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Joined 1 years ago

It's a charity of some kind I think, or some kind of educational thing. Can't remember if it's 90s or 2000s.

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Well...the good news is I submitted my letter of resignation for my job, which I am thrilled about. I'll have better pay and flexibility and work for a company that has more than adequate staffing and support.

The bad news is my boss is trying to do EVERYTHING she can to get me not to leave. I told her no 6 different ways to no avail. She doesn't respect boundaries. My supervisor that left a year and a half ago said it took her three times to leave. I had a meeting with boss yesterday and felt so manipulated it was disgusting. I also have to give a month's notice so it's going to be a long 3 weeks. I'm hoping that once I sign a contract at my new job (hopefully tomorrow), that will get my boss to let it go.

Like someone already said, less hot. Kid is going back to school this week and while I'm not thrilled about having to get up earlier, I'm extra thrilled about being alone on my off days ☺

Not an exotic pet owner but wanted to say this post was thoroughly enjoyable. I'd like to own an iguana one day, possibly birds again, and it's cool learning about others exotic oet experiences!

Absolutely. I've bought all of my phones from eBay and never had an issue.

Your work is greatly appreciated! Also happy to know that you got some sleep, very important for the process ☺

Not a furry but just wanted to say I love your username!

Had a few people over the years do this when I worked at McDonald's. One of them insisted on being charged for an extra sauce to change the price.

Plants, painting, crochet, gaming, motorcycles, reading, music, penpals, fountain pens.

Really into Diablo 4 right now and in the process of buying plants# 15 and 16. Will get a new fountain pen for Christmas as well. I go through about a book a week give or take depending on how interesting it is.

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Jerboa worked well for me up until the server shut down yesterday. I like the layout and it's easy to use. I still keep the desktop version bookmarked so using that right now.

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They're still your problems! No need to rob yourself of feeling the gravity of your own situation within your own frame of reference ☺ perspective can be helpful though. you like it?

I have really good hearing and I'm good at guessing pronunciation of people's names in certain languages.

I have fond memories of listening to conversations at the other end of the table at family gatherings. If we're out with a bunch if people, I'll listen to the various conversations.

Burgundy but I tend to favor color combinations over a single color. Burgundy/rose gold and brown/turquoise are the two I like most.

There's a special plant in my heart for Alan Watts ☺

Been on the laser printer bandwagon for almost 10 years. Bought a mono Samsung and it's been my ride or die ever since. I think I've gone through two toners in that time, maybe 3. My only regret is not getting a color one but that'll be my upgrade if this one ever dies.

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Frostpunk. OMG never have I played a game like this. It was emotionally exhausting and I didn't realize it until I finished the first scenario. I was like if been holding my breath for a few weeks and was finally able to let it out. Started a second scenario and I honestly don't think I can do it again. I loved it but WOW.

Hollow Knight and Spiritfarer.

It's worth it IMO, not even necessarily for the benefits listed on a given container but how it makes me feel better when I do it. I can relate to your situation in the sense that I don't really have any skin concerns and self care wasn't a priority in that regard. Up until about a year or so ago (I'm in my mid 30s), I did nothing for my skin outside of washing it while I was in the shower and putting on body lotion.

As for my routine, I got into Asian skincare products like...two years ago and have settled on the following:

Banila Co Clean It Zero Revitalizing Balm

Pyunkang Yul Essence Toner

Pyunkang Yul Moisture Ampoule

Tony Moly WONDER Ceramide Mocchi Water Cream

Pyunkang Yul Balancing Gel

At night, I do the first four and replace the last one with Too Cool For School Pumpkin Sleeping Pack. FYI I have combo oily/dry skim and it's like a tank in the sense that of all the products I've tried to get to this routine, nothing bothers it.

Altogether, my routine costs around $100 and I buy it once, maybe twice a year.

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The Path of Pain? Yeah I gave up on that too. Also gave up on trying to beat Grim, even in my second play through.

Might thaw a whole chicken for chicken noodle soup but definitely doing chicken teriyaki and shrimp fried rice.

