16 Post – 256 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You can do that with pihole and basically any reverse proxy. The process is the same, so you can follow tutorials, you just have to set up your domain through your pihole instance instead of a registrar. You can set pihole as your dns for specific devices, or you can set it as the default dns for your network through the router.

What do you mean? She's 32000 years old. /s

Delete /etc to make your system faster. /s Also, obligatory warning to NEVER DO THIS for anyone new to Linux.

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Idk, you're probably right.

Did you have to use a display to flash? Some of them don't seem to have a display output and I don't know if that will be an issue. The apple thing concerns me. There are a few macs and iPhones on the network, but the macs are m1, and the oldest iphone would be a 12. Do you think that would be an issue? Also, which R3 router are you using specifically?

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Cool, thanks.

You may get better responses posting this on

You can. I am lucky enough to not have been hacked after about a year of this, and I use a server in the living room. There are plenty of guides online for securing a server. Use common sense, and also look up threat modeling. You can also start hosting things locally and only host to the interwebs once you learn a little more. Basically, the idea that you need cloudflare and aws to not get hacked is because of misleading marketing.

They said they want a local backup so they don't have to redownload because bandwidth is expensive. I think a RAID makes more sense. I also don't think btrfs is a great idea for a boat. Power failures will probably be somewhat common, and btrfs is not the most stable, so I don't think I would trust it in weird conditions. Documentation is definitely a great idea though.

Gen Z here. Totally agree, though I personally am a bad example for this one. There was someone in my CS class once who I was put into a group with for a project. I needed some code that they had, so I asked them to put it on my flash drive. It was taking a while and eventually I asked why. They didn't know where their IDE saved their code, and were using Windows search to try and find it. They were pretty good at actual programming, logic, etc. though.

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You can use I2p and upload to postman (tracker).

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For hardware, I would go with sata ssds for storage. I also would recommend a separate boot drive as it makes re installing without loosing data a breeze. You could go with a new processor from intel or amd, and make sure it has onboard graphics. You should also go into the BIOS, enable xmp (always do that. It's free performance), and look for power saving settings. You could go for arm, but most arm computers lack expansion options and that can mean you use USB for drives which is unreliable. I think dc atx power supplies are a thing, but I know nothing about them. I would recommend doing ext4 and a raid, ideally 6 or 10. That will give you stability (from filesystem issues) and good reliability. I know RAID is not a backup, but in this case it may be what you want. RAID is for uptime, and it would be able to usually buy you enough time to finish your trip, or you could even have spare drives onboard and fix it while you're out in like 10 minutes. Also, I would highly recommend researching how to power it well. Starting an engine can mess with the power and could fry a computer. I don't know if a dc ups is a thing, but if it is, get it.

For software, use whatever you want, mostly. I always use debian for servers, but proxmox would probably be fine. You can use powertop to make sure it runs efficiently.

I agree, though I wouldn't blame the article. If it is insecure, you shouldn't be using it unless it is set up to allow you to run a real os on it.

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I know i2p is a bit hard, but if you can figure out how to torrent you should be able to. I would recommend i2p+, which is a fork of i2p that is compatible with regular i2p but is easier to setup. Get the installer here: If you are on linux, don't worry about it being an exe, it is java and you can run it with "java -jar file.exe." After that, you can open a browser and type localhost:7657. Set your proxy in your browser to localhost:4444, for the http and https settings. It may be different if you use chrome. Now you should be able to access tracker2.postman.i2p/. Don't forget a slash at the end. Your browser won't recognize it as a website without it. You will need the torrent client, i2psnark, which can be accessed on localhost:7657/i2psnark.

This may sound complicated, but the steps to install i2p boil down to:

  1. Download installer
  2. Run installer
  3. Access i2p dashboard through browser
  4. Configure your browser to use i2p

I don't have this problem exactly, but what I would recommend is putting it in a specific separate library. You could even set it up so only your mother's account can access it, and you never have to see it, or you could have it visible but never go to it.

