0 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Cyber security enthusiast/ pen tester who loves Linux and teaching how to keep people safe online. Also a Linux advocate and open source GNU/Linux supporter.

Knows python, rust, C++ C# and java (unfortunately)

Yeah agreed, with enough administrators it could be kept to a minimum especially if users help with reporting comments, posts and so on. But it will still be very hard to completely keep Lemmy clean of trolls and all the nasty stuff we would rather stay away from that reddit has become.

I believe it's the users job to help keep the app safe as well. Administrators can't catch everything which is why it's really good to have a report button. I know earlier today I reported something very serious (like incriminating) on reddit and I reported it and I somehow got banned for report spamming but then the person got a temporary ban for illegal activities.. it's just so sad what that place has become

I'm a free speech activist and open sourced enthusiast. I also work in cyber security and to be banned for reporting illegal activity and then have them walk away with a temp ban is pretty disheartening tbh

I think from what I've seen being on here for a couple hours

  1. I love it a lot more we just need to get more active people

  2. The idea behind this site is amazing and I like what it stands for.

  3. You guys (as devs) seem to be working very hard on this and you all seem to really care about free speech and having a friendly and active community

I will be supporting this site from now on and can't wait to create my own communities and see how it turns out in the future <3

I'm new to here and really enjoying it so far. I came here because I'm tired of what reddit has became it's a very dangerous place over there and they should be investigated.

I was curious. I've been a Linux admin for a while and I loved some of the communities on reddit. I'm really good with admin work and watching over communities and servers and wanted to know when I'd be able to create my own community?

I'd love to see a piercing community here where people can talk piercings and ask for advice.

Thank you for making this place awesome so far! I'm also working on my own application

I believe in free speech and open sourced software and I believe in internet security and privacy and always try to inform people on how to stay safe online.

Currently working on my own app similar to this called Freddit meaning ( F*** reddit) πŸ˜†

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I can't wait to watch reddit burn while sitting back here with some really awesome people in a much safer environment

I'm working on a new app called Freddit (fuck reddit) πŸ˜‚

Tumbleweed is rolling release so just make sure you snapshot your system once before an update and once after just Incase something goes wrong

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All I had to do was report a pedophile with direct proof to get me banned and it got them a temp 7 day ban -_-.

Reddit is disgusting

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Oh this looks very clean! Great work and love arch

Hey, I figured it all out after messing around for a little bit. Thank you so much! You all are awesome!

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Manjaro also has a "rolling release" model that isn't actually fully rolling release. They hold back packages for a few weeks which in return has almost always destroyed the AUR for not only manjaro users but Arch users.

They lie about it being fully rolling. Not just that they have forgotten to sign their signature keys multiple times before releasing big updates.

Sure it's an easier Arch for "beginners" but I'd say it's easier to just install arch on a VM if you really want to learn and use arch that bad a VM is the best way.

Pure Arch is better than Manjaro. Hell I hate Ubuntu but I'd rather use that over Manjaro

The main one everybody uses at least from my knowledge and from what I've used over the last 13 years is UFW. That is what you want to use.

A firewall is very important not just for being on public Wi-Fi connections. A firewall is your extra layer of protection

I don't know what Distro you run. But it's almost the same for each one

UFW is installed by default on Ubuntu. If it has been uninstalled for some reason, you can install it with sudo apt install ufw.

Using IPv6

sudo nano /etc/default/ufw

That command should come back with this


Save and close the file. Now, when UFW is enabled, it will be configured to write both IPv4 and IPv6 firewall rules. However, before enabling UFW, we will want to ensure that your firewall is configured to allow you to connect via SSH. Let’s start with setting the default policies.

Setting up default policies

sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing

These commands set the defaults to deny incoming and allow outgoing connections. These firewall defaults alone might suffice for a personal computer, but servers typically need to respond to incoming requests from outside users. We’ll look into that next.

To configure your server to allow incoming SSH connections, you can use this command:

sudo ufw allow ssh

This will create firewall rules that will allow all connections on port 22, which is the port that the SSH daemon listens on by default. UFW knows what port allow ssh means because it’s listed as a service in the /etc/services file.

However, we can actually write the equivalent rule by specifying the port instead of the service name. For example, this command works the same as the one above:

sudo ufw allow 22

If you configured your SSH daemon to use a different port, you will have to specify the appropriate port. For example, if your SSH server is listening on port 2222, you can use this command to allow connections on that port:

sudo ufw allow 2222

To enable UFW, use this command:

sudo ufw enable
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Some dude admitted to grooming a girl and having sex and a relationship with a 16 year old dude is 27 so I reported it on an alt account

Now keep in mind I am banned from reddit like IP banned so I got on a new account through a VPN and reported this person. This report came back and they temp backend them for 7 days and I woke up the next morning getting perma banned

Now obviously there's a reason why I was permanently banned for the 12th time but I keep doing this to piss them off and prove a point

I report accounts like these and harass the people and scare them off reddit

All I did was try to keep people safe and that's why I'm banned.

Some dude also admitted to jerking off into a girl's water bottle at the gym when she walked away then he admitted to watching her drink it

Like...... Wtf is wrong with people and why do they get away with this shit

Look at what I just posted in this sub. I got a lot worse stuff as well

You should give Gentoo a try. I'm a 12 year arch user. Gentoo is really solid and fun though. Or hell if you wanna go that advanced try LFS :)

What don't you completely understand about Linux firewall? I don't mind helping you learn

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Pop OS is based off of Ubuntu so I mean makes sense.

