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Not to mention that they did start with the narrative that they start enforcing this on a certain date, but it took me 2 months over that to receive the warning/being locked out. I remember seeing people from Canada (one of the countries in the first wave) that still had not been forced off 4 months into the date they had set.

They appear to be taking it slow (not booting off everyone at the same time) to build this narrative that it's working fantastically so to not get a massive drop off in users (stock price drop) and waiting out for their competition to also move forward with this change. All of this while also adding more markets, dropping the prices in others and removing the cheaper plans.

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That's the treshold for you to get a 1st degree burn. No, it's not instantaneous at that temperature, but it certainly denotes that it shouldn't get there at all.

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Monkey's paw: Google buys it

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There's plenty of games which haven't been cracked. More often than not, a game is updated to remove denuvo or a drm-free .exe is released accidentally.

It's been hard to crack games and from what I've read, it now relies on one person and they have been a bit of a lunatic.

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Just pull the parking brake and accelerate until you feel the car slightly raising and then drop the parking brake.

Eventually you get a feeling for it and drop the parking brake before it's "fighting" the accelerator.

This might sound trivial to some, but I know several people that never use the parking brake in these situations and instead do a manic race with their feet and the car drops a couple meters back and they over accelerate to compensate.

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If you're still looking, the switch pro controller uses the same battery as the 3DS

your average cyclist can sprint to over 30 mph without much trouble.

I don't believe that. That's 50kph!! Your average cyclist will be pedaling 12 to 15 mph (20 to 25 kph) and at that point you'll be sweating, it's not "leisure" speed. That would be up to 9mph/15kph.

You are not reaching 30mph unless you are fully sprinting on a descent with a gravel bike (maybe a mountain bike if it's a long, long, stretch) or have a road bicycle on a flat/slight slope and you are full sending it (even on a flat road I'm assuming, I've never ridden one). Not to mention these people will be using protective gear.

I have a gravel bicycle and on a flat road I can get up to 23mph (37 kph) with me going full beans (occasionally fighting the wind). For reference, I've only reached 30mph a couple times in 1,100km and it's been only on a 3km long downward stretch of road. Also because there's no point to waste that energy when you are transversing double digits distances, and it gets really scary to be at those speeds anyways.

You certainly cannot get those speeds on a city bike or mountain bike on flat asphalt since they are not as aerodynamic, and often more heavier.

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Long-form journalism predates google by a few centuries.

Out of the 15 paragraphs, it says it uses sound in the 3rd and explains the mechanism in the 4th.

I agree that they should've put it in the title or the lead, but this wasn't a news pice, it's a monthly column focused on analog buttons. The first 2 paragraphs rightfully contextualise the hardware to an era most of us don't know much.

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Reddit will spiral down to a 9gag clone.

Back in the day, I discovered Reddit because people in the comments on 9gag would say a certain post was stolen from reddit.

I was a sucker for rage comics, so r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu (aka f7u12) was my gateway drug.

Drugs are not legal in Portugal. It's decriminalised up to small amounts (ie personal use), which is different.

My understanding is that:

If you get caught with a couple of joints (or any drugs), they are confiscated, you are identified and you might have to pay a fine, do community service or go to an addiction consultation.

If you're over that limit, but not overly, you get the above + go to court and will likely receive suspended sentence and will have a criminal record.

If you get caught with a truckload (obviously for distribution), if it's your first offence you'll likely also get suspended sentence, such is the state of our justice. If it's not your first offence, you'll likely do jail time.

It's because you need internet to download the firmware. It's done through the app.

  1. The medium games came in were more expensive

  2. The gaming audience was much smaller

  3. Games were only sold in stores

  4. If you add all the season passes you're paying the same or even more with further microtransactions

  5. Games in general now have a longer shelf life

AAA games in my country have been 69,99€ since the PS3 launch and now they're asking 79,99€. It's true development costs have ballooned, but I just don't think that's a good price/time ratio and rarely do I buy games over 15€. I really don't mind waiting a couple years.

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Don't know about the best, but I detest games around crafting and I absolutely loved Subnautica. The whole experience become one of my video games.

