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watt vs watt-hour.

An 800 watt solar system would generate about 5 kwh per day if setup fairly optimally. 5 kwh is a pretty typical laptop battery capacity. 50-100wh is typical for a laptop battery.

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I believe you are correct.

Fun Fact: The more advertisers that pull out because they appear next to nazi shit increases the likelihood the remaining advertisers will appear next to nazi shit.

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For anyone curious why one of the most progressive governors would do this......

It was a $35 cap on copays, not on the drug itself. Does not help the uninsured and the insured would just have higher rates instead.

CA is literally going to produce their own insulin, $30. No insurance, no bullshit.

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I honestly don’t know why

He did some skits on SNL as trump and trump got really butt-hurt about it.

I can’t fathom how anyone, besides a bigot, would want a mod to remove an option, that they are free to not choose, from a video game. It's like a mod for BG3 that removes the wizard class from character creation because you don't want to play a wizard.

The people who don’t care for choosing pronouns, chose one just fine. They didn’t quit the game during character creation and look for a mod to remove a choice, that they were free to not choose.


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The author is saying if we use tidal energy to cover 1% of our total energy usage AND if we assume our energy usage will increase exponentially year by year, after 1000 years we’ll stop the earth spinning.

No shit.

If we sap an exponentially growing amount of energy from the earth’s inertia, at some point in the future it will stop because the amount of energy feeding into the system (sun) is relatively fixed in value.

If I was to bet, this paper was tongue in cheek joke between the student and their instructor.

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The Series S is basically an X with a weaker GPU

If it was just a GPU difference, you'd be right it should be easy to just run it less pretty. But the memory limitations are the real issue. The X has 16 GB of memory and the S has 10 GB. And worse, the memory performance is drastically different. The X has 10 GB that runs at 560 GB/s and 6 that runs at 336 GB/s, where as the S has 8 GB at 224 GB/s and 2 GB at 56GB/s. (I did not miss a zero on the last value)

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This is standard in *nix (Unix and Linux) operating systems

No, it very much isn't.

Sorry, no, absolutely not.

This should be a federal thing. No reasonable person should be debating if a person should receive life saving care or not.

Reasonable people can disagree with little things, like how high a fence can be in your front yard, not if someone should die because other people don’t have a modest grasp of high school biology.

I believe it's $70 USD on PS5 not $80, However it's $60 on Steam and GoG for PC. Keep in mind PS5's, and consoles in general are sold at a loss and make up for it from game sales.

Wait for a sale.

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Only illegal if the maternity leave was the reason, and it can be shown to be the reason. Over 200 people were also laid off at the same time. I have no doubt bungie added them because of the maternity leave, but it's gonna be really hard to show in a court of law.

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Gonna be real honest here, there’s no 'debate' to be had here. Anyone thinking there is a debate to be had here probably has ulterior motives and is being disingenuous.

No one should normalize this 'debate'.

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It sounds like BS to me. We’re asked to believe there is an alien civilization that is so advanced that it can travel the stars. So sure of their ability they would travel themselves. However they are also somehow incompetent enough that they crash a ship on our planet? So highly advanced we can’t even fathom how they could travel so far to us, but they don’t have redundant systems?

This is political theater and a distraction. I believe there is life out there, but it’s out there, really really, REALLY far away.

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I’m frustrated too.

I’m trying to comment on things, and have genuine and engaging conversations. But it feels like if you’re not 100% aligned with the community, there’s free reign to be harassed. We’re supposed to Be(e) Nice, and I was. I was arguing in good faith, I wasn’t trolling, or anything else nefarious. My view was twisted in bad faith, they claimed I would be first in line to defend heinous acts. I corrected them, saying in no uncertain terms that I would not. They could have just apologized when I set the record strait but they just kept coming back lying about my views and continued to slander me. I reported it, nothing was done.

So I’m not really sure what to do. The conduct was inexcusable. A quick and simple ‘sorry for the misunderstanding, glad you don’t support heinous acts’ would have sufficed. But no, because I’m not as far to the left as they were, I’m wrong, every view I have is suspect, and free to be slandered. A few users did come to my defense which was nice.

I don’t know if others are experiencing the same thing. But I know I’m very hesitant to comment on anything that could be controversial.

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What a shit article. There's a massive amount of context missing.

7DTD is a game created by The Fun Pimps. Telltale Games bought the rights to produce a console port of the game from TFP. Telltale Games then contracted with Iron Galaxy to produce the port. Telltale Games went bankrupt and it's assets were liquidated, one of those assets was the rights to produce the console port. TFP managed to buy back the rights to the console port, but were unable to get any of the source code for the console port. It took years to get the rights sorted out, and it wasn't cheap.

It's a messed up situation, but console players bought a Playstation 4/XBox One game from Telltale Games, a company that went bankrupt and is defunct, and that sucks. TFP is now starting from scratch to produce a console port for the current generation of consoles and that costs money.

This is what they don't seem to understand. The sex ed is age appropriate. No one is talking about condoms with 6 year olds. They're hearing about boundaries and bathing suit areas. It makes them less likely to be abused and more likely to report abuse.

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Youtube is blocking large/public instances of Invidious, not all instances.

Can we please not do the click bait/rage bait thing here?

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Nah, I'm good. I skimmed it and I see 2 view points, everyone who thinks it's stupid, and you trying to keep the party going.

