1 Post – 177 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

Thank you. These articles have made no sense to me but admittedly I have not bothered to rtfa after a bit as it felt like bs. This at least explains it. Funny that they are speaking non inflation adjusted which is likely what I am feeling.

yeah my raises have been like 2% still and food is double what it used to be.

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funny. if the creator used the right side for the xenphone I might click on it.

yeah the only way I can see it being better since the irs already offered the free fillable forms is if it would autopopulate known forms like a w2 or 1099 (or is that 1098. I only know these things for like 3 months a year)

I was gonna say notepad but I just looked and its 18mb. granted I have a few plugins installed though.

personal VR I agree but AR is inevitable and already in play with camera phones but personal screens that are always avaialble is also invevitable once its light enough.

free fillable forms has always been free. its just online pdfs for the physical forms and the irs has been offering them for awhile. I have not used a physical in awhile. My point was if they can't pull the forms with the data its not really more useful than the current free fillable forms option.

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Well this is no difference then as free fillable forms has always been an option they provided for free with no exclusions.

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This run down fits with what I saw but biden was better by the end if not great. Trump did a good job though of looking better in a beauty pageant aint nobody want to be a contestant in.

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its easier to make stuff up than remember details that need to be accurate.

Just got him night comet and power stancing staff of loss. I was close with it before but I was at level 3 on the buffs but I went back with 7 and got through. So I sorta overleveled to beat him.

im not saying it is automatically done but you should not need to input the data. if you do then its pants.

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I think im watching it now. It makes me laugh in a sad sad way.

Things have gotten better under his first term so I don't see why it would not. At least for things the president could effect. As far as facism it has not improved in terms of rectifying citizens united but not getting better is a whole lot better than getting way worse.

yeah folkpunk, magapunk, its getting wierd. Also whats with putting gay before everything. gay magapunk porn and etc.

we could stop trying to aid palestinians. we could give israel more than a token amount of military aid. If you don't think what we do is token compare ukraine to israel. its about 10x (when ukraine stuff is not blocked by a certain party). direct us troops could be involved even if its just killing iranian generals with missiles.

kbin had collections. Im on mbin now and I was not able to find it but im not sure if that is just because I may not be able to find the config. Trust cafe (not part of the federation) has a neat concept which I would love to see in the fediverse. Basically all the things you can block or subscribe also has a trust which is basically a weight on how much you favor it. By default they are 50 but you can raise or lower them. So you could drop news sources to 25 and hobby ones to 75 lets say and now the hobbies will be given greater weight in your feed. You can do it with users to so if you have someone who posts good stuff you can weight them higher. On the other side if someones stuff tends to be crap but you don't want to outright block them you can just dial them down to 5 or something

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like anything it had its influences and influenced others. Had its pure true believers and posers. To me true punk folks you would know when you slammed dance with them and it was fun and although a bit scary you felt safe.

pollution. im not even talking climate change but that we continue to survive generally by polluting more. even when we do things better we just grow more and end up polluting more and eventually we will drop but we will continue by eating our own tale but the result will not be infinite.

according to the article "Inflation has risen quickly over the past few years — but wages have been rising slightly faster." but for me this is patently not so. Granted I have not left my job which is maybe the problem.

More importantly they said to expand it to all states. They say only folks with simple tax returns but honestly I think if all your tax stuff is in forms that are mailed out then they should do it.

wow. I did not realize the persons clockwork orange comment was on the nose.

21 hours ago. not exactly giving a lot of heads up.

At one point trump was talking forever. you could see even he was not sure what else to say but he kept plugging along. I was like. isn't his time up? aren't they supposed to mute the mics?

can you be specific about what trump action was helpful to you??? Just for fairness biden has directly helped me with no surprise billing, banning con competes, many infrstructure repairs and improvements in my area that got money from the ombudsman bill, and this one is a bit less direct but rejoining the paris accord was huge for me. So anyway im curious of the trump actions that helped you specifically because from my seat its been squat.

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He was definately better later than earlier in it and man his facial look was awful. Still trump was just bs all the way and doubledown right on through, but its not like that is not how he always is.

um. thats a lot of dominoes between his action an your result.

yeah I should have used but not great not if.

I was really dissapointed that biden did not discuss trump lowering interest rates to zero before covid when obama had gotten us to a few percent. Zero interest rates is something that is only supposed to be done when there are problems and the economy is not running right and we need a general buff. three to six are normal levels. over six is high. You will always get inflation when interest rates are kept low in an economy that does not need it. This was one reason we could not drop them when covid hit and the reason they had to be raised at breakneck speed which is something you never want to do. They should be lowered and raised very slowly at very slow levels. Idealy quarter of a point or less each time and not ever quarter.

Don't see why the irs version would not do that. Its just a gathering of forms that all go to you and the irs so they already have them.

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I mean originally there were 15.

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corporate personhood.

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everyone should have stuff in their code comments, tianamen, hong kong, taiwan, uyghurs

I really don't get why we ever stopped doing things like this. It just makes sense. It makes sense for any product that can be stored for a time, not having it would cause problems, and it can have spikes of use. If I can just convince corps that it would be government subsidies of warehouse storage maybe we would do it more.

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Im not so sure about your number 1. Fine if otherwise they won't use one but personally I use bitwarden online for unimportant ones and a local keypass for important ones.

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It still blows my mind that some people think he is better for the economy.

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im so sick of this chain. its like all you see now is this dunkin and subway.


ugh. we plan user stories by quarters and everything after sprint1 is just generic garbage because it generally depends on the results of sprint1.

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Im hoping for something like this that can check the colon. I also have a hard time swallowing pills as well but to avoid a colonoscopy I will figure it out. Heck as it is it will prevent an endocscopy so I could do it.

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