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Joined 11 months ago

The trades. Trades are desperate for good help willing to learn. electricians, plumbers, carpenters, pool builders, HVAC... the trades are in need of good help. It usually pays better than average too.

7 more...

I would appreciate governments, especially the American government, refraining from passing laws "for the children". They never are. They never work. They are a scam that gives the appearance of being beneficial to all while only benefiting a few. They accomplish nothing the scam indicates it will and instead turns out to be another overreach of government power.

No more "for the children" nonsense from any government - it's not about them and you know it.

You want to pass something for the good of the children? GET RID OF THE GODDAM GUNS.

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The 1/4" jacks became standard before metric ruled the world. Besides, 1/4" jacks are way sturdier than 3.5mm posts. Now if the metric guys came up with a 7.0mm jack - we can talk transition.

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Let them find their way on their own. They'll figure it out. As with the migration of MySpace to Faceboobs to Reddit - so the migration will continue. Let's not spoil the countryside just yet, okay? Lemmy is what reddit used to be but ain't been in a long time.

Sudden? No. Been dropping off since Reagan started the anti-education push his masters wanted? Yes. The illiteracy and lack of critical thinking skills have (intentionally) been instilled, or removed depending on your viewpoint, from the educational process worldwide. And as usual... the 'wealthy' "have a plan".

Interesting aside - gamers continue to enable these thieves by "leasing" their products. Boycott? No?

No wonder they're such assholes.

I feel the same way about that as I do about making ALL education - K through 16 (or tech/vocational) FREE.

I am all for it. We have way too many stupid people shoving their voices in matters that don't concern them. Educated would be better.

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It depends on the planet. Unless the planet was earthlike to some degree I would suppose MOST habitats would be underground.

As long as it didn't drink the whole thing.

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reddit isn't verbotten - hell, I still have a myspace account... This "place" will grow. Let it. Then someday everyone will say "fuck lemmy - let's move to scritum" or something as cryptic. Probably using hieroglyphics, err, I mean emojis.

I mean, face it... reddit was fine up until a few years ago - well - five or more. Then the musk wannabee bought it and it turned to shit. Before then it was okay. a bit prudish for the 21st century but still workable.

Ten years ago it was way neato - just like Lemmy is now. So, moral of this story is let Lemmy grow without using a crowbar.

: )

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We have saturated our environment with aluminum to the point where one of our "background ailments" is light metal poisoning from aluminum - most notably as a decline in intelligence. We keep 'choosing' the cheapest easiest solution to liquids packaging and distribution - and each one of them - EXCEPT GLASS - has come back to bite us on the ass.

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We've come a long way from cave drawings and hieroglyphics. We've developed languages capable of expressing tiny details in amazing clarity; succinctly, pointedly, and without confusion as to their meaning.

And yet there is a whole new wave of people unable to use those languages correctly or even rudimentarily who drag civilization backwards by returning to hieroglyphics.

I'm almost of the opinion we've reached "peak human" and are now backsliding. Yes, of course it's self inflicted - how else could we as a species do an 'about face' and head back to cave dwelling? However it happens and whomever is responsible, here we are... and we're losing ground fast.

And things like emojis are leading the charge.

41 more...

Wake me when they release DOS 6.x source code.

Imaginary gods. Imaginary computer problems. What's next? The church's take on monetary issues?

AND at the whim of moderators and administrators if the material will 'get you banned' or not. Reichit more like these days.

Define "evil". It's a really broad category.

What is the mechanism by which gravity "pulls"? Puzzling me for almost 10 years. I think I've almost got it.

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Rated from most painless to most painful - most painful comes in dead last, so to speak.

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Assembler guys - ASSEMBLE! Spin up super DOS and slap a couple of user interfaces on top and voila! I give you DOS 7.0 .

Yet another reason to toss non-DOS based software.

They shouldn't have to switch on the cameras - there should be signage posted at the entrances explaining body camera filming is taking place and that by entering the establishment the customer agrees to being filmed.

There is no reason for the employee to have to on/off the device - which may lead to further confrontation.

Remember how well the Delorian didn't do? Mush has one that's going to do 1,000 times worse. Way to go boy genius.

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Wow.! A graph and everything.

I'll bet he STILL can't get laid without paying for it...

Once upon a time...

"Which one of you losers is paying this bill"?

How do you deal with a existential crisis?

I bring in the heavy guns... that's right, the Ghost Busters.

""My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice." - Newt Scamander

Well that's pretty neato.

And people who don't get enough sleep start making mistakes.

Who knew three phase 440 could do that, huh?

Another rich aberration with zero empathy and no connection with the rest of the human race - only himself. Seems to be a lot of that these days. Or at least the worst of them seem to keep getting the headlines.

All of them, apparently.

So a 'compiler' then? From a fairly straightforward easy to use COBOL to whatever. makes sense. can the new code work in the mainframe environment? or is that what this piracy is about?

har har har.


oh. the irony. or haven't you seen what you've linked to?

The "titan" series by John Varley. A good trilogy. Also a good five year series could be had with "ringworld" by Niven - the ongoing adventures that could feature six months of gathering the players and explaining their mission(s).

IF they're done right, of course.

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Your subjectivity is showing. And it's not as wise as you think.

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... and all points in between. That should cover "human". And you're definitely that.

He joined AA half way through his swim.

I'm still fuzzy on this - how can they be sued for having a monopoly ON THEIR PRODUCT?

Not with proper hygiene.