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Joined 1 years ago

It feels even dirtier because OP bought a physical copy, that feels so much more like Adobe broke it at night and stole it.

Don't give up too easily friend. I've been slowly moving some of my hone systems away from Window's, and much like you, I've spent close to 20 years as a Windows admin. I have the advantage of using Linux on my always ancient laptops over the years and it is my personal opinion that Debian is the way to go.

Give LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) a go, it is very familiar to navigate coming from Windows and isn't going to have constant updates breaking stuff (looking at you Arch).

First thing after installing run apt-get update, then add the Nvidia drivers (add the source to your sources and install, if you need help, post back and we've got you!) and reboot.

A lot of companies are implementing better VPN tech (like SD-WAN, Nebula by Slack, etc), or at the least Microsoft Intune to ensure your corporate laptop is reachable anytime it's connected to the internet.

Or, you set your steam account up as a company. Still a "person" for legal purposes, but can be handed down.

Totally just joking, but maybe..

When my paid service started giving me ads I stopped watching it. I've been paying them since before streaming and in the past couple years stopped paying because T-Mobile started paying. When T-Mobile quits paying we'll close the account.

Totally agree, buses suck! More to the other one, I haven't had a real cigarette since 31 July; it had been 28 years of smoking with a few short breaks scattered in.

It is insane the tastes I've tasted recently, as a die hard Dr Pepper fan I don't know if I'll be able to keep drinking it, it's just too sweet now. Quitting smoking might lead to a healthier lifestyle all around.

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You're taking the piss right? Those seem like perfectly reasonable responses.

What video card is required to use it? None, it can be used standalone.

What video card to use it streaming from your PC, at least a 580 sounds okay for some games. You seem to be expecting it to lie, and then inferring truthful information as a lie because the information you held back (which game you want) is the reason for the heavier video card requirement.

I was under the impression the reason she couldn't leave was because she was pregnant. I'll reread the article, but I didn't notice it being because she was entitled to half the property they acquired as a couple.

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The argument could be made (and probably will be) that they promote those activities by allowing their algorithms to promote that content. Its's a dangerous precedent to set, but not unlikely given the recent rulings.

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Life in general. I was nearly 40 when I realized three important things; I have the word 'senior' in my job title, other people look to me for direction, no one steering this ship really knew to begin with.

Much like how one day you will pick up your kid for the last time and not realize it, eventually you look around and notice you and your peers are in charge (for better or worse).

Old Nintendo security screws were easily overcome by melting the end of a pen tube (the clear plastic Bic's were always my preference), and jamming it in there holding it still while it cooled. Could work in this case.

Not really sure about that one, I've been able to transfer money with my banks app for more than a decade. Not all US banks are created equal.

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Just wanted to say thanks for some awesome software! I want to say I use it for centralizing my bookmarks across devices, but if I'm being honest it's main use has been bookmarking Microsoft Learn articles. It's insanely useful being able to save an article, add tags, then when MS changes their docs, I can prove to myself that it really was different last week.

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While I agree in spirit, any law surrounding it would need to be very clearly worded, with certain exceptions carved out. Which I'm sure wouldn't happen.

I could easily see people thinking something was of them, when in reality it was of someone else.

I used to unlock my desktop with my face a long time ago (20 years or so)... No clue when it came to mobile devices, I could totally see Apple bringing that to mobile first.

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I wholeheartedly agree, I thought it was cool until I realized the security concerns. FDE and pass phrases only please. If only someone could convince more companies to allow proper TOTP instead of wanting you to use their proprietary authenticator.

Just glancing at the two articles that were posted, they seem a bit different from each other, OPs definitely has a clickbaity title, but it does mention multiple settlements. Is that a city? Not by today's standards, nor the standards of any other well recorded period of history... times change though. The town I live in has a population of roughly 250k or so but is not much of a city at all, village would be more appropriate for what is available in my mind. We have food and junk shops, but no real services... Its a bit of a shithole town though.

Thank you both for having enough discourse in the comments to make me engaged enough to learn about some ancient shit! Thanks!

I switched to Graphene in December and I can't say it enough, GrapheneOS is everything I wanted Android to be for the past 15 years.

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Personal opinion, but it should show a single state and if it is active.

I mean you were pretty damn correct in your statement. Fedora is not officially supported, neither is Debian, a couple popular derivatives are though. My guess is Canonical and IBM were willing to add stuff to make AMD feel confident enough to list them as "Officially" supported.

Personally I'm not a fan of RHEL or Ubuntu but absolutely love Debian. Part of me feels like I would like RHEL if I used it enough, but I use Window's daily at work and still don't like it...

I host way more than I probably should, but everyone should have some stuff like immich, vaultwarden, and nextcloud. I also like to host gitea and 30+ other things (check out, it isn't something everyone needs but why wouldn't you want to be able to boot off the network), but that's just what some people do as a hobby I guess lol.

Where I live we usually put a batter in the waffle iron, doughs usually get shaped and put on a pan (or put into a loaf pan to make bread shaped bread). All that being said, I'm in the southern US, we aren't known for making sense most the time.

Well, I guess that gives people an excuse to start pointing lasers at them (gotta accurately measure distance somehow). Also might be fun when those that are hard of hearing start trying to keep 25' back and can't hear the officer trying to ask them to stop.

Join us. We have cookies (well at least until the end of our sessions)!

I know everyone has their own opinions of them but I'm a fan for what they are. Right now I have 3 of them that I've gathered over the years (one with ESXi hosting my firewall, one with TrueNas for backups, and one with ProxMox for a few LXCs).

