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Joined 1 years ago

Firefox and it's forks are the best browsers. They are still not very good. There are a ton of bad decisions and poor code. From old legacy stuff like how user profiles are stored to closed source shit like pocket.

The mozilla foundation has been on a downhill slide since google hired the skilled programmers to make chrome. Bad leadership,poor spending, and stupid priorities.

So yes firefox is the best browser. But that's kind of like being the best cable company. Not exactly a great thing.

An alternative is we are among the first. Third generation stars are the ones that have planets with enough heavy elements to allow for complex chemistry. Sol (our star) is thought to be among the first batch of third generation stars in our gallexy.

Light speed does seem to be the upper speed limit for the universe. Talking that into account we probably haven't had a chance to see other early life as it would likely be spread pretty thin right now.

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40K does loves to grab imagery from old christian imagery for the Imperium.

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Not exactly the AP article is bad. You still can't make an agreement before the act and get paid latter or ask for a payment latter.

However as long as you keep it sufficiently wink wink nudge nudge you are fine as intent now has to be proven.

Not only is it hard to get certified for things like rockets but they usually use a realtime os like red hawk (a red hat fork).

Question 1 what do you think of this cloud?

Yeah 40k puts anything cool in the blender. Then slaps some psudolatin on it and says I own this.

Simple answer is they are careful about what they say and have good lawyers that review it.

A few examples.

Calling Tom Cruise a fudge packer in the context of him being in a bathhouse could eaisly open them up to liability for calling him gay. But doing it in a fudge factory while showing him putting fudge in a box gives them a clear defense that they meant it literally.

Simmaraly telling him to come out of the closet while he is actually in a closet provides cover.

Making things so absurd that a reasonable person wouldn't believe it and know it's a joke also works. So having Barbara Streisand aquire an artifact that makes her into a giant robot monster works but something plausible wouldn't.

Having Kanye open up and admit he is a gay fish is absurd enough to provide protection. However they probably couldn't get away with him simply coming out as gay.

Of course the genius of south park is they use these legal protections in ways that make the story funnier and not just for cover.

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Not quite. Some is lost in magnetic flux and mechanical deformation. But that is a VERY small about.

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So from the perspective of being in the United States. Remote Indian work it's cheap but of extremely low quality. This ranges from call center workers to programming and engineering work.

This is usually a sign of the company trying to cheap out and having poor products in general. So it's kind of a compounding problem.

Politically India seemes racist, nationalist, and terrible on climate change. I'm from the USA so yes I know we are not great on these topics as well.

Having been to India a few times from inside here it's what I've noticed in the country.

The poverty and wealth gap between Indians and westerners means almost everybody wants money from you and to up charge you. From beggars, to chai vendors, to high end stores and hotels. They also love hidden fees and you have to be vigilant about details. This puts me on a constant tense alertness when dealing with people that gets very draining.

I've also spent time with an indian family during holy. My western friend was dating a member of the family and we went for a visit. The family was very generous and welcoming. It was the only time in India when I was relaxed and able to chat and enjoy the company.

Racism and classism abound. The ways different ethnic groups treat each other and try to force the use of their language on the other group. For example a Hindi and Malayalam language standoff when I was in Kerala.

Or when at a store that sells stone art has two clearly miserable lower cast people working a human powered cutting tool for the tourists when you can hear the sound of high speed electric tools from the back room.

Animals other then cows are treated horribly. Elephants in particular always looked miserable and broken.

People with government jobs are arrogant and lazy. From customs and immigration to the national parks. I arrived 20 min before closing at a national park to buy tickets for a late night tour that was latter that evening. The ticket both was empty with one other person waiting. Two minutes before closing the guy came to the window in a towel because he had been showing before getting off work.

The belief in crap science abounds. I got an ayurvedic massage that wasn't a very skilled massage and then the guy tried to give me medical advice. Several people tried to explain that the ayurvedic guys were just as good as doctors. On way out another of the ayurvedic "doctors" tried to sell me a medicine that he assured would remove belly fat and regrow hair. This from a fat bald man.

The fiet time I was in India Modi had just won his first term as Prime Minister while I was there. There was a huge procession of angry young men yelling and pushing people out of the way. I assumed they were from the losing party. My driver informed me that no they had just won the election.

It was clear that this wasn't a jubilant celebration of success. It was a angry group that now had the power to do what they wanted.

I know i've been negative and there is a fair amount of nice things in India but they always are fleeting and overshadowed by something. In the multiple times i've been to India i've never had a bad meal and there are a lot of nice people. I just think they are constantly at odds with each other.

The most Indian moment I had was drinking tea while enjoying the smell of the spice fields. Then the wind shifted and all I could smell was the stench of shit and diesel from the cesspool over the hill.

It was disqualified for having an ingredient that was not GRAS(generally regarded as safe). Even GRAS is a pretty low bar for food safety.

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When I was about to graduate highschool I was told to "Make sure I pick a university with a football team I was comfortable supporting the rest of my life".

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I went to get blood lab work done today. When I went to pay the kiosk asked for a tip.

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Here in Florida there is a disease called citrus greening. The fruit grows small and falls off before it's ripe. It's basically destroyed the citrus industry. It's spread by flying insects so impossible to control and there is no cure.

So climate change doesn't help but that's not the main culprit.

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They classified encryption as a munition so now they can just classify journalists as a tank. Problem solved.

I hate most of the Democratic party. I fear the Republican party. So yeah I'll be holding my nose and voting D.

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Electrolytic capacitors use the chemistry to make a very high dielectric allowing the plates to get very close and increase the capacitance and decrease the size.

