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I've seen the effects on invidious these past days. 8 in 10 instances have been broken. Google is putting some serious work into shutting alternate frontends down. Shows you how much of a dent they're putting in the bottom line.

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The bikes would still be shipped from india because it's cheaper. So the OPs question stays the same. Would you be willing to buy a bike that's 3 times the price because it's been built locally. Statistics show that most people wouldn't. So no, most people wouldn't change their lifestyle to combat climate change. Should they? Obviously, since living a modest life is better than burning alive or drowning. Although in all fairness, people might be more willing to spend money to combat climate change if corpocrats wouldn't be gobbling up every bit of wealth like fucking ghouls.

Same with Gnome wanting to be pronounced "Gah-nome", or Latex "Latech". Just spell stuff the way you want it to be pronounced, or accept that people pronounce it another way

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Not only that. There are whole countries participating in that disgusting shit. UK and US stayed absent from the Nagasaki memorial event because Japan had the good sense of not inviting an apartheid dictatorship.

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Not to be pedantic, but since you're emphasising it: their (they're = they are)

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I read on another thread that an admin was emulating a testing environment by blocking CrowdStrike IPs on their firewall for the whole network before each update, with the exception of a couple machines. It's stupid that he has to do this but hey, his network was unaffected

Meanwhile the US has approved 3.5 Billion "aid" to a genocidal apartheid dictatorship

So do I, so it's worth taking note since ddg ist just a bing frontend

I have for some time thought of categorizing my library with some sort of factor where I calculate quality per time spent, which I would base on dividing the steam score by the completion time. So short and good games would be on top of the queue, before long and good or short and middling, with long and middling at the bottom

What's your field of work? I work in IT and really try to find some day to day use cases where AI might help and I just don't seem to find any. The odd presentation or maybe a sprint review protocol, but nothing recurring or anything that feels game changing.

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The little separator bars on the conveyor belts thingies at the cashier in a super market should always be placed for the person behind you. If the bozo in front of me wants to pay for my shit he can go right ahead.

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I think it's more a matter of drunk driving being an obvious criminal offence, while dumping a bear carcass in a park might be more in a grey zone-ish?

OP is obviously Dr. Noonien Soong

Send cheque plz

I read that in the voice of Mona-Lisa Saperstein from Parks and Rec

Passkeys are a great option for people that don't wanna deal with managing their passwords and have some else do it for them. That's not everyone though, some prefer staying in control, so it should always stay optional.

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The sad truth is that most people don't care either. They say they do, but don't act on it. Barely anyone stopped flying to their yearly vacation, barely anyone reduced their meat and dairy consumption, an increasing amount of people are wearing fast throwaway fashion. If the governments implemented the drastic measures we need they would be hanged by an angry mob of morons who won't understand the dire situation until they die of a heatstroke.

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Don't throw in all of europe into one pot. The banks in my country still sell separate PIN machines for 2FA, which work great.

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Well that sarcasm definitely backfired mate. The device I have is a QR Code scanner that works like a phone, with the important distinction that I can do with my actual phone what I damn well please.

Can someone explain those numbers to me, because I'm honestly lost. Is this article suggesting that prices in july 24 were 2.3% higher than in july 23? If yes, what are they measuring exactly? I just know that groceries and rent jumped about 20% compared to last year. Did some other stuff that I have no connection to get significantly cheaper? Do I live in the inflation capital of germany? What am I missing here?

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Thanks for taking the time to explain all that. I'm still lost though. How the hell is the inflation, that I and all my friends and family are experiencing, 10 times higher than the national average? Like, all our rents got bumped up even without moving, supposedly due to energy prices surging. This is obviously a rethorical question, that I don't expect you to answer.

You could use ProjectLibre although it might be overkill

How would BangleJs be worse in terms of privacy? You can run both with gadgetbridge, so no cloud data necessary.

I understand the hate, but that's a very shortsighted wish. How do you tax the rich if they leave?

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