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If companies go pick the most professional applicant by their photo that is a reason for concern, but it has little to do with the image training data of AI.

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use it to decide who’s resume is going to be viewed and/or who will be hired

Luckily that's far removed from ChatGPT and entirely indepentent from the question whether copyrighted works may be used to train conversational AI Models or not.

The police officers committed these acts while they were still in training as part of their dual bachelor's degree.

Yet this is better than the alternative, it's easier to get rid of them at the earlier stage.

The utility is sufficiently explained by the fact that diligently denying things creates the impression that not denying things means that it's true.

As I understand it, he was fined exactly the amount he earned over 3 years of a job where he was using a VPN.

Thank you!

People like you make the internet a better place.

Old people can just be considered represented by their adult children then.

I would experience negative emotions about Lemmy/k in if I found a reddit thread describing my problem and the lauded solution was changed to say the user moved there. It would not make me want to switch.

If your insurance determined that an autonomous vehicle will cause less damage over time than a human driver, they will do that, yes.

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Strictly speaking, information technology encompasses software dev as a subfield. Practically, a large software development at a company has very different needs and strategic goals than what people usually understand as the "IT guys" so what you mentioned. So they are set up accordingly in an organisation.

Boy, Oxo has has a terrible website. Decline their tracking and it gets stuck "Processing request" while blocking the whole page. Accept and it's immediately usable.

If so, who TF is paying the insurance behind the scenes

The owner of the vehicle is probably very openly paying.

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The text you've provided appears to be a sentence written using a mix of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic characters, as well as some special symbols. It seems to be an attempt to make the sentence harder to read, or obfuscate it, by using unusual characters.

The English translation of the sentence, based on the appearance of the characters, would be: "You can totally try and obfuscate the text of your post so that robots have a hard time reading it."

A lot of the great things in D:OS2 are present in BG3 and it probably wouldn't be a success without them.

For an upgrade, Baldurs Gate 3 has great cinematics with motion capture and it feels like the dialogue writing offers more interesting, sometimes outlandish options. Often, winning a skill check just earns you a witty line, but it feels great.

I have encountered one remarkable situation were I really didn't expect something to work, but I was able to play it out exactly as I would have been able, interrupting the main characters dialogue by switching to a companion and doing something and the NPC reacted as I had hoped.

Hopefully someone or some group didn't kidnap her to force her to work as a nurse for them.

That does sound like one of the better scenarios to me.

Is being able to afford these things really not affecting anything?

Especially the pet sounds like quite a difference to me.

There's currently a meeting in Germany with about 4000 of them.

But it's not the prevailing mindset in the general population.

So what? It's not the gotcha you apparently believe to have found, companies can have insurance...

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Had the same situation.

At some point I just got used to enough of it that it's quite functional.

I wish I could change some of the defaults, but for editing it fulfills most of my needs.

It's a male phone.

Phones have a biased sex ratio, so chances are you mostly saw female phones until now.

If he gets sentenced he will still need to be kept alive inside prison, how does that work?

That is a central topic explored in Asimov's works, dude didn't just write them down to fix a problem, he wanted to write about them, and other authors did too. They are good rules generally, but hardly foolproof. The "I, Robot" movie is one example of negative outcomes they could lead to.

The memorization is closer to that of a fanatic fan of the author. It usually knows the beginning of the book and the more well known passages, but not entire longer works.

By now, ChatGPT is trying to refuse to output copyrighted materials know even where it could, and though it can be tricked, they appear to have implemented a hard filter for some more well known passages, which stops generation a few words in.

We actually did have a ruling like that in Germany, so our highest available punishment, "lifelong" prison sentences aren't what the name implies. They are long, always more than 15 years and usually above 20, but eventually you get out.

There is another measure available to keep people locked up indefinitely, "Sicherheitsverwahrung", which keeps getting extended if they are considered to remain a large threat to society. But it's not supposed to be a punishment, so they get more commodities at least.

If the microchip just contains a unique serial ID you can check with the producer, it would be just as easy to print it in the casing or glue it to the side of the wheel, no need to implant it in the outermost layer of cheese.

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Also what a robot capable of taking over the world would say.

Not really that big of a factor, German car owners will not drive around with flat tires if they notice, which is likely rather soon.

I do think you have a point here, but I don't agree with the example. If a fan creates the 1001 fan painting after looking at others, that might be quite similar if they miss the artistic quality to express their unique views. And it also competes with their source, yet it's generally accepted.

For the FP4 they said one of the reasons they remove the aux input was that more people asked them to reduce the size of their phone than to keep the input.

There's more to Palestine than Gaza, so while your 3rd sentence is very much true and more central to the issue at hand, the first one is quite incorrect and might lead people to forget about Abbas/Fatah.

The imminent threat of an invasion (assembled in staging area and ready to go) could have been tried before. It would have been very costly, but would have been necessary anyway for an actual invasion if the nuclear bombs didn't cause a surrender (there was a coup attempt to prevent it, so it was never a sure thing even with the bombs).

Yes, Gog, thankfully there's a lot of hints on the internet recommending the full unofficial patch. And it's great to see how there's still updates coming in every few months.

I just wanted to express I'm very thankful for this comment.

It caused me to buy and play Bloodlines and it's been fantastic.

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It's faster than swimming.

I'll have a much easier time replacing a passport compared to various certifications, people regularly lose their passport and there is a cost associated of 60 Euros.

When reddit was showing how well reddit gold paid for server costs, it usually broke even.
That was when there was far less ads too.

The costs surely exploded by adding lots of staff and their own image/picture hosting, but I don't see the benefit in there.

True, it does cost about 0.2 cents per liter, so you'll likely pay less than 2€ a year if you exclusively drink tapwater.

Interesting how it went the other way.

What stood out in particular?

There are approaches to delete topics from the trained model, so not sure this will keep them busy for that long.