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There's a file called /pwnedornot and it contains "no, you're safe bro"

Certified Cat girl

You can just opt to not see bot accounts in your profile?

Just buy another one and plug them into a ring.

I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Cook from the planet Cupertino.

xkcd 1179

Now somebody has to embed the video back in.


GNU, or as I'd like to call it, GNU+PTerry


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Jesse, wtf are you talking about

You might 5 yourself to be dyslexic.

How is handcuffing and unceremoniously throwing someone in jail annoying?

But I like tautological variable names

also turtles

Yeah, but what kind of magic?

There's no hiding from grep -r


New NSFW game pitch:


The bellies must grow

Ah yes. Well thank you so much your Excellency Mr Judge for not having me murdered. Please, may I have some more of that justice?

  • Stardust
  • The Golden Compass
  • Hook

Yeah, ! is a completely separate thing.

Mile high


Even worse: It's only a paper tea.

What makes you think you may speak for us?

Союз нерушимый

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Itanium? It's still supported well into 2025.

Warum liegt denn hier Stroh?

Fun fact:

“Fun Facts” seldom are.