8 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think you're hitting the nail on the head. A lot of publishers are blatantly misusing EA to put out an unfinished piece of software to socialize the testing, and hope for a more understanding playerbase because of the EA status. Not only is it manipulative, it also skews reception like it does here. Personally, I categorically skip all EA because I only buy finished products. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested in a good tribes game.

Elon Musk

I just rewatched Minority Report a couple weeks ago for some reason. There was this scene where Tom Cruise had to get a new set of eyes because he got automatically identified everywhere. Everyone in the movie was constantly bombarded with personalized ads everywhere they went.. That movie is over 20 years old and they knew exactly what was coming. Fucking scary shit...

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Does it work if you change your user agent?

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My guess is that people disagree with propagating the delusion that pasting that link in every comment helps with stopping AI from feeding on your input.

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The same 3 VPNs get recommended each time this question is asked:

  • Mullvad
  • Proton
  • IVPN
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When I finally switched from windows to linux a year ago, I read about timeshift and how it is basically windows restore points. So I installed it and played around with it but didn't really get it so I wanted to remove it. At that point I didn't really understand what symlinks are, and I just thought timeshift is just crappy bloatware that dumped a bunch of unecessary shit on my drive. So I sudo deleted that shit. Turns out that was a bad idea. That's the story how I nuked my first linux install.

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Everyone without exception has had moments of weakness where they lashed out at something or someone wrongfully. That's a bad deed but that can't be the definition of a bad person.

Especially in this context. The dude isn't really attacking the dev directly. He actually might just be venting. I wouldn't do that like that but you really can't assume anything from such a short exchange.

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Standard tactic since the early 2000s. Provide a service for next to nothing by dumping insane amounts of cash into it. Competition either can't hold up or is straight up bought up. Fast forward 5 years and you're the only real player left. Then you're a monopoly and can set the prices as you see fit. Best example of this is uber, but amazon and youtube have done it too

That's the devious part. It's just mass layoffs without the severance packages.

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Ok, I know we love to shit on that "game", but that video in and of itself left me speechless.

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The hate on telegram is easy to explain. The server is closed source and you need to give them your phone number. Yes it's better than whatsapp. But it's worse than matrix or xmpp.

I think tmdb should have you covered

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My dude, the UK is just a small step ahead of the EU. The EU is in the process of passing similar laws, criminalizing e2e encryption. The member states recently decided that journalists and media do not have a right to encryption and can be tracked with backdoors by police without warrants.

The morons aren't morons, they're very deliberate fascists. And they're evey-fucking-where...

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I don't understand why people get so upset about this. Yes, Google, Facebook, etc. hoard your data too. But there's a big difference wether that data is hoarded domestically or by a foreign nation that is pretty blatant about their industry espionage and political propaganda. Yes, the US do it too. But you really can't blame a country for protecting it's interests, be they ethical or not.

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  • I'm a privacy-minded programmer
  • I'm (...) aware of how these AIs function
  • I am not overly concerned about them

Objectively, these three statements form a paradox. At least one statement has to be false.

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I was curious and latest statistics show 43% of users between 16 and 24 use ad blockers. We're already at bra level of mainstreamyness.

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I think the streamlined version of what you're saying is: don't say stupid shit

(That's actually a good rule of thumb for irl too)

I'm not gonna mention the basics like Kate. They're great but nothing new.

My 2 hidden gems that I use on a daily basis are:

  • QOwnNotes for markdown note taking. Only competent desktop app I found that comes without any electron bullshit.
  • Nyrna to send a game to sleep when I want to take a break or get interrupted. Saves me from booting it up again when I want to pick up where I left off.

Gitlab requiring a phone number verified account to report bugs kinda turned me off of that platform. Never used Codeberg but heard good things.

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I'd like to plug

It turns any truncated RSS feed (which only provides a small intro), into a full-text RSS feed. Half my feeds run trough morss first.

Nonono, we would say ''Geschmackssache''

Lol. Isn't that moron getting evicted? Yeah, "genius" my ass

That is normally considered an insult to the chef or you are pegged as a neanderthal diner.

We go to very different nice restaurants

And now we know why the original was delisted on steam. Don't buy into this crap. Buy the original on gog for 1,50€

On Organic Maps and surely Osmand as well, you can add additional waypoints to your route to force a specific one. That's the way I do it

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I wish that praxis of just sharing links and videos died out with reddit

From Wikipedia: Lemmy is free and open-source software for running self-hosted social news aggregation and discussion forums

If you don't want to be on a platform that aggregates social news, Lemmy probably isn't the right place for you.

Your best bet would be to create a community called "gaming discussions" for example, and restrict link posts.

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Sable. No fighting. Just exploring and getting immersed.

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It is powerful, but usability is as shit as it always has been. Except for specific use cases Krita is the way to go nowadays. Even if it's focussed on digital painting, it has almost everything you need for digital editing as well, with a much more user friendly UX.

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I've set up my old phone to forward me 2fa sms messages from my burner sim cards to my actual phone. Allows me to keep my phone number private. Pretty easy to set up with something like macrodroid.

That's really surprising to read. The game has been been described a solidly mid by every review outlet. Does portability really offset the repetitiveness by that much?

I think that take is short sighted. Because the next obvious step to "no right to online anonymity" is "online anonymity is illegal", and it's pretty obvious we're headed that way. In that case, courts can make it pretty fucking hard to protect your right to privacy.

It was pretty light on the RPG mechanics, but to call it a visual novel is an unfounded insult that game simply doesn't deserve

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I never understood the recurring argument that gunplay in Fallout 4 is better than 3. 3 and NV are built around VATS while gunplay is an afterthought, and 4 turned that around. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

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I do use steam so please don't misunderstand this as bashing, but you don't own anything on steam either. You rent it for life and access can legally be withdrawn if you act against the TOS. If you're looking to buy games GOG is the only real option I know of.

That's not quite what I meant.

The argument I most often see and is that TikTok should stay because Facebook and Google are just as bad. That's stupid because foreign espionage is obviously worse than domestic espionage to any government.

If your argument is that the TikTok ban is good and Facebook and Google should be next because of the similar practises then I'm 100% with you.

Ootb. I will never use a phone that hasn't been degoogled.

Read the comments. Plenty of good reasons to want a jack.

There's still a bunch of little bugs in KDE6, they'll get ironed out over time. For the KDE connect bug I use a ydotool command to emulate an enter key press to accept the remote command access from my bed.

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