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The inventory system was acceptable 20 years ago when 1024x768 was a good resolution. Today it’s bad, and I don’t understand why some people can’t just admit that. It’s kinda telling that after an hour or so of play I started to look for mods to fix my pain points. Nearly 400k people are using the mod StarUI Inventory. I have an ultra wide monitor, and I have to configure my FoV in an ini file. It’s also an HDR monitor... I have to disable HDR on because it’s basically unplayable right now. Flashlight reflections on anything close to shiny are blinding.

The procedural generation doesn’t deserve the praise it’s getting. It’s no where near as complicated as people think. It’s not generating the terrain, it’s just picking from a set of giant pre-made tiles and dropping some rocks and trees on them. It’s not generating the buildings, just picking from a set of pre-made buildings. It’s not even filling the buildings procedurally… I had 2 quests in a row that used the same building. Identical building map, same robot you could reprogram near the front door. Same barricades, same small safe on a desk with the same 2 digikeys on a table just around the corner… There’s only so many cave maps too, but it does look like they block off some of the tunnels with rubble so it feels like more. I explored 2 caves in a row that had the same map, with the same safe up on a cliff you have to jump to.

It’s not ‘bad’, but it’s not as good as it should be. Once you start seeing it, you can’t un-see it and the vast amount of content shrinks. It makes me a little sad knowing how many people worked on this, and how long they worked on it, that we didn’t get more out of it.

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Maybe giving equal training weight to r/sovereigncitizen and r/asklegal wasn't the best idea.

On Thursday, Abbott was subject to widespread criticism when asked where the line was for him in terms of border enforcement mechanisms he suggested the only reason Texas is not shooting migrants crossing the border “is because of course, the Biden administration would charge us with murder.”

uhhh what?

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Bungie’s layoffs have been devastating. 220 jobs were eliminated yesterday, while other jobs had been shifted over to PlayStation Studios.

Sadly it's all but impossible to show their layoff was because of maternity leave and not just because they were 'part of the layoff'...

Hope there's a paper trail adding them to the list of layoffs because of the maternity leave, but I doubt they'd be stupid enough to put it down on paper.

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“If Ossof and Warnock win Joe Biden will have the votes he needs to impose Communism.”

Pretty sure that happens next week, that's what I read it on facebook.

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Don't try and low ball me, I know what I have...

The big priorities for Biden seem to be making up ways to get more of our money dumped into Ukraine

We are not sending pallets of cash to Ukraine. The money is buying arms and equipment that is being sent to Ukraine. The arms and equipment are produced here, in the US. The VAST majority of the money is going into the US economy. It's literally creating good paying jobs here in the US.

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Mr. just inject bleach in your veins got snubbed again for the Nobel Prize...

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The elected officials who actually give a shit about you and are trying to help aren't millionaires and this will severely impact them.

The elected officials who don't give a shit if you die starving in the gutter are already millionaires and won't give a shit about their salary.

The full quote is:

“John Kennedy believed so strongly that one’s aim should not just be the most comfortable life possible, but that we should all do something to right the wrongs we see, and not just complain about them. We owe that to our country, and our country will suffer if we don’t serve her. He believed that one man can make a difference – and that every man should try.“

And it was Former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy who said it.

It says a lot about the site when I'm immediately prompted to "ASK A DOCTOR ONLINE"... Oh and they make it really easy for me to make a tweet sensationalized it too, like real journalists do!

This isn't news, it's fear mongering propaganda. There's PLENTY of stuff to criticize china about. This is normal scientific/medical research.

The problem is the memory usage for split screen multi player. Steam Deck doesn't do split screen.

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Vasectomy like 10 years ago. Kids are expensive.

It's actually huge.

CA is still going to be have it's insurance programs for low income people. And instead of paying a greed company a bunch of our tax money for insulin people need to survive, CA will be paying ~$30 for it.

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this is sort of what i mean here, by the way. you are the sort of person who is going to, if Ukraine starts executing Russian soldiers or taking retributive action against citizens of Ukraine who support Russia for whatever reason, be the first in line to defend that on these frankly horrifying grounds.

How dare you say I would find that acceptable.

That is not acceptable conduct for a moderator.

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They're doing it in small chunks to make it harder for the Republican's to block it. I think the total is above $120 billion forgiven at this point out of the $400 billion target. Couple hundred million here, few billion there. They've been doing a lot better than most people understand at getting it done as best they can.

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why a weapon was loaded with live ammo

Why is there live ammo anywhere near set.

No one is a fan of using cluster bombs inside their borders, just like no one is a fan of war in inside their borders.

Ukraine is going to have to clean up the metric shit ton of cluster bombs Russia already used, at least they’ll know where these are used when they clean them up.

It's controversial because its a bad bill that's easy to pick apart. Capping the copay is stupid. It does nothing for those without insurance. And for those with insurance, the insurers will just jack up other rates instead.

Home owners insurance is going to pay out and sue the ever-loving crap out of everyone to recoup.

You’re hearing about it for the first time, because it’s not a realistic issue. The math is (I assume) correct, but the circumstances describe are impossible.

If you boil down the authors claim, it comes down to:

If you extract energy from a system, with a finite rate of replenishment, at an exponentially growing rate, eventually all of the energy will be absorbed.

To me, that’s a ‘no shit’ sorta thing.