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Used to be a big Nova user, but since I found Niagra I've never gone back. It's just way too clean and simple. It drastically reduces the amount of time I spend opening apps on my phone and I don't have to think about how to do the optimal home screen layout or set up app drawer categories.

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The best part of this meme is the shoddy watermark coverup job!

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I feel like this group of people are the kind that would already be on Linux though. If you're that anti Microsoft why be on any version of Windows when such a great suitable replacement that also still works on these older systems exists?

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That's seems pretty likely. It really rubs me the wrong way that they specifically name drop Mastodon in the sign up page for Threads. It definitely seems like a way to avoid being held accountable for having a monopoly.

For me right now, Shadows of Doubt. It is an early access game and it's got a fair bit of jank, but it's crazy how unique it is. It had a week or so of popularity and then it fell off. The devs just released an update for it too!

If you like the immersive sim genre, might I also recommend Cruelty Squad and Gloomwood. Those two have very unique aesthetics and really cool mechanics.

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In the same exact boat as you. We have Mediacom or one DSL. They gave me a really good deal for the first year on my 1gig, but after that it's going to be about $140 a month. To make matters worse too, the wiring in my apartment building is REALLY old, so the service cuts out randomly sometimes (All tenants in the building are on splitters sharing one cable with the apartment across the hall.) And of course the landlord said that Mediacom was trying to trick me into spending more money and he would absolutely not run new cable. Internet in rural areas of the US is a total shit show. My connection is somewhat stable now, but I can't wait for something else to come to my area.

And yes I looked into Starlink, my building has a strict NO PUTTING UP ANTENNA policy.

And yes I looked into Mobile Carrier Routers and the fastest I can get is 50mb download with a data cap.

I feel your problem on a spiritual level.

I circled back to vanilla no DLC RimWorld. I've owned the game for years, have quite a bit of time in Dwarf Fortress, but due to the fact I tried to mod the game right away it didn't hook me. Turns out it's really hard to learn a game and look stuff up when you have 200+ mods that alter things in tiny ways to make them completely different than base game. New colony is going strong! Just finished unlocking the advanced research bench, stable food source, strong outer walls. Such a fun game. I've been missing out. If anyone has any beginner tips or anything let me know. I'm gonna try to make it all the way and build the space ship!

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I would highly recommend not buying the Steam version of Cave Story and instead downloading the open source Cave Story NX off of FlatHub and other such repos. Cave Story+ on Steam has been abandoned by the developers and they stopped updating it despite releasing countless better versions on other platforms. Definitely not worth paying for an inferior version, but if you have to play on PC you're better off playing this updated version of the original.

Whelp at least Paralives could be fun? Or that other one being worked on by Paradox? We honestly just need someone to save us at this point. Anything else would do so well even if it wasn't quite as polished. It just needs to be feature complete at launch.

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Hello fell Reddit Refugees! Yeah I've been a near daily reddit user on Sync for Reddit (Sync Pro) since 2014 or so. Now leading up to the API shutdown I was using reddit about once a week and you already know I had to use Sync one last time on the final day, but

I've mostly been using Lemmy for about two weeks now. I've tried a lot of apps (Jeroba, Thunder, Liftoff), but ultimately I also ended up on wefwef. It's seems to be the one of snappier ones so far. It's super strange because since it is themed after Apollo, it looks like I have an iPhone app on my Android! I know that when Sync for Lemmy comes out (about six weeks I think) I'll jump ship immediately, but for now I'm really liking wefwef.

I've made it my mission to lurk less on Lemmy then I did on Reddit so I can try and help the platform succeed with some small amounts of content that I can contribute. Recently I've been very interested in AI image generation, so I made a community centered around that. I also made a community centered around video game giveaways to hopefully share more wholesome content on the platform. Overall, I'm hoping that since Lemmy is so new that all of us can take some control in steering it in an overall better direction than Reddit. I'm personally on team No Karma, since I think it makes Lemmy a lot less toxic and a lot less about having something to brag about and more about being something to be proud of.

