1 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

My name is "Robert'); DROP TABLES".

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I saw a sign at the local grocery store that said "Happy Hallow-Thank-Mas Season!" I was physically ill.

Maybe I'm an idiot but how would a base 60 system with "Cleaner fractions means fewer approximations and more accurate maths, and the researchers suggest we can learn from it today." make any difference when computers are powerful enough to generate solutions to answer with more accuracy than is ever needed in real world applications?

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Good for them! My union did massively right by me so far and as far as I am aware there have been zero downsides.

I had this exact stance until I won a pair of $200 running shoes in a raffle. My occasional backpains and joint problems disappeared almost immediately. I started buying the best footwear I could afford and my quality of life went measurable up after that decision.

The BIGGEST changes were going to a reputable podiatrist and getting shoe recommendations based off of my arch shape, weight and gait. They put me on a treadmill with highspead cameras at the sides and rear to record how my stride landed both walking and running. That and custom molded insoles.

Now Shoes are a part of our yearly budget to make sure we have good condition, supportive shoes at all times. Also re-soleing if applicable.

Side note: Dress shoes can die in a fire.

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I need an alarm clock that does this automatically.

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There is absolutely nothing good that can come from this.

That's kind of what I figured. I wish journalism didn't need to be so incredibly sensationalist. I understand that it's because the majority of the populace has the attention span of a gnat but it doesn't make me feel any less annoyed by it.

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OK, bro. This is a little too soon. 260 innocent people are dead in an entirely unprovoked attack. The time for jokes is not not possibly not ever.

I keep seeing people throw this idea out there but I have yet to have received a reasonable answer to a simple question: How would content creators get paid on a federated video platform?

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I want it... nay, I neeeeed it.

Yes, but... Counter point:

They are so god damn good looking.

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wait, are you guys not exfoliating your skin before each session? You ask ate really missing out.

Great ingenuity but if falling into the inventor trap of "I've figured out one part of the equation and am neglecting the rest of it"

The inventor says "Some additional off-the-shelf systems – brake and steering boosters, as well as e-heating and air conditioning – would also be added under the hood." While also stating all the original components are remaining untouched.

Does he have any idea how cramped the majority of modern engine bays are? I used to work on saburbans, bucks, chevys, and ford's where you could literally stand in the engine bays. Modern cars though? Good luck having enough space to even get your tool let alone your hand where it needs to go.

Also "Off the shelf" systems?

Heaters are a nightmare. Resistive heaters, while being the most common, cheapest and easiest to access, use obscene amounts of energy and would put a huge drain on the tiny batteries he is proposing being used. PTC heaters are a possibility but Heat pumps would be ideal. Heat pumps take up space and are best designed into a car from scratch.

E-brake boosters are definitely a thing but are not a one size fits all and ABSOLUTELY require the removal of the existing system.

Finally the AC... The best electric units I've seen are retrofit kits for classic cars. Once again those require significant removal of existing infrastructure in order to be installed. More of an issue though.... they cost 2-4 thousand dollars! That's certainly going to eat into the project 4-5 thousand dollar estimated installation cost.

Side note: These are effectively motorized wheel spacers and I have seen a ridiculous amount of damage to vehicles from wheel spacers that are just simple chunks of metal.

Innovation is always encouraged of course and hopefully his work leads to something applicable. As it stands right now it's a bit of a pipe dream.

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A fantastic record of recommendation, wish I had found that sooner.

Music. I can play close to a dozen instruments with enough skill that I could sit in as a stand in player for a large variety of genres. I do everything in my power to avoid letting people around me know.

I make music as a way to meditate and relax. I can throw down a synthesizer drone and spend an hour+ noodling on the piano, guitar, cello etc without doing any recording or writing down stuff. I've got probably 100 or so short 4-12 bar ideas saved on my computer. I probably will never do anything with them but I like going back and rediscovering where I was musically/emotionally.

The dubstep phase was, in a word, terrible.

I'll believe it when I see it. Still won't buy one... but I'll believe it.

I love when people like the guy you responded to show up, it's so easy to block them on Lemmy.

It bothers me that the chosen position for the tests in the research paper is the T-pose. That would be like testing the aerodynamics of two cars with different bumpers while also having all the doors wide open. Just doesn't make sense.

Give me a neutral posture, a mid walk stride, and lastly the superman flight pose, least realistic but most in need of answering in my opinion. Side note: I want a research paper breakdown of the different superman poses to determine which is best.

If you wanted to have the aerodynamics tested with wind hitting the body from the front like the original test then the legs should also be spread (stop what you're thinking pervert) in the fashion of a skydivers neutral position.

Genuinely looking for new headphones?

Wired or wireless?

I kind of love headphones.

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In a country described as "Historically prone to earthquakes" I wonder what kind of earthquake resistant architecture is present. You have to wonder if the level of wealth available to the general population has something to do with that.

Fort Collins, Colorado for me

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I do this around my in-laws. They hate it.

The original was awesome, can't wait to give this one a try.

We need an IRL Easter eggs for stuff like this.

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Youtube is effectively the only form of streaming my wife and I use. We have access to others through family members accounts but probably 19 times out of 20 we go straight for YouTube.

Name another streaming service where I can watch a 171 video saga spanning six years covering every single nut, bolt, plank, and brass fitting of a historic sailing ship restoration.

I have lost count but I think we are up to something like 130 subscriptions.

I have a bit over 60 YouTubers I'm subscribed to on YouTube. Am I supposed to pay $60+ every month to have access to them? The cheapest patreon I've ever seen was for $1 and that wasn't even for full access just a "buy me coffee, thanks" tier.

What about discoverability, how am I supposed to randomly stumble across niche content creators that don't have a huge following?