Overall, they are great little boxes, I had three of them in my living room for years when I was renting and they were pretty much completely silent after boot. The dual core celeron that comes with it works, but can be upgraded to a Xeon e3-1265l v2 (quad core + HT) for $25-50. RAM I think maxes at 16GB, but if you want a box to run a dozen light services or so, its not a bad box (insanely quiet and pretty power efficient).

My goal is to move to nice IP cams one day but for now I have analog cameras and a DVR in the closet hooked to a cheap monitor that's paid for.

Try the app IPCamViewer by Robert Chou (here is a link to the lite version, I think there is an iOS one as well It can view damn near any brand DVR, that at least let me view stuff remotely.

If you want to up it another level, if your old school DVR supports RTSP, you can probably feed that into something like Frigate for real time alerts and object detection.

I haven't had to do anything special for signal, Home Assistant has some issues with permissions and not always reporting back if its on in the background. Still trying to figure out why its fine on mine but not on my son's phone.

The fine tuned controls for things like network access, storage and contact scopes, etc. are just amazing.

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They also have electric ones. They use a UV bulb and some titanium compound that releases CO2 when hit by UV, pretty neat and work decently once you interrupt the breeding cycle. Dynatrap is the popular brand I think.

I mean that is an option. Much like banning nuclear weapons, it's easier said than done.

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I've had direct deposit for every job since around 2004, before that it was a paper check on payday. Really I signed up for direct deposit after my manager gave me a hard time when I came in to pick up my check on a day I called out sick.

Mine is definitely a hobby... possibly a borderline addiction. I am an IT person by day and then selfhost a bit at home. Most of my equipment is good old eBay specials (R720xd, R610), or just accumulated over the years (a few HP Microservers, RAID enclosures, etc).

The uptime is decent but my ISP isn't great, plus one of the servers has been having issues so until I find a few hours to focus on it, it is not something I would consider "acting like a paid IT".

Not to make myself sound like a bad IT person, but my homelab is held together with hope and scripts to recover when it goes down. One day I'll cluster some lower power proxmox systems with portainer and ensure everything important has a way to fail over and backed up offsite (no, I'll probably just take a nap if I get a free afternoon lol).

Sometimes people in these communities don't realize how they come off, tone is hard over text, and I'm just as bad in person (thankfully I work remote most days).

Look into noscript (Firefox extension), seems to work well for my local papers website (they use some js to hide the page after it loads, noscript blocks scripts from running).

I'd like to see how a dry heat compares because I've always heard it was better. This past week where I'm at in the states has been terrible, triple digit heat (I think it was 102 on Wednesday) with super high humidity and ridiculous UV levels; the air is thick and like a blanket wrapped around your head the moment you walk outside. Nights have been upper 70's-low 80's, I know it could be worse (thank god for a pool and AC), but this is way hotter than when I grew up.

Cats can be taught how to do stuff, and if there is the right bond, they'll do the action when you ask. I say that because I've known a lot of people with cats that could do "tricks" (e.g. a friend had a cat that would go fetch his backscratcher after work because the cat LOVED that scratcher and knew it meant something positive to the cat.).

By contrast I know a few people with crazy cats and its almost like you (as an outside observer) can see the tension and dislike for each other radiating from both the cat and person. Most of the people with crazy cats only really seem to feed them and clean up after them. The people with awesome cats always seem to do more with them (playing, cuddling, etc), they just seem to have a better relationship with each other.

Sounds good, but it essentially means you would then have to buy and maintain the method of power generation and delivery back to a company to sell it to someone else. I totally get remaining grid connected is important, but those grid connected systems are supplying a whole lot of power back to the grid. Perhaps if you generate more than you use, the power company should pay you to maintain your generators and infrastructure.

Transparent pricing and not itemized billing could help a lot (and allow for better application of fees based on use case).

Oh man, that would suck. I do not ever use an external USB port for that exact reason! Aside from a few desktops and laptops around the house all my equipment has an internal USB port for the purpose of a boot drive (I always assumed that was the reason).

All production stuff needs backups. Personally I try to keep boot device backups saved to another device as an image so if one goes down, I can clone it to a USB real quick and restore the blink to the lights; ideally I should also keep them off site, but I don't like to use cloud providers (tin foil hat and all).

I was always under the impression social security was established to get old people out of the labor pool so that the younger generation could actually find a job. That the social security tax we pay, pretty much just goes to an account used to pay the current pensioner's (and gets borrowed against constantly for other shit programs).

As an IT person I could still be doing my job into my 80's, with social security, I'm more tempted to step down and let someone with less experience take over. Remove social security and that will make it a lot harder for young (i.e. folks in their 20's/30's) people to find a decent job.

Late to the party and after reading through some of these setups I may have to expand mine soon (it never ends does it?), here is what I have right now.

Unraid (Dell R720XD, dual Xeon E5-2670 v2, 64GB RAM, 12 x 6TB in 12 disk array with 2 parity disks, 800GB SSD cache pool)
























Proxmox (old Intel server S2600WT2, dual Xeon E5-2620 V2, 768GB RAM, 5 x 2TB disks):








-MCServer (gameserver)

-SDTDServer (gameserver)

-SFServer (gameserver)

There are some other things floating around in my homelab that aren't really 'selfhosted' things, just important to the home network:

3 HP Microserver Gen8's

-x1 with ESXi hosting pfSense

-x2 with TrueNas Scale for backups

R610 with ESXi for a few remote desktops and Home Assistant (which I'm sure I'll move to docker at some point).

I'd think the box one would have to be real if you pick it. Hard to take a nonexistent pill.

Cheap land in the desert, and if they always grow well... Could have your own grape themed garden of eden.