Oh yeah that's right. I totally forgot ooensuse does that πŸ˜† been a long time since I've used it.

I'm on Arch myself. Been a Linux user for 15 years I love it

Thanks for reminding me

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That's awesome! Enjoy

I know all this already. But I also use arch and have been for the last 6+ years and I use ufw lol

You're welcome friend!

Make your own sports community

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Then you have to wait. And advertise your community on social media or something.. you started a community it's not going to open right away. It takes time for people to find it

I also noticed that. It takes all the pressure off me though because I'm an arch user and have been for 10 years πŸ˜‚

Please just drop it. Leave me alone please and do not message me.

Thank you.

I'm not even on twitter I hate Elon

ask and you shall receive dickhead

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ClamAV is really only used to check for cross virus contamination. It's a tool that checks for windows malware inside of Linux.

Linux doesn't need any malware software. The way Linux runs and works is already way more secure in itself, almost everything you'll ever download is pre compiled intro software repositories that are checked constantly.

The only way you'll catch a virus on Linux is being dumb and clicking ads or downloading something from untrusted sources like websites that could be fake but look real.

There are way more viruses written for windows than there is for Linux

  1. Linux users find viruses and they report them and then everyone works on a fix for it and it gets patched as soon as possible. This is why open sourced code is good.

  2. Windows takes forever to fix or patch viruses most of the time they probably dont even care.

Everything virus related or even bug related gets patched almost immediately under Linux

Also... Everything you install on Linux is pre compiled and ore configured inside a package manager and these packages get checked constantly for bugs and viruses. Theres almost no need to install anything on Linux from websites that could be compromised

Out of the 13 years I have been using Linux I haven't Once caught a virus but I also study malware and write malware so I also understand it more on a deep level.

But honestly it's very hard to catch a virus on Linux

Why are you using Arch as a reference for ubuntu? Also... I have secure boot on and I run arch and have for the last 5 + years it runs just fine lol

Eh I'm being made fun of and ridiculed now.

And supposedly what I just showed isn't morally wrong...

The people in this comment section are the issue here not me.

Thank you for being nice to me

Because when I first posted this post they didn't dm me they sent me a private message about 15 minutes after I had made this post. You asked for something so I gave the proof. So stop removed. I have you exactly what you asked for

These SSs were not included because I did not have them at the time

I didn't violate anything.. people show names in SSs all the time.

When someone exposea something they don't hide what they are exposing -_-

Yeah let me just blur out the stuff i wanted to expose... Lmao

I don't understand how you're going to threaten to report me over this.... When you're all defending the people saying this stuff

My DMs had the names edited out. How are you going to threaten to ban me from Taking SS of users who aren't even on this website?

Please leave me alone.. I really don't want to keep asking this.

"what should be done about people who don't want it to be safer"

Are you fucking for real?

And somehow I'm the one that's part of this problem?

Re read your comment buddy...

You're the problem

You all attack me and then say something as fucking stupid as that πŸ’€

Im really not going to ask again after this so AGAIN please leave me alone.

You arguing with me and harassing me after I asked nicely for you to please stop.

The fact that I'm being targeted by you people because of this is pointless and ridiculous

I'm the one doing the right thing by reporting it and now I'm just being threatened

Wtf man :/.

Please leave me alone

Uhh no... I just uhh... Exposed him.. he sent me a message... So I uh.. went along with it. It's bad

True I've seen much worse as well though. And even if this is just trolling it's still incredibly disturbing and wrong that reddit doesn't take action towards stuff like this.

Who jokes about this kind of stuff?

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Really? I'm pretty sure when they posted it they made it everyone's business.

Stop attacking me

did you fail to see the part that talks about sex with animals?

why are you people so dense

or the part that talks about drugging someone with sleeping pills so they can have sex with their own family member?

you might want to learn how to read or better yet learn what is legal and illegal

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me reporting someone for incest is using the report button for the wrong reason? wtf is wrong with you? you are harassing me and making me a target and this is a problem

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Uhh unsolicited intimidate media and incest you fucking literal idiot. They sent me a DM without asking. It was unsolicited.

The post also breaks reddits ToS

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The report button is for reporting violations against reddit and the communities as a whole....

You're really gonna sit here and say "it's for LAW VIOLATIONS"

On a post that's talking about incest

Are you really that stupid?

This person messaged me saying they wanted to drug their aunt with sleeping pills.

And somehow you fucking people make ME the joke and not taking this situation as serious as I thought you people would

Bruh there was clearly incest and animal porn to report... So i reported it... These people confessed to it...

I've asked you multiple times to just leave me alone.. and you aren't.. you keep accusing me of trolling... And I'm not.. stop making accusations and please leave me alone

I will not ask you again. If someone tells you to leave them alone and you keep messaging them that is harassment.

Someone talked about drugging their aunt to have sex with them.. and you're going to sit here and tell me that that's not something that needs to be reported and looked at for user safety?

I'm not the troll here. You people are.

Who the fuck makes a community for reddit on lemmy when the point of this site is to get away from reddit and to be better?

I am not trolling. I have all the evidence I needed to.

Ever since I joined lemmy I have done NOTHING WRONG. I have been super nice to people and have helped people and you're the one making accusations trying to defame someone who was just trying to make the internet a safer place

Yeah and somehow I'm the troll

I reported it to reddit admins. I'm not dumb enough to report it to mods who do nothing. .again I'm done being harassed

Please leave me alone

I'm sorry I need to learn that beastiality and incest isn't illegal?

Clearly I know what's legal and not legal. Thank you though.