Found it to be intuitive and streamlined. They tell you everything through the menus, so you don't need to run to the wiki for recipes (albeit I did use the wiki for coordinates on where to find certain things) and it has a story/events that push you further.

The gatekeeping isn't just to pad out the game, but it actually makes sense narratively (i.e. you need to go deeper and deeper as the game progresses so you'll be needing new material occasionally. You can't just avoid the crafting and complete the story.

You'll be constantly building a stock of raw materials and transformed ones as you need to improve your things but also produce fuel/energy, build/improve your base and there's even gardening (the latter is optional).

They also offer multiple modes. I played the one where you don't need to eat or drink, but otherwise is the same experience. But they also have a survival one where you need to eat and drink and another where if you die, it's game over. Adicionally there's also a creative/sandbox mode.

"several hours"


Yeah, nowadays I think it only affects that game, but older valve titles handed out instant bans on othet titles that used the same engine.

Cheating in one of the following Source games or a Source mod will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list below: Counter-Strike: Source Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Day of Defeat: Source Team Fortress 2

Similarly, cheating in one of the following Gold Source games will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list below:

Counter-Strike Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Ricochet Day of Defeat Team Fortress Classic Half-Life: Deathmatch Deathmatch Classic

I hope they stay there so we don't get pushed out of another platform. Albeit, yes, I'm low-key smirking, intrigued to see what will push those users over the edge, if that even ever happens.

They bought and ruined a good third-party app. I rather see those devs adapt their apps to other platforms tbh.

I'm seriously questioning if you're a bot because you're throwing keywords and expressions you do not understand.

You're complaining of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) articles. This is clearly not that.

Those pages ask the same question multiple times even in organic forms of how you randomly type it into a search engine. Just close any site that starts wit something like: "Don't you hate it when your remote doesn't work? If you press the button on your clicker and nothing happens, you need to open it and repair the buttons. If you need to fix your remote, start off by checking the batteries..."

Journalism should not be "here's all the info in one paragraph" and be gone. However, a good lead should reply to 5 questions: What? Who? How? Where? When?

But this is not a news piece, this is a fluff column about old tech. You can just hit Wikipedia for easy-to-read digested info (I do that frequently).

For all the shit ways journalism has gone to, and the ocasional misteps The Verge has done (their pc building tutorial, go watch it for a giggle) this actually a cool column.

Last I read they are also sticking it to Spez by continuing to report on the shit Reddit has been doing.

All regulation is written in blood. If there was no regulation, everyone would be cutting corners and we'd get daily titan submersible-like situations.

Do you want a piece of suspension up your ass because a cab driver hit a road bump too hard?

Do you want your legs amputated? Because we can make bumpers go lower and more pointy to improve fuel efficiency.

If manufacturers could, they'd drop the catalytic converter and we'd be back to seeing/breathing cars spewing thick black smoke.

All that and they would still charge you the same as now.

I just want to point out that 50,000k = 50,000000.

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Growing up we barely seasoned food and now I was getting to point were I was getting bored with food, so I started buying black pepper, paprika and chili peppers to experiment and it changed me.

For me, it's not about the burn/numbness (the first two barely give you any sort of kick anyways), but instead it's about the flavour they add that I had never tasted. It's that flavour that enhances the food, not the hotness. I have no interest is using artificially hot sauces for the gimmick.

A few years earlier I ate a chili hamburger out of curiosity and two bites into it my lips were absolutely numb, it was ridiculous. It wasn't painfull, but it wasn't pleasing either and it kept me out of "hot" food for a long while.

So it's not solely about "stubbing your toe on purpose" or stepping on a Lego, but it can also be about experiencing new things like walking on freshly cut grass or wet sand.

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r/cryptocurrency became exactly like that under a similar system.

This is also observable with all social media, where you can see that the communities shifted greatly once people started making money or getting a following, content just became mostly derivative of "what works".

You can buy musical instruments for that price software or hardware synthesisers, for example.

But that's exactly the point, I'd rather pay double, triple, quadruple for something I know I'll use for hundreds of hours (a monitor, a new keyboard, a Steam Deck) than 80€ for a game that will last me 12 to 30 hours (I only play offline story-based games).

