
0 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Trickle Down" economics.

If that's your experience, my friend, then your family members are trying to tell you something.

"On mobile, apologies for bad formatting."

As if posting from a mobile device somehow prevents you from using paragraphs and punctuation? Give me a break. You either can't be bothered, which means you're not worth interacting with; or you had to repeat at least a high school English class or two growing up. Either way you need to stop blaming your fucking phone.

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I've found that I'm checking Kbin a lot less than I checked the other place, but I'm participating more because there's a lot less toxicity and hostility here (at least for the time being).

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My 512GB Steam Deck, easily. I've used it almost every day for going on a year now, and the novelty of playing things like Witcher 3, or Mass Effect, or a fully modded Skyrim anywhere I want still hasn't worn off.

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We did it, Red-- I mean, Fediverse!

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Boo — and I cannot stress this enough — fucking hoo.

Man, fuck Jordan Peterson.

Sure, if Valve ever releases it.

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I think you're a malevolent, hateful, backwards bigot who shouldn't be welcome here... but I also genuinely appreciate the comedy in how you've been handling any references to your presence on m/FoxNews.

Fuck you, for sure, but also well done.

Alright, I was probably going to play it anyway even with dips down to the low 20s. But if we're not even at the full release yet and the modding scene is already squeezing more out of that bottom 1%, I'm just biting the bullet and buying the damned game.

For anyone in the same boat, Fanatical is selling the pre-release versions of the game for 17% off, packaged with a random "highly rated" Steam game. My freebie was Reventure, which is regularly $8.99 CAD.

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When I first started modding Skyrim back in 2012, I spent a solid week solely on water mods looking for something I liked. One day near the end of the week I was walking to work, and I had to cross a bridge. I looked out over the water and had a momentary thought about checking what water mod "they" were using.

Nah, I think the article and the image are both AI generated, so the "author" of the article really has no idea what the image actually looks like.

I reserve my compassion for human beings. If Mitch McConnell ever had any humanity, he sold it a very long time ago.

The article you've linked seems to say the opposite of what you're suggesting — that a second iteration of the Steam Deck is coming soon. That's not the impression I get from the linked article at all.

But even that aside, I would argue that the Steam Deck has been uniquely successful. Sure, the Deck may or may not end up being a "one and done", flash in the pan piece of hardware that fades into relative obscurity in the face of competing hardware... but it proved that the idea of portable PC gaming was possible and affordable, and inspired plenty of manufacturers to dip their toe in the same arena. And almost every single one of those devices, whether it's sold by Valve or Lenovo or whoever, will be running — and selling games on — the Steam marketplace.

That was the goal of the Deck, and in that regard it's been a great success.

I love them all.

Except for the "blue steel" ones. It's not even kind of a "blue steel" pose. Like not even a little bit. It's inaccurate and uncreative and, even worse, just unfunny.

Well shit. This is a problem for me, since the Kleenex brand is the only one with a lotioned variety that stores in my neck of the woods seem to carry. My seasonal allergies get so bad that normal/un-lotioned tissues leave my nose rubbed raw, even if I'm medicated.

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I have about ~9,000 hours logged in Skyrim over the last twelve years thanks to mods, and I'm sure I'm not done. So I'll stick with that.

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There isn't a punishment anywhere close to severe enough for stains like this.

The only support this pussbag deserves is a set of pallbearers.

You enter the US illegally? Believe it or not, jail. You imprison a US national for entering your country illegally, also jail. Immigrant, emigrant.

I love how the headline here uses the word "unmasks", as though what he was hadn't already been painfully obvious for at least six or seven years now.

I think suggesting that Valve need any given game (CoD) or even genre ("games like CoD") to remain successful is silly at best. Of course Steam, the Steam Deck, and as a result Valve are only successful or even exist at all because of video game studios and publishers. But Call of Duty specifically? Nah man, it's a blip on the radar for Steam.

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While I disagree with your core argument about the success of the Steam Deck, I absolutely agree that I'd love to see a desktop variant of SteamOS become available for general use. To the point that I'd likely even finally make the leap from Windows.

They're cowards and just recorded the numbers he gave them, so he's still "officially" 6'3" and 215lbs.

~~I read an article just this morning that said it's expected to release with version number 1.6.35 or something, meaning they been patching and updating it ahead of release. That's likely what the delays have been about — to polish it up in advance to avoid the kind of negative press that surrounded Cyberpunk 2077 at release, which came from a studio that had a great deal more goodwill from the community than Bethesda.

Edit: https://tech4gamers.com/starfield-build-update-version/~~

Edit 2: Man I'm dumb. Didn't check which thread this reply was for and replied with unrelated gibberish.

It would have to be the Learning Company's Treasure Mountain!, which the computers in my classroom had in Grade 1. I liked it just fine, but a few years later my Grade 4 computer had Ancient Empires and that's the one I really got into. My teacher once agreed to break school rules and send the floppy disk home with me because I refused to get off the computer at the end of day.

The physical device itself is pretty stock, but I've been having a grand old time using Decky, specifically the CSS Loader plugin, to tweak the interface. Nothing extreme, but I have a little over a dozen CSS plugins installed that really make it shine now.

Best wishes to you and your dog, dear stranger.

It's very likely to become my most recent "doesn't need all my attention" game, as I always need one of those on deck (if you'll pardon the expression).

Something something bootstraps.

Here in Canada my wife and I got 2.19% at the end of 2021.

Unfortunately the 1100 square foot condo we bought cost us 550k.

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I gather it's been doable for quite a while now, but the Steam Deck/SteamOS has given the Proton compatibility layer a huge boost in the last year and a half.

Twitter was on a downward spiral long before Daddy Elon took over, though.

BuT It wAs aBoUt sTaTeS RiGhTs

I like Wendy's and Subway well enough. I wish there were some decent Canadian options, but unfortunately most Canadian fast food places have gone to shit in the last decades — what's happened to Harvey's since I was a kid is just heartbreaking, and Tim Horton's isn't even Canadian anymore.

I'm really hoping for decent sales on God of War or Kena: Bridge of Spirits.

Better GOG than EGS, IMO. Hashtag acronyms.

No one will ever argue that they're stellar examples of quality filmmaking, but I feel like they've aged very well and get better when you consider the period of the franchise they opened up to so many other pieces of media that genuinely are brilliant.

And the meme value is through the fucking roof.

I used to love QKSMS! I use the stock app on my Pixel these days, but back in the day QK was my go-to. Moez is a great dev.