A cell in a battery is a capacitor then converts the charge on the plates into chemical energy and vice versa allowing much more energy storage and a flat operating range as the plates charge is replenished by the chemical reaction.

This article doesn't go into details but it sounds like the breakthrough is a much better dialectic then storing energy in a chemical reaction.

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Prisencolinensinainciusol an Italian song that is complete gibberish but made to sound like an English language song. That's what AI is right now.

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Berkshire Hathaway owns Geico the car insurance company. In one of his annual letters Buffett said that autonomous cars are going to be great for humanity and bad for insurance companies.

“If [self-driving cars] prove successful and reduce accidents dramatically, it will be very good for society and very bad for auto insurers.”

Actuaries are by definition bad at assessing new risk. But as data get collected they quickly adjust to it. There are a lot of cars so if driverless cars become even a few percent of cars on the road they will quickly be able to build good actuarial tables.

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It's tv series not a movie but The Three Body Problem. The ideas are poorly thought out ass pulls to setup the weirdly specific situations the wittier wants.

At least the show makes the characters more interesting.

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Her campaign also diverted money for voter turnout operations from the "guarantied to win" rust belt states to New York to make her popular vote turnout bigger. Talk about putting the cart before the house.

For land. The settlers want the land.

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It's also a win win design. Shade from the panels reduces evaporation in the canals and the water helps cool the panels which improves their efficiency.

We did chase away a lot of the migrant workers and climate change is very real. However it's the citrus greening that is to blame. We don't even need the citrus pickers because there is nothing to pick.

Here is a picture of an orange on one of my trees. Itt should be much bigger starting to turn yellow and unblemished. It will get a little bigger stay green and then fall off.

Don't forget the side dish.

Banana peels were used as a visual euphemism for dog shit for so long people stopped realizing they were a euphemism.

If they are going into chapter 11 then the losses are privatized. Chapter 11 halts debt collection temporally while restructuring happens. Afterwords the previous owners own none of the company or a much reduced chunk of the company. The previous debtors now own most or all of the company. Similar to a bank repossessing a house it's debtors repossessing a business.

It's also possible for the judge or who they appoint to run the bankruptcy too determine there isn't any hope saving the business and convert it to a chapter 7 which is close everything and sell off the assets to try and pay back the debtors.

Either was the original owners usually get little to nothing.

There are two types of people. Those who get excited when they see a word they don't know and those who get annoyed.

Reminds me of the judge on the SCO Linux case that took a programming class to better understand the arguments in the case.

It's an interesting question as far as dead naming as well. Normally it's just a dick move or an accident because of old habits. But in the case of people who did important work that might be published under an old name it can be useful to get them the credit.

I'm a computer engineer so I looked up her work to see if I was familiar with it. I was wondering if I would need to lookup her dead name to find her important work. In her case her big book (which I recognized immediately and have on my shelf) was published after her transition so it wasn't necessary.

If it had been written pre transition it would have been a shame to not know she was the author.

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If they actually said that it's a violation of the Hatch act.

I've been in a polyamorous relationship with my wife for 23 years. We started poly and still are. Not counting relationships that lasted a date or two she has had three relationships that lasted between Hall a year and a year and a half. I've had one long term that lasted eight years.

We aren't the jealous types so it's been mostly good with the normal relationship ups and downs combined with the elevated logistical problems that are inherent in poly relationships.

Fori us it's great and we wouldn't have it any other way. I'll also say there is nothing like waking up on the weekend to the sound of your wife and girlfriend laughing in the kitchen while having coffee.

As an American high school student in the early 90's I was taught that Israel was a great friend to the USA and always being attacked just because other countries didn't like Jews.

I have a better understanding of things now but it does help me understand why Israel gets so much support from my and older generations.

He understands there is enough competition in the market that as payouts and accidents go down premiums will have to. There is enough competition they can't just keep rates high they would be undercut and lose customers.

For BH it's doubly bad as the large cash reserves GEICO has to maintain are used to borrow against at very low rates. If those reserves drop he has less to borrow against for investing.

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Nope. You sign with the private key and verify with the public key. Basically you use the private key to do stuff only you should be able to do and the public key is used by the public to verify it was you who did it.

It's not cheap but if you Cook daily a control freak induction burner. The precision not only allows for super reliable results it allows you to focus on other steps while cooking.

Sweating onions at 110c without worrying they will burn if not watched. Or getting a nice sear on meat at 163c for 3:15 on repeat is such a game changer.

I seldom just stop watching a film but I'm glad I did with this one. Afterword i looked up a summary of the rest and I'm glad I stopped.

That's a better knot as well. Holds together better comes apart without risking turning into a small tight knot and is balanced to keep one lace from getting more fatigued.

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You can appeal any federal case to scotus or make an argument that a state case should be federal. However scotus decides what cases they hear. So you can appeal but unless you have a good argument they are simply going to decide to not hear the case.

That works to mitigate flying insects but you are always going to have some. With citrus greening all you need is one to go from infected tree to uninfected tree and the tree is now fatally infected.

Worse the tree will live for years and the insects spread the bacteria for miles from one infected tree. Florida has spent almost two decades fighting the disease. And lost badly.

Hell even is we had done ruthless culling of any citrus within a large range of and infected tree like we did with citrus canker in the 90s it probably wouldn't have worked.

We failed to stop canker from spreading and canker only hurt production and made the fruit ugly and suitable only for juice. It was also much easier to manage as it was spread by leaf to leaf contact and via things like stepping on the leaves in one grove and not cleaning your boots before entering another grove.

In 2004 Florida produced 240 million boxes of citrus. Greening was discovered in Miami in 2005. In 2023 Florida produced 16 million boxes.