Nothing. I never stayed in contact with people and regularly downsized my friend list. I found that I was keeping people as friends but hadn't talked to or messaged them in years. People I actually talk to have my number and I have theirs. Scrolling through people's lives kept me from reaching out and having real conversations with people so...yeah.

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Yes. There's less content to scroll through here (not a bad thing) so ensures scrolling isn't a thing anymore. I'll still visit a certain Reddit sub from time to time but at some point I'll probably let that go too.

Helps me remember things. Definitely prefer paper.

It's a tribute to my husband and love for Studio Ghibli movies, specifically Howl's Moving Castle. He is my Howl and I am his Sophie ☺

Yes. Also commenting on your Dig Dug icon, which I love!

I can relate but lack of socializing in college didn't bother me (I'm an introvert). Didn't make any friends during undergrad and made some friends during my grad program that I still talk to but most of my friends are from high school.

Everyone's college experience is different and just because it didn't check certain boxes (unless they're important to YOU), that doesn't mean you failed. I think it's put out there to be this special time in your life but "special" is subjective.

I didn't know this kind of transparency existed before today. Thank you for everything you do!

I don't think I've ever used jelly. Wait...there's a mint jelly my dad used to buy but I never used it. Other than that it's always been jam or preserves. The more fruit, the better.

I'm in!

Wario. His butt makes me laugh, especially on a motorcycle.

Fresh veggies. Grew up on canned stuff, mainly green beans and peas and carrots. Still not a huge vegetables fan but canned ANYTHING doesn't even register for me unless it's a recipe ingredient.

Butter was also an eye opener after growing up with margarine and I even got my parents to switch to it ☺

It was good in the sense that I finally finished my first diamond painting (it was huge) and I'm happy with the end result, just needs to be framed.

Been a little discouraged regarding looking for another job. I'm a therapist and all the positions in jobs sites don't pay well, are looking for fully licensed people, which I am not, or don't offer schedule flexibility. I do have some connections in the field that I'm leaning on to see what comes up and I do have a decent position waiting for me in the coming months but wanted to see what else is out there.

On the negative side, I'm not sleeping well. It comes and goes based on stress and sugar consumption and it's hard to stay on top of sometimes cuz damn it sugar is good 😔 I'm also coping well enough with the fact that I dislike my boss and the way she runs her business, which is most of the reason why I'm leaving. I love my clients but it's a trainwreck that's been in motion for over a year.

Frostpunk and Diablo 4. Frostpunk is my first civ management game in a while (played lots Age of Empires and Age of Wonders back in the day) and OH MAN is this game good. Diablo is...compelling enough but not better than 3. Dislike the online aspect mainly but overall the game has its merits.

Love this thread idea BTW!

As a (former?) camper, I did it because I was never good at moving and shooting at the same time. I also wasn't the best camper either, that's why I never played online.

It has its uses but I can absolutely see how it's frustrating for other players in certain games like COD.

Sometimes YouTube or NPR but my favorite visual way to do it is with Music Map. You type in the artist and it brings up a map of similar ones. The closer an artist is to the one you searched for, the more similar they are.

This one is on my list too! How does it compare to Factorio?

Buddhism. Was raised Christian and my parents forced me to continue going to church even when things started to not make sense in early high school. Went from "You must go to church with us," to "You must go to church SOMEWHERE."

In college, I considered Islam, Taoism, and Buddhism but nothing stuck so I stayed with what was familiar. Finally came back to Buddhism a couple years ago and was like "Yep. This is it." To me, Christianity is a constant moving target that will never be reached in terms of what you're supposed to do and not to and it will generally always be your fault when bad things happen because reasons. It's something you have to carry with you your whole life.

When I first really started learning about Buddhism and learned that it's like a raft that you use to get yourself across the river and you out it down when you don't need it anymore, I was like YES PLEASE SOMETHING ATTAINABLE, EMPOWERING, AND MAKES SENSE.

Thanks for this, looking forward to it! Oatchi sounds like the goodest boy ever ☺

Absolutely. I'm about to jump into the third one, which from what I understand is basically a remastered version of 2 with more civilizations to choose from.