1 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I sometimes admin. But usually not.

So others have already talked about how great Star Trek is. I agree with them, but I think that literally everyone has missed the point of your question:

It's its own lemmy instance. It was spawned from the migration away from reddit, and it's stayed alive since. So combine an active former-reddit community with lemmy and a good reason to all rally around, and finally the final ingredient of federation, and the Star Trek related rooms will always be on every server, and they'll always be populated.

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The FDA regulation on Net Weight is found in 21 CFR 101.105. In this regulation FDA makes allowance for reasonable variations caused by loss or gain of moisture during the course of good distribution practice or by unavoidable deviations in good manufacturing practice. FDA states that variations from the stated quantity of contents should not be unreasonably large.

While FDA does not provide a specific allowable tolerance for Net Weight, this matter could come under FTC jurisdiction. FTC has proposed regulations that would unify USDA and FDA Net Contents labeling and incorporate information found in the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) Handbook 133.

NIST Handbook 133 specifies that the average net quantity of contents in a lot must at least equal the net quantity declared on the label. Plus or minus deviation is permitted when caused by unavoidable variation in weighing and measuring that occur in good manufacturing practice. The maximum allowable variance for a package with a net weight declaration of 5 oz is 5/16 oz. Packages under-filled by more than this amount are considered non-compliant.

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I googled Pyhäsalmi Mine gravitricity "2 MW" and EVERY article covering this has also cited 2 MW.

Now, under Occam's Razor, what's more likely:

  1. Absolutely none of the article writers have any clue what the difference between a MW and a MWh is because none of them remember any physics
  2. Some of them could suspect that it's wrong, but an authoritative source of the claim wrote/said 2 MW capacity when they meant "2 MW peak generation" or "2 MWh storage" (I'd presume Gravitricity, but I'm struggling to find such a source, myself)
  3. One writer miswrote/misquoted as per 2, and everyone is mindlessly recycling that original article's contents with no attribution or care.

I don't know which one it is. But I'd generally lean against 1.

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Unfortunately if you let Junior play in legacy code once, it'll learn some nasty habits and make more of it from scratch, usually when you're trying to sleep.

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OP, this title is stupidly misleading and incorrect, you should change it immediately.

The Taliban seized the DOMAIN, aka the ownership of the name that people could type into their browsers, and their system would resolve into an IP address.

As the Taliban control Afghanistan, (see where the domain comes from), this was inevitable and the instance owners were already planning to retire the instance as they didn't want to give money to the Taliban to keep it up.

The INSTANCE, aka the physical server, was not in Afghanistan, and still has its IP address(es), and so has had absolutely nothing happen to it.

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I very rarely care for what most 62 year olds have to say about the capabilities about the theoretical limits of computation.

This isn't much different.

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All but confirms

So not confirmed

M8, this ain't Stack Overflow...

Yeah the headline is stupid bait.

They already built it. They're trying to contribute the change upstream.

Which is technically "requesting higher core support", but is a very obnoxious way to phrase it.

An API token is more secure than a password by virtue of it not needing to be typed in by a human. Phishing, writing down passwords, and the fact that API tokens can have restricted scopes all make them more secure.

Expiration on its own doesn't make it more secure, but it can if it's in the context of loading the token onto a system that you might lose track of/not have access to in the future.

Individual API tokens can also be revoked without revoking all of them, unlike a password where changing it means you have to re-login everywhere.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Lmk if you have questions, though.

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I fucking hate the whiny answer of "but my/most existing headphones had an aux so I don't like USB-C."

The biggest factor for me is that it simply makes it impossible to charge your phone and use wired headphones at the same time without a special splitter adaptor... Which itself is impossible to roll up with your headphones.

It's designed to be such an inconvenience to the point that you're actually just incentivized to buy wireless headphones. And since it was Apple, that of course meant their very expensive Airpods.

That said, I happily use wireless Bose headphones now anyway, but I did have to ditch my audio technicas for that reason.

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Great answer, and to add to this:

There's a world of difference between someone who's single, not satisfied with it, and actively desiring/seeking a relationship (single and looking) and someone who actively self-identifies as inherently doomed to be single due to the actions/perceptions of others (incel).