Not saying it isn't possible I just can't seem to wrap my head around how it would work.

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Huh, I was guessing flaming hot cheeto chicken.

Florida Man... Heelllll Yeah!!

I feel enlightened. When's your next talk!

Oh no... The last thing my wallet needs is another steam sale.

Kinda looks cool though.

There are currently 34 different computer monitors in the 40-45" range. Prices vary from $316 to $2000. B&H had 20 results. They even have short throw protectors for less than $200 if you want to go that route. Amazon had multiple if you are willing to wade through their cesspool of a search engine.

The world is your oyster, don't let perceived problems stand in your way.

I'm always curious about these crashes and bugs people are talking about.

I'm on my fourth complete playthrough with just short of 700 hours played and have not had any crashes that weren't my own fault. I used the unlimited carry weight mod on a playthrough. Turns out if you select the throw option when you have 1000 items in your inventory the game doesn't like that.

Other than that my experience has had no gameplay issues or bugs. The only complaint I've had is some characters don't have any dialogue referencing things that occurred in the game that they absolutely SHOULD have something to say about. Sounds like this patch might just fix that issue.

Okay so this provides an interesting set of restraints as they are traveling headphones. I have yet to find what I consider the perfect traveling headphones but there are a couple I have found that come close.

The Sony WH-1000XM5 and the Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra's

Bose has some remarkable ANC, after all that is one of the things that really established their name in the market. My main two complaints with the Bose is the sound signature isn't always the best (IMO) and that the app can be finicky at best bordering on terribly annoying.

The Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra's are really amazing for the ANC and their sound is improved with their new processor but if you are on an apple device you will miss out on this feature. Only devices with a snap dragon 888 or newer can take advantage.

One of the caveats is that the microphone quality is not the best I had some complaints about call quality when using the Bose.

One pro is that they collapse into a smaller form factor with a slightly better carrying case.

For the Sony XM5 I really preferred the sound signature and styling is just Chefs Kiss. They fold flat enough which makes packing them easy enough even if they aren't as small as the Bose. I also prefer that the XM5 has a 3.5mm audio jack instead of a 2.5mm on the Bose. It feels more likely to last longer. Also because they are slightly older you can probably find a better deal.

The Sony does a remarkably good job at rejecting background noise when making phone calls and has a much wider band of frequencies captured. The Bose sounds very tiny and scratchy.

The Sony also has a longer battery life which is nice.

I know you said that outrageous good noise cancelling is key but if you are willing to compromise a little on the ANC quality the Focal Bathys have far superior sound.

The frequency curve on the mids to low end is practically flat, it does fall off the tiniest bit on the upper mids and lower highs but for me this means you get a really accurate sound reproduction that isn't tiring and can be listened to all day long. The soundstage is really wide especially given that they are closed back.

The looks are a bit odd and they are a bit on the larger side. They still fold flat and they have a superior amount of cushion and I think the build quality is better.

Oh if you are a bass head that just wants super punchy powerful bass go for the Sony's over the Focals. The Focals are more accurate but less present.

Lastly is my currently traveling setup. Its... non-traditional. I am using a pair of Samsung Galaxy Pro 2 buds which really fit my ear well and already have some pretty remarkable ANC. Not nearly Headphone level but still very good. Here is the non-traditional part: if I REALLY need to block out outside noise IE on a construction site or in the shop I wear the buds underneath a pair of passive cancelling earmuffs. Specifically the Peltor X5 Earmuffs.

It's not stylish but the Earmuffs + Buds + Comply Foam tips feels like you are in a void. Barely have to touch the volume to hear your music as clear as day.

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I can't even begin to count how many times I have come acrossa slew of 5 star reviews for something COMPLETELY unrelated to the listed item at the very top of search results. Product: Wood Headphone Stand. Review: This kitchen whisk is so amazing, it saved my marriage, 23 out of 5 stars.

OH and don't forget the reviewer that when you access their profile you see that they have posted 76 reviews in a single day and every single one of them is 5 stars with the title "Great 'X'! " where x is the product title.

Don't get me wrong, I used Amazon back when it only sold books and I've been using Prime since it came out non-stop but the quality of the items, the search results, and the trust I have in the platform has gone waaaaaaaaaay down.

That's actually pretty interesting. I started with minimalist footwear once I was old enough to start making shoe decisions myself and apparently that was partially causing some of the problems I was experiencing.

Five Fingers were my go to's (once they came out) for most days and Vivobarefoot's / Nike Free's for when the social side of five fingers was in questionable taste.

It's always fascinating to me how wildly different solutions are the exact remedy needed for different individuals. It's why I always get a little irritated when you read someone saying "Use this thing AND THIS THING ONLY! everything else is junk and dumb and you will be a worse person for using it." such a close minded approach to the world.

I've been out of the minimal shoe worlds for a bit minute, anything cool to come about recently?

You almost hit the nail on the head. Disney is not to blame in this situation at all. One of their designers went to shutterstock (totally normal) to buy and use some art (again, normal, industry standard), shutterstock sold the art that had been uploaded by an independent artist (that's how this all works).

HOWEVER, the artist used AI to create his image and neglected to add the "Created using AI" tag to his art which is required by the terms and conditions of shutterstock.

In this instance both Shutterstock and Disney got taken for a ride and are getting the negative press because of an individuals decision.

You could technically blame shutterstock a little bit for not vetting what they host but as far as I am aware there are no reliable tools for determining if an image is AI with 100% certainty.

Two slipped discs. Not happening.

Two I surprisingly haven't seen yet:

"I haven't given a shit about anything in a while"


"I'll just cancel the free trial"

I love that he brought Wilson with him.