Even if I considered game X, there are decades worth of games availabe for under 10€ that I would rather get now or buy a Humble Bundle while waiting for a sale.

The issue becomes of all publishers start to follow Nintendo's model and not dropping the prices much.

They could press a button and make the Steam versions available again, but they obviously also want to port it to the new consoles, and there lies the issue.

Do you have a computer telling you that speed or are you just making a guess? Because I find it unrealistic to be +30 kph on flat ground with a mountain bike for 30 minutes.

I say this because I have a gravel bike and can only keep +30kph for long periods if I'm on a slight incline and I'm pedaling with a purpose (not full sprint, but you wouldn't see a commuter pedal that hard)

On average people in commuting bikes will most likely be at around 15kph, low 20s on descents.

For clarity sake, Judgment only released this March September 2022 (thank you for the correction) on PC. But for example, Dead Space Remake, which released in January, is still uncracked.

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When you're inside a game, click the Steam button and go the controller settings. Look for the trackpads settings and put haptics intensity at the top value.

You'll notice a big difference, but still don't expect something that feels like a controller with internal rumble.

So it rests better on your palm and makes your thumbs to be higher above the touch pads and not just laid on it as the "normal" controllers.

I really don't get the hate over the term.

It was ok to use "Boomer" as an euphemism to call someone old, but make it about games that often don't take themselves seriously and are a throwback to when gaming started to grow massively, and it sucks?

Only a couple of the final pod nanos had built-in radio, the other iPods all required additional hardware to be plugged in. I found that the hard way with an iPod classic... Even my shitty flip phone had built-in radio with an earpiece connected lol.

[Not OP]

I have not followed space launches in a few years, but in the past they did carry multiple payloads, in what they call "rideshare" launches. Some times, even with confidential cargo where the release of the main mission payload would be 40 minutes later offstream. But I have no clue of the frequency of those.

The wikipedia page indicates some of those launches

That, low Vitamin D levels (I suffered from exactly this due to being a shut-in + pandemic quarantine) or a bunch different things.

You definitely should not be waking up tired from just working. Get checked.

Pretty sure the "lite" version were just decluttered versions with features missing and better optimization (usually aimed at developing countries). They likely track as much (well, probably not as much because there's no point in tracking stuff that the app doesn't support).

I've actually noticed they started decluttering the messenger app. Rooms are gone and they've also removed the chat suggestion bubbles at the top. So when you launch the app you only see the conversations you have active.

You're right! I was thinking of the sequel.

Yeah, I don't doubt it, I was just trying to be (overly) conservative to show how pedaling up to and keeping 50kph is far from being reachable by the average cyclist.

Not only because of the bike, but you also need a well maintained strech of asphalt to reach and maintain that speed.

In my head I thought I can easily get to 60kph with the sprint output I do with my gravel bike if I had a carbon road bike, but I didn't want to say something silly. Especially because I'd still be dealig with the same terrible infrastructure and wind around here.

The other point was that once you get in the 40kphs it starts to get scary, but that's down to where you are and the conditions. So it's not like the average bro with flipflops and front basket does it on the daily.

Have you tried tweeting at him?

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He used to be very active on social media

A couple meters, you say? Sounds like a great way to trash your transmission.

It drives (pun intended) me nuts, but they don't listen to reason. And the worst of all, is that they got their license in a hilly town and say they weren't taught that. While I learned in a flatter place and was taught this.

Exactly, he did not give an inch, instead he kept throwing fuel to the fire. That alone was going to push me away once RiF was gone, but once certain individuals (recent redditors that are just there to consume media) also started pushing against mods, I just felt that place was no longer the same community and nuked my accounts.

Spicy food isn't just "it's so hot I can't breathe", it's no different than eating something that's bitter or sweet. Obviously, things that are super bitter or super sweet are equally displeasing for most people. Watered down lemon juice is very different from sugary lemon juice or raw lemon juice.

Spices and herbs affect the flavour of food, that's why people use it. Same for condiments. For most, it's not about a flaming/numbing effect because they don't put big doses or use gimmicky sauces in the first place.

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