2 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

So does Google imo.

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I'm pretty sure Aliens exist and there are big signs around our solar system that say something like "Avoid that system, murderous apes".

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And mainly in third world countries, like the US.

The tweet makes it plainly obvious where she stands regarding trans people. Disgusting.

Im ashamed to admit that I thought the previous allegations against her were wrong and only based on maliciously misinterpreted tweets.

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As a Martian I feel left out.

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OK now they can go ahead with plan B where they allow you to link your PSN account to get some super cool cosmetic. I wonder what the reaction of the consumers will be then.

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This is smart, though. If males are always willing and females are less so, it makes perfect sense for males to engage with each other.

It's likely due to age. Based on the comments and posts here, it seems that most people here are older than those on Reddit. As the saying goes, "with age comes wisdom."

My wife did the same and while they cost 4 times as much as regular ones, she also said that the difference is unbelievable.

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Exactly. The level of polish Sync has is unmatched in the android space and well worth the money for me.

I agree, but I sometimes check out reddit as well and it's also been meh now. It seems that social media as a whole is in a steep decline. No good content anywhere. Or maybe I'm just getting old.

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"Let me tell you, folks, it’s so true. Just like Putin, right? It’s unbelievable. We start with 3, then we go to 4, and then 5. It's all about strength, and nobody knows strength like me. We're talking about a progression, a strategy. Just like Putin does, so smart. You have to move step by step, building power. That’s how you win, that’s how you get things done. Trust me, it works."

Trump in one of his rallies (probably)

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I recently gave Connect a try and now I have a new favorite App. The devs working on Lemmy apps are awesome. 😍

The issues are way overblown. I just bought a new car and with brand new tires and a few tweaks from my local repair shop I can go the speed limit now.

Only 2 Layers?


The only thing the average consumer will even notice is the end of support for Windows 10. However, once the prompt to upgrade to Windows 11 appears, 99% will click "yes" and forget about it. They might be a little annoyed by the changes, but that will be all.

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I'm not American and I hate guns. I still think it makes them look cool. What now?

Yes, but the new evidence points to it as well!

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It sounds like you may have read somewhere that rape victims sometimes reenact their rape with their partners and concluded that therefore they must like being raped.

You couldn't be further from the truth.

For your information, they don't do it because they enjoyed their rape so much, they do it because it helps them work through what happened to them with a partner they trust and where they have complete control over the situation and the outcome unlike what happened to them prior.

I already thought that that was the agreed update pronunciation.

Noah: "One of you is female, right?" The lions: "Some days we both are." Noah: "Oh OK, go ahead then."

Dear Striker,

May you find solace in knowing that your legacy will endure through the training of an AI bot on your data. Your influence will continue to shape the future, ensuring that your memory lives on in a unique and everlasting way.

Best wishes to your family and friends during this time.

Warm regards, random internet stranger.

... in the US. In other countries, they can't be bought and likely never will be.

TIL my company has only bad managers.

I doubt them. Since the war I've met quite a few people in various fields that fled the country. Granted I've yet to meet a rocket scientist, but the brain drain seems very real.

I would never use an ISPs router for my home network. It just causes so many issues that you can easily avoid by either using your own router directly or if that is not possible putting the device into "bridge" mode and using your own router behind it.

What are some of the issues?

The devices the ISPs send out are usually the cheapest hardware imaginable and therefore introduce substantial unnecessary latency.

Where I live some ISPs also used to use tools that genereted wifi passwords based on the devices MAC address. While this is apparently fixed now, a lot of non tech savvy users still use these old devices that are basically open to anyone now.

To save even more money, they sometimes deliberately send out faulty devices (as in devices that drop connection frequently, restart for no reason, etc) which is just horrible.

I know these issues because I worked in that field and there are a lot more unfortunately...

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incest - sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry

So according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it would not be incest, since step-siblings are allowed to marry each other.

Alright, so what is it this time that they want to divert attention away from? Has Trump payed more people to keep quiet about something?

"Nayeli Pixie" is definitely a misspelled stripper name though.

It's definitely currently the best app out there. However as an android user, the design paradigm feels very alien to me which makes me really miss Sync.

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No idea so I googled x and videos and found porn. That's probably it.

For the future, it's quite easy to spot terrible people. Are they rich beyond your wildest dreams? Then they are, because noone can amass that much wealth without exploiting people.

As long as it doesn't become Reddit 2.0.

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Swiping a post away to return to the feed view was huge for me. I also changed the font size, adapted the comment swipe behavior to my liking, disabled various buttons and enabled others. All features that make it feel different for me.

But I was more talking about the general look and feel of the app which perfectly fits iOS, but not Android. Android usually has a burger menu that opens a sidebar on the left which contains the settings while iOS apps tend to have it in the bottom bar. The login is also mostly in there which is also different from iOS. Things like that.

You're partly right, but manufacturers aren't just adding more crumple space, they are mainly building bigger and heavier vehicles. And that does not equal safety. Sure the crumple zone might be bigger, but the force of a crash is multitudes higher which results in a net negative, especially for pedestrians and cyclists

The best past is when he uses his little device to record sentences that he then replays to create the illusion of two people talking over each other!

If you are into old-school story-driven turn-based RPGs you will thoroughly enjoy yourself. If you want something fast paced this game is not for you.

Didn't the show hint at this already? I don't think that's just a fan theory.

It's better than linking to it.

What if you don't find his mom attractive?