Good luck to everyone who's a recovering Reddit addict with their quests to become Fediverse addicts!

Edit: Wefwef accidentally posted my comment 3 times saying it failed to post. So I guess there's still some kinks to work out!

Haven't personally used it but I heard there is a native Roblox client for Linux called Grapejuice. Might be worth looking into to solve one problem. I have no idea if it's good or not but here's a link: https://brinkervii.gitlab.io/grapejuice/

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Just tried Severed Steel this week after trying the demo for the studios next game on next fest last week. It's an incredible movement shooter with a great soundtrack and really satisfying gameplay. Highly recommend. Regularly goes on sale for five dollars and it's a steel at that price. :)


The only other one I can think of is Divinity: Original Sin 2. It works in pretty much the same way.

Update: It's over, damn Mega Spiders.

Woah that seems really neat!! Thanks for telling me. Damn it's moments like these I wish Lemmy had awards. So helpful. 🏅

We did it Lemmy!

Gotta get used to saying that.

Thanks! It was fun trying to design what the backs and sides of the buildings could look like. I never realized how many windows Oak's Lab has!!!

Wow they blocked wine? That sucks wow. I bet that means Steam Deck compatibility is a no go now too huh. That really is too bad.

Personal "Horticular", pretty much a Viva Piñata indie clone. A little jank around the edges but shows promise!!

Thanks for linking! Didn't even think!

Spider-Man 2, it's was the cookie cutter definition of a safe sequel. More of the first game, but marginally bigger and better. Combat felt improved, web wings made traversal more fun, story was taken up a notch (though I still think I prefer the first games overall). I kinda just felt like my time with the game was a little too short for seventy dollars. Honestly just another couple side quest lines would have been enough to make it reach the playtime that I would have expected. I did really enjoy it. It is a better game than the first one. 16hrs is just a little too short for this kind of game I think. I am very hopeful for the DLC and I'm really happy with where they took the story. I need to go back and complete the collectathon stuff, but I have seen some of the Spider Shots you get for them and I'm not super interested really. Most seven out of ten game I have finished this year.

Thanks for letting me know, the few times I had tried Obsidian in the past I was unaware of plugins. Sounds like some of them might be adding the functionality I'm looking for! I'll definitely check it out again soon!

All of us reddit refugees are. Hopefully one of these platforms stick and people adopt it. Personally rooting Lemmy so far.

Same actually. What all have you signed up for? I've only signed up for Lemmy and kbin so far.

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I know people are going to come for me for this one, but definitely Notion. I know I don't own my data and what not, really would love to switch to Obsidian at some point, but I have trouble with markdown and I really prefer "What you see is what you get" editors. I have Notion databases for keeping track of physical video games I own, I write all of my notes for D&D campaigns in there, I have a reminders and to-do page. It's slow, it's not very privacy focused, but it's a dead simple and very feature packed tool to organize virtually anything.

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Hey I decided to download Obsidian and give it another shot. Have you tried migrating any databases to the database plugin? How comparable is it to using them in Notion?

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I am still amazed by how they totally and completely one upped the numbered sequel to Life is Strange with a spin off side game. True Colors had so many tense moments and crazy plot twists, and in true Life is Strange fashion, both endings I feel have positives and negatives for the main character.

Warning! Don't understand Lemmy spoilers yet. Read at your own risk!!

There's the ending where you stay, you finally have a home, a family, and peace, but you give up your aspirations of being a musician.

Or there's the ending where you get to travel the world, no home, but at least you have your partner and your music to share with everyone.

I actually picked the second ending strangely enough. I think most agree the first one is the better one, but I kinda thought that Alex would rather seek out greener pastures with her partner then stay in a place with so much trauma and bad memories. I like how the endings make you think and are more divisive than LiS 2.