
1 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He earned the prostitutes

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No sane, nondisabled person would allow Elon to put anything in their brain

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For profit prisons need to be abolished for sure But any downplaying of the horrendous gulags is just wrong https://youtu.be/dBjcT0QxSS0?si=jIvtvNe6j7lUiFxy

Left lane is for passing, then get right. People that don't do that cause accidents and worse traffic.

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After catching up on this issue some more, (since you already defederated my instance) I can’t help but think about the whole pc principal season of South Park with all the mentions of safe space. https://youtu.be/sXQkXXBqj_U

With that said, yes ppl are toxic here for sure. Way too much negativity.

If you’re eventually going to leave anyway the fewer users you take with you the better for lemmy and the fediverse. Going now would be less damaging in the long run to those vs growing more users and then leaving.

Audible meme

Well that took several turns

The opposite of what it’s like to chew 5 gum

Oh fuck off

That’s like genocidal talk man

America is big and diverse. Stating all are the same is ignorance, of which the commenter likely thinks he isn’t. Hell, go to NYC and the public bathrooms by the Brooklyn bridge have like 12 languages. I’ve experienced so much of this prejudice ignorance ilk working and living abroad as an American; judging those who are prejudice with equal prejudice themselves, unaware of it and self-righteous, yet showing their true self to anyone who can see.

The amount of Europeans, and others who have denied me entry to their bar or restaurant, or ridiculed me, or harassed, without even knowing my name, or where in America I’m from, or what I support, and actively fight… You don't want to alienate the Americans working to keep at bay the fascist takeover. The slander right off the bat. It’s just gross… If you think you’re better, BE BETTER.

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That stuff will never get out of your clothes btw

Time to banish putin to an island

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Not even remotely country

Terrible autocorrect when trying a new keyboard. fixed.

Guy took a chance, left his employer and went freelance. Now he's bigger than ever. You never know...

This beer made me queer. ~Lao “Bud-Lite” Tsu

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It’ll probably blow up on her

Authentic frontier jibberish

Don’t forget to factor in all the Uyghurs in camps in china and basically the entire population of North Korea to those numbers

Woa it actually happened

Wikifedia, Fediwiki?

There’s a guy slicing gyro meat somewhere yelling “I knew it!”

The inside is a concert venue with craziness too

Ernest Saves Christmas! And I don’t even care about Christmas but damn that’s a good one

Something Philomina(sp?) Cunk would say. Like when she goes: ‘air is so addictive you’ll literally die if you don’t have it every couple of minutes’

Matthew Perry’s hierarchy of needs

It was the national guard. But yea they shouldn't be there either. The oil companies and the Republicans called them in smh. This was several years ago like when Trump was president

LOL! Also the peyote

FYI this was several years ago like when Trump was president

Blew that guy’s pants off lol

Sea Change album by Beck

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Plant a garden

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Doesn’t look like it exploded just went thru ceiling

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Should be a flood of cheap e scooters in the market soon then for private purchase

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Tungsten Pale Ales: they’ll give ya a shock even Edison wouldn’t give to a horse

It's time for Idiocracy 2: Still Stupid

He definitely used to watch jersey shore

Not the sharpest tool in the shed