lot of business applications and I will miss it!

Destiny 2! The game is total trash. The combat is so fucking boring, its just nothing but bullet sponge bosses with simple ass mechanics.

I know that lots of people love it but man I do not understand lol

It’s worked straight out of the box for me, I’d tell it to recompile shaders and reboot

I did this on my upgrade from 256GB to 1TB!

Instead of using gparted though I booted Clonezilla off the Deck and cloned it that way, took about 45-60 minutes to clone the drive and I was up and going. Honestly would suggest anyone do it that way if possible.

Let me know if you've got some questions.


I tried Warhaven a bit tonight and it was quite a bit of fun, runs well, monetization seems okay for a F2P game, combat is dynamic and interesting.

Only big red flag is Nexon.... I understand not having any trust for them.

I wonder if we will ever see a proper return to form for GPU pricing. As you mentioned, most if not all other PC hardware has come down to pre-pandemic pricing but without GPUs joining them it makes budget builds impossible*

Seeing the RX 7600 leap so far ahead in higher resolutions in CS is interesting. Ultimately both seem.. ugh.

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Thats is pretty gross. Why is that the greater community continues to pre-order everything!

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