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Sorry I don't have an answer but I like the title.

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I am disappointed that this does not appear to be a post about building a server into your car.

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A lot of physical media has DRM. I am for anything that can't be taken away, whether it is a torrented file, a DRM-free stream, or a DRM-free physical copy.

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I searched for the keywords "vert" and "tabs" and found nothing.

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I don't know, but I also don't think you should. They are one of the few reasonably ethical platforms so unless you truly can't afford it or have an ethical reason I don't know of I would pay. They do occasionally promote proprietary software but are still far more ethical than any other platform.

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Not that this isn't interesting, but how is it linux related?

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I kept it up for more than a year. By friends I mean like 3 people I know in real fucking life, and I made them all set secure passwords. Way to assume the worst about people, it is a very healthy attitude to have.

So if someone breaks into my house and gets access to my device and another device on my network to execute a man in the middle attack, they could bypass secureboot which I don't use anyway? Because I'm okay with that.

First, I would recommend posting this in a privacy community instead, as linux isn’t just for privacy. I don’t like to give comments correcting people without proposing a solution, so I would say just running it in your browser with uBlock Origin and maybe a random user agent switcher if zoom lets you. Also clear your cookies when you are done. If you really want full privacy then just use tor browser for it.

Edit: Also use a burner account that you create while using tor.

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I would give them full on Linux, just put parental controls on the router.

Wow code with actual comments???!!!! Amazing!

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If you want to own the music and support the artist you can buy drm free albums on bandcamp. I know this is the piracy community but they do give you drm free flac and mp3. Beyond that, I use i2p so the only advice I can give is try i2p but there isn't a whole lot there.

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My high school got us windows laptops but they had i3s and terrible windows defender configs so I swapped out the ssd, installed some ram (reason later), and installed Linux on it. I also exported the old drive image with windows on it into a VM so I can have all their spyware and stuff on it when necessary (hence the RAM). Before important state tests and whatnot I swap the old drive back so they don't think I'm cheating.

Edit: Oxford comma

I don't have the originals, but I am happy to say I have all of the 1963 and 2005 Doctor Whos (with the exception of some new stuff... I should really get sonarr.) They are on i2p and I am still seeding if anyone wants them.

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What? Having to pay to get a service? RIDICULOUS! Maybe try watching the trending section on YouTube and using the first promo code you see. I'm sure the advertising company that bought Nord VPN won't share everything you torrent with anyone who asks.

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Debian. It is rock solid. If software doesn't support Debian, chances are it supports something Debian based. You never have to worry about an update breaking your computer. It is the perfect "it just works" distro for a server.

While I respect the classic method uBlock Origin has a feature for that built in. You just click the lightning bolt icon and then click what on the page you want gone.

Wow, that must have had like 12 shows.

I'm on a new domain now anyway. I will be more careful on this one, but I suspect they just didn't look into it. I do really appreciate that you seem to be both knowledgeable and not an asshole. That seems to be a rare combination to find in this thread.

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That’s the Reddit way.

Opensuse. It comes in different flavors including tumbleweed (rolling but tested), slowroll (slower rolling), leap (stable), and micro / leap micro (immutable). It is not owned or funded by redhat although it does use rpm. Its installer is the best I have ever seen for managing software before installation and will let you select KDE.

Cube virtual desktop switcher. It's pretty great.

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  1. The worst that can happen is nintendo sues you for ten times what you have to make an example out of you. More likely is angry isp letters and eventually a fine.
  2. Generally no, but they're better than nothing.
  3. Not that I know of. You can kind of set one up yourself on a vps, but that would probably cost more.
  4. I would recommend airvpn. They are fairly cheap, accept standard credit/debit cards, as well as crypto or even cash (like actual mailed cash, it's kinda crazy).

No, I'm in that category too lol.

Same. Although I am running Debian on the server.