People in the former category NEVER call themselves incels.

He ALREADY testified: he was found dead AFTER.

Barnett's body was found in a vehicle in a Holiday Inn parking lot in Charleston on Saturday, police said. One day earlier, he testified in a deposition about the string of problems he says he identified at Boeing's plant where he once helped inspect the 787 Dreamliner aircraft before delivery to customers.

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Maybe they do, maybe they don't. I think it's a bit distasteful to armchair diagnose someone you don't know, though

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Considering that he doesn't have functioning arms... Probably.

I kinda want to set this up now, ngl

Joke's on you, the stuff that my college tried to teach me was obsolete a decade before I was even born thanks to tenured professors who never updated their curriculum. Thank fuck I live in the Internet age.

I play Heroes of the Storm through Lutris.
I have a superultrawide 32:9 monitor.
In X11, I can get HotS to scale past its normal limits just like I could in windows and take up a full 5120x1440 resolution.
In Wayland, I can't.
I will die on this hill.

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I do think it sped up the demise of Flash on the web considerably.

That's unironically an innovation right there

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If you looked at the original github link, you'll see that it has libadwaita (and naturally, gtk4) as a dependency.

This isn't fragmenting anything, and adwaita already has good documentation. This is just another binding for another language, not a whole new implementation.

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go fmt has been a thing for almost 11 years

@sneezy Yeah this is entirely reliant on the idea that you're only streaming from torrents that have enough seeders that you won't kill the network.

Classic tragedy of the commons, and definitely a shitty thing to do.

I think said lonely people would rather chat with a boring therapist than with assholes on the internet who don't even make the slightest attempt to empathize

Damn, Steamboat Willie going into public domain really has Disney tightening the purse strings /s

Ernest has some big life stuff going on right now (you can check out his posts if you really need to know), and hasn't been able to review/merge in PRs for kbin lately. Furthermore, doesn't even have the latest changes that are merged in, so the community fork mbin was made by @melroy, one of the most prolific contributors to kbin.

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Hey, I maintain a highly popular (if niche) FOSS library. Where the fuck is my big tech paycheck where they bribe me into integrating with their product?

/s Silly take IMO, relies on cherry-picking popular FOSS projects where you can see "the influence" of big tech, AND then No True Scotsman your way into saying that they're not allowed to participate in the development/influence of FOSS because... checks notes they're the ones funding the project/putting money in front of otherwise unpaid volunteers?

If you end up coming up with a better scheme for things that has the actual practical effect of compensating devs appropriately (yes, that means at current market rates or better) for their work, then please let us know so we can switch to doing that immediately. I will literally do anything you suggest if it would achieve that end.

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I unironically believe this is the best form of malicious compliance I've seen out of this new wave of protests. Total kudos to them.

It can also be used to make methamphetamine.

That's only for a single service, not really what OP seems to be asking for

If you ever find one that can be rolled up compactly and is a single wire, I'll buy one for each of my friends.

Jesus fuck thank you, it's so hard seeing a bunch of doomer shit in threads like this

Yep, the other workaround that's elsewhere in this thread is to set up an entry with a different authoritative DNS in the hosts file, allowing a single machine to resolve the old domain manually.

This could be part of a greater effort, basically asking other instances to help the users evacuate the instance and transfer their accounts, before running tootctl self-destruct

Right? Like fuck Google and all, but can you imagine how many absurdities would have to have happened in order for it to be blocked?

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You're thinking of BD-R: BD-RE can be rewritten/erased hundreds of times

Texas is politically and socially against LGBT rights. Maybe not as bad as Mexico, but you are likely to get hatecrimed in Texas if you are nonbinary.

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Other people have already commented on how federated social media often requires certain data just for implementations to work and make sense, and there's not much more to add to that.

If you want private, end-to-end-encrypted, decentralized communication, the best modern solution to that is #matrix.

As a Bay area native, I've never encountered worse drivers than the entire state of Maryland.

@chandz05 I'd totally add in Organizr to create a single page solution to access all of your various services. Beats bookmarks any day of the week

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