
0 Post – 125 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Bought AMD never looked back

9 more...

Nice. Hope Godot takes of like Blender or Krita did. Would be cool to have some CAD sw as well…

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I find less believable they hired an actual hitman. I rather think that he was pushed into the state of mind to end himself.

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Well… that data was not in safe hands in the beginning considering facts that the whole company has very close ties to Alphabet and Google.

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Wtf is this question?

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Ok boomer

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So this was like longest stream in history

Ninja squad.

Religions as usual. Most of them struggling to move past middle ages.

I would rather not call that piracy but latent preservation.

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I am saluting and raising a cup of beverage! His work was such a huge influence in my life…

Beautiful machines destroyed by idiotic executives

See you in 15 years

Another megalomaniac with world saviour complex?

There are hospitals running on SAP systems. Those servers will be 99% linux based. The rest are managed by crazy people.

Don’t forget to mention that you were born 50 years too late on wrong part of the globe to wrong parents. Game was rigged from the start.

Story of a average moderator.

They took the dna sample from holy bible

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There is no such thing as primary instance

Old mental people who have zero idea about modern world. What about investing into education and prevention?

Yes and not even funny.

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“Python::The” That looks like Perl tho.

KDE is just pefect for me.

My situation. Exactly today :D

Yes it is subjective. And this shit can be funny for a person who either just started discovering woman body or someone over 50. I specified the later in my first reaction.

dd on incorrect drive - encrypted one.

I am cool with that. Just pass the file forward once it is searched for as lost media.

Kde has you covered. MOD + w by default and you can switch it in settings to MOD only.

You can even have hot corner like gnome does.


… but wont.

Card captor sakura poster!

Some ordinary gamers had a nice video about those racists.

My problem with all three is that trust, security, quality comes from package to package. There is no standard, and packages are isolated from each other. If there is an issue between multiple apps, developers just start pointing at each other. With distro like opensuse I know everything is tested properly including security bug coverage and package interoperability. I can even check it myself at openqa.opensuse.org

With flatpaks I am at mercy of each developer not being lazy and well informed about all current issues.

You died 3.

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Plot twist: It definitely isn't.

And once again he might wriggle out of the sentence…

Because you said so? I guess I need to go then lol.

So are you chief :)

Fuck epic, dont care

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Dont get baited into preorders. The game is not going anywhere and there is unlimited number of copies.

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With a magic closet to Narnia.