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communist trans girltwink who has a fuck load of simps ever since i posted pics of me naked on the internet

ngl, last time some conservative started flirting with me she got pissed of when i said i wasnt interested because they were a tory flag shagger, and then she called me a slur because im queer

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i'm the real bigot because i dont want to shag someone who happily advocates for making it as hard as possible for me to get gender affirming healthcare and openly supports the neoliberal privatisation that's devastated my country?

yes i very openly discriminate against conservatives, i have no plans for stopping or apologising

because of kolektiva the FBI has my nudes saved on a hardrive somewhere 💀

it’s already on Lemmy

Lemmy was created by communists for communists, conservatives, "centrists" and liberals gtfo out

You can have right leaning beliefs and not be a bigot

the entirety of conservativism is openly classist, the entire ideology is built on ruthlessly attacking and stripping away protection for those most vulnerable in society. Besides, just because your family wont openly call me a slur for being trans it doesnt mean they aren't supporting a party who market themselves on wanting to strip away my rights. Frankly, you cant be pro-american at all without implicitly supporting the horrific crimes they have historically committed whether within their own borders or outside.

can you please not just be homophobic as like some epic own of the conservatives. Even if its supposed to be an ironic thing because conservatives would hate to be called gay, it just reads as normal homophobia.

anticommunists trying to go 3 seconds without saying a transphobic slur:

You know that's a fascist meme right? And that right now you're celebrating a fascist dictator doing mass killing of civilians just because (alongside the thousands of dead union members, democratic socialists, reporters, human rights protesters and students) he also killed thousands of marxist leninists and their sympathisers




Russia’s populace is being fed to a meat grinder solely because their president craves power and conquest

that's not any kind of own. Russia is a capitalist country, you're literally arguing against capitalism and then claiming that you've proved that capitalism is better than communism despite acknowledging that a capitalist country is feeding its populace into a meat grinder

non-extremists usually aren’t particularly anti-communist

just be open about it and say you want more anti-communist fascists if you're going to go about defending how riddled with fascism these anti-communist spaces are

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I actually wish we would become very much like Reddit used to be back in the day.

A libertarian infested hell site that was most well known for just being 4chan lite and actively harbouring pedo communities?

here's a relevant summary of Marx's thoughts on the matter:

Business Cycles and the Tendency toward Recession. Marx noted that something more than greed is involved in the capitalist's relentless pursuit of profit. Given the pressures of competition and rising wages, capitalists must make technological innovations to increase their productivity and diminish their labor costs. This creates problems of its own. The more capital goods (such as machinery, plants, technologies, fuels) needed for production, the higher the fixed costs and the greater the pressure to increase productivity to maintain profit margins.^(2)

Since workers are not paid enough to buy back the goods and services they produce, Marx noted, there is always the problem of a disparity between mass production and aggregate demand. If demand slackens, owners cut back on production and investment. Even when there is ample demand, they are tempted to downsize the workforce and intensify the rate of exploitation of the remaining employees, seizing any opportunity to reduce benefits and wages. The ensuing drop in the workforce's buying power leads to a further decline in demand and to business recessions that inflict the greatest pain on those with the least assets.

Marx foresaw this tendency for profits to fall and for protracted recessions and economic instability. As the economist Robert Heilbroner noted, this was an extraordinary prediction, for in Marx's day economists did not recognize boom-and-bust business cycles as inherent to the capitalist system. But today we know that recessions are a chronic condition and — as Marx also predicted — they have become international in scope.


(^2) As an industry becomes more capital intensive, proportionately more money must be invested to generate a given number of jobs. But business is not dedicated to creating jobs. In fact, capitalists are constantly devising ways to downsize the workforce. From 1980 to 1990, the net number of jobs created by the biggest corporations in the United States, the "Fortune 500," was zero. The new jobs of that period came mostly from less capital-intensive smaller firms, light industry, service industry, and the public sector

gay trans communist who went to school reporting in 🫡

didn't they have a problem with people doing alt-right dogwhistles about anti-white racism recently? and it got so bad that they had to make a mod announcement telling people to stop doing it and all of the users started trying to explain to the mods how it definitely wasn't a right wing dogwhistle

yes, cuba is pretty uncontroversialy a socialist country

All you know is that I think you and your buddies are removed.

anticommunists try to go 5 minutes without yelling slurs at people challenge [impossible]

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you know, it's almost as if burning the religious texts of a minority group implies some general sentiment towards the minority group itself 🤔

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i just put my in for lemmy.ml and got approved in like half an hour

Lemmy.ml added them at some point I think, because when I checked over on their instance they were using the r-slur

well is there any actually existing socialist country that you would support?

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"China has concentration camps"


"You're a paid shill!"

this is a british propaganda poster, not a soviet one

actually it was chosen because the .ml domain is ludicrously cheap to get, like to the level of basically being free

you're literally just doing the "i have black friends" thing

if you consider hate speech as free speech then i am all for censoring free speech


Objective shitjustworks post calling out the military industrial complex

hexbear dork spreading kremlin misinformation by attacking the pro-democracy lethal aid suppliers


imo there's a big difference between someone venting about a desire for racial supremacy over people they see as genetic inferiors born to serve them with an overblown provocative statement, and people venting about being frustrated with men being misogynistic creeps to them with an overblown provocative statement.

Especially since my original post wasn't even saying "kill all men", I just used it as an example, like, I don't think that all cis men are bad, there are plenty of great ones, but I've had enough older cis men tell me how "incredibly r*peable" I look in DMs or send me unsolicited dick pics and stuff, and like had another one being a creep at me earlier today, that I was feeling more frustrated with them earlier. So forgive me for inserting some of my frustration into a comment barely anyone will see under some random meme.

isn't that the same logic that the tankies are using though - because they think they have to be authoritarian to the people who they believe are trying to take their freedoms i.e. capitalists?

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It was just a dumb joke, not something meant to be serious.

Take it like "kill all men" statements, when people say that they're not suggesting a serious and coherent plan for the mass genocide of half the human population, they're just venting frustration about men being dicks to them in their personal life

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reddit liberals when they're asked to not be racist for three seconds:

Unironically, enforce mandatory pronoun tags on Reddit then immediately give any cishet he/him a 3 day time out (was going to add on a bit going "the second he does X" but ngl, I think just a blanket temporary suspension approach would work way better until we figure this whole